The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1447

"I really didn\'t expect that you would think so." Ye Tian said in surprise: "Xia Xiaomei is not only my classmate, but also the general manager of Wanyaotang. For my safety, you didn\'t care about him and even made such a move." common means."

"Xiaotian, I know you will call me mean, and I know you will complain about me, but no matter what, I will not allow you to go to Jiangnan." Su Qingya said: "As long as you come to Hainan, the Dragon King will not be with you." Duel, so I can feel at ease."

"If you really think so, you are very wrong." Ye Tian waved his hand: "The Dragon King will not let me go, the only choice is to defeat him!"

"No, you are not his opponent." Su Qingya shook her head for a while: "I will never allow you to return to Jiangnan."

"You can\'t stop me!" Ye Tian said angrily, "I must go back to Jiangnan, and I have no choice!"

"Little Tian!" Su Qingya pulled Ye Tian back, but Ye Tian avoided it.

"I said before, you can\'t stop me, and I will never let Xia Xiaomei do anything." Ye Tian said indifferently: "You stay in Hainan first, and I will come to you after finishing the matter!"

"No!" Su Qingya yelled fiercely: "You can\'t have an accident, the child can\'t live without a father!"

"What did you say?" Ye Tian suddenly turned around and looked towards Su Qingya, even a little stunned.

"I\'m already two months pregnant!" Su Qingya said bluntly, "You can\'t go to Jiangnan even if it\'s for our child!"

"You are already two months pregnant?" Ye Tian walked over with excitement in his eyes: "Why didn\'t you tell me earlier?"

"As soon as my condition improved, I learned that the Dragon King came to the south of the Yangtze River. How could I have time to tell you?" Su Qingya said aloud, "The reason why I let you come here is because I don\'t want you to be in any danger. I hope the child will not have a father in the future!"

"Qing Ya!"

Ye Tian held Su Qingya in his arms: "I blamed you just now, and I apologize to you here."

"I don\'t need your apology, I just need you to promise me not to go to Jiangnan!" Su Qingya said again: "Nowadays there are many martial arts masters in Jiangnan, if you go there, it will definitely be bloody!"

"No, if I don\'t go, I\'m afraid it will be the real bloodbath." Ye Tian said aloud: "If the Dragon King can\'t see me, he may not start killing me. At that time, the entire Fenglei Pavilion will be destroyed. , I will never allow this to happen.”

"Don\'t you even care about your own children for your power?" Su Qingya said bluntly, "This is your own flesh and blood."

"Of course I will take care of it, but as the head of a cabinet, I also have other obligations." Ye Tian looked solemnly: "Believe me, I will return safely, and nothing will happen."

Su Qingya stood aside, her eyes were even more helpless, she wanted to stop Ye Tian, ​​but it was a pity that Ye Tian would not listen to him, even though she was pregnant.

"Xiaotian, since you have made up your mind, I can\'t say anything more, but you must remember, don\'t be brave, and if you encounter danger, you must be extremely careful." Su Qingya said aloud.

Ye Tian nodded, stepped forward and kissed Su Qingya\'s forehead, and left Hainan in a blink of an eye, rushing towards Jiangnan.

And in the south of the Yangtze River, waves of waves kept ringing.

"Have you heard? The Dragon King has officially issued a challenge, waiting for Master Ye at Tianzhou Ferry!"