The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1439

The four elders closed their eyes, and they heard everything Ye Tian said, but now they couldn\'t speak because they were concentrating their inner strength, but they were quite grateful in their hearts.

After pulling out the silver needle, Ye Tiancai walked out of the pavilion, seeing Ye Tian\'s figure, the white-faced scholar was also delighted: "Pavilion Master, you can be regarded as coming out, how are the elders now?"

"If my guess is right, there will be many things in Fenglei Pavilion to become a master of the king realm." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "In the entire country, I am afraid that there are not many forces that can match Fenglei Pavilion."

"A master of the king realm?" Bai Mianshu was overjoyed: "If this is the case, that would be great. The king realm that the four elders have broken through may not necessarily become the mainstay of Fenglei Pavilion. At that time, Fenglei Pavilion will not have to be afraid of others Any force, let alone the alliance of other forces."

"That\'s right!" Ye Tian nodded: "The Dragon King has four dragon guards, and I still have four elders. Even if they are equal in strength, he may not be my opponent."

"Actually, if we can not fight, it may be the best ending." The white-faced scholar said: "It\'s not that I don\'t believe in Master Ye, but the Dragon King is too evil, which is not what Master Ye thought. If you really want to defeat him, There are bound to be huge risks.”

"Since I have already accepted the challenge, I will naturally not back down!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "What\'s more, my family members are all in the south of the Yangtze River. If I don\'t fight, where can they escape? With the means of the Dragon King, it is easy to find them , so I have to fight, and only win but not lose."

Elder Bai stood aside and smiled wryly, but he didn\'t have much to say. What Ye Tian said was true, but in his heart, it was inevitable that he felt a little melancholy.

And in the past few days, the entire Tianzhou is full of warriors. If you go to the streets, you can see people flying and walking over walls, and you can even see people floating on water with light skills. It seems rather mysterious.

The ordinary people in Tianzhou were amazed for a while, and they didn\'t know what happened recently. Tianzhou seemed to have changed the sky.

"Yuting, have you heard?"

In a restaurant, Zhou Lanlan looked at Zhou Yuting: "Master Ye is in trouble this time!"

"How do you know?" Zhou Yuting was slightly surprised: "It seems that your news is quite extensive, and you can even find out about this."

"Where is the need to inquire, as long as those who follow Master Ye know that in a few days, Master Ye will confront a powerful being at Tianzhou Ferry!" Zhou Lanlan said: "This may even be worse than Master Ye." be strong"

"That\'s right!" Zhou Yuting nodded: "Your news is quite fast, brother-in-law has already said that he even wants us to leave Tianzhou."

"Leaving Tianzhou?" Zhou Lanlan was shocked: "Could it be that Master Yeye is really not sure?"

"This time the opponent is quite strong, and my brother-in-law must have not been completely sure, so he sent us away." Zhou Yuting said bluntly, frowning at the same time: "But we are all a family, how could we leave! If If something really happens to my brother-in-law, I will never live."

Zhou Lanlan was stunned. She didn\'t know what to say, but she was very worried. Ye Tian was his idol, the strongest person he knew in life, and the one he admired the most. He didn\'t want Ye Tian to suffer any harm. He didn\'t even want Ye Tian to be frustrated, maybe Ye Tian didn\'t remember him at all, but he didn\'t care.