The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1466

"Finally defeated!" Jian Yu said, not for any reason, a little lonely.

"Of course he will be defeated. He was a top player 30 years ago, and he will also be a top player 30 years later. No one can provoke him." Feng said, "He is too young and energetic. It\'s all his."

"That\'s right, you were young and frivolous, and you ended up on a strange road." Lei shook his head, feeling a little regretful for some reason, perhaps in his opinion, Ye Tian is indeed the proud son of heaven, such a powerful proud son of heaven The fall will eventually cause everyone to secretly feel sad.

"Xiaotian! Xiaotian!"

Xia Xiaomei was tied to the stone pillar, her eyes were full of grief, if it wasn\'t for him, Ye Tian would never have come here, let alone confront the Dragon King, all of this was caused by him.

"Xiao Tian!"

Among the crowd not far away, a heart-piercing voice sounded, Su Qingya ran towards the surging river, her eyes were full of tenderness, Zhou Yuting followed, her eyes were also full of tears.

Su Qingya wanted to jump into the river, but was stopped by the elders of Fenglei Pavilion, her eyes were full of helplessness, today\'s battle was inevitable, before they had a sliver of hope, but now there is nothing they can do, the Dragon King\'s strength is indeed not Tolerate provocation.

"Hello, Chief Guan, take your wife and leave." The white-faced scholar said, "Leave Tianzhou, and don\'t come back again!"

"The Dragon King\'s methods are all-powerful, even if he goes to the ends of the earth, I\'m afraid it won\'t help." Guan Changtian said: "But I always feel that the pavilion master will not be defeated so easily! Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope!"

"That\'s right, I think so too!" Yun Zhonglong nodded solemnly, "I don\'t believe that the Pavilion Master will lose, absolutely!"

Su Qingya was too excited, but she was knocked out by the palm of the white-faced scholar. The entire Tianzhou Ferry was filled with thunder and lightning. At this juncture, the white-faced scholar naturally didn\'t want to make any mistakes.

"I\'ve given you so many opportunities, but it\'s a pity that you don\'t take good care of them." The Dragon King sighed, "I really failed my kindness."

Looking at the waters full of lightning, the Dragon King shook his head, with helplessness in his eyes, but also a little lost. In the past 30 years, he has never met an opponent, and he was quite happy to fight Ye Tian.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t accept your kindness, but I will never let you down."

The huge voice kept coming out, and everyone was startled. They looked towards Tianzhou Ferry. The voice was so familiar that they could hear it naturally.

"Master Ye, it\'s Master Ye\'s voice!" Chu Lan\'er exclaimed, "It\'s Master Ye\'s voice, and nothing happened to Master Ye!"

"That\'s right!" Old Master Chu nodded slightly: "Master Ye is indeed alive and has not been injured, otherwise it would be impossible for him to have such strong strength."

The four dragon guards were startled, and they also looked in the direction of the Tianzhou Ferry, not knowing what happened. Ye Tianming was wrapped in a sea of ​​thunder and basically couldn\'t survive, but the voice just now was indeed Ye Tian\'s.

"How can this be?"

The Dragon King stands above the water and looks towards Lei Hai. According to normal circumstances, Ye Tian can\'t live, and there is only one way to die, but the current situation makes him confused.