The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1431

Yun Zhonglong nodded helplessly. When things got to this point, they could only take one step at a time. If Ye Tianzhen lost, they would definitely make a strong move.

And in the center of Tianzhou Ferry, Ye Tian stepped on the water with his toes, his eyes were quite flat, and he controlled the powerful barrier, like a copper wall and an iron wall, it was impossible to penetrate through it.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Lei stepped back a few steps, with surprise in his eyes: "How far has his strength reached? It\'s just a water column condensed by raising his hand, and he has such momentum!"

"No wonder he is famous in the south of the Yangtze River, no wonder he dares to challenge the Dragon King, no wonder he is so famous!" Jian Yu also exclaimed from the side, he had already made a move, but what he didn\'t expect was that Ye Tian\'s means were not his at all. Can resist.

"As I said before, you are not worth mentioning in my eyes." Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "If I want to deal with you, it\'s just a wave of my hand."

The four dragon guards looked at each other, and their faces were always cloudy. Ye Tian said so proudly, which made them extremely unhappy, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that even if the four of them joined forces, they might not be able to hurt Ye Tian.

"Master Jiangnan Ye, it\'s really not the same response. Today\'s battle, I learned it." Feng cupped his fists at Ye Tian: "I\'m afraid there are only such people who can be so calm in the face of us. I really didn\'t expect it. Master Ye is so young, but he has already reached the place of being unpredictable."

"Congratulations!" Ye Tian smiled faintly: "After all, you are members of the Dragon King. Wouldn\'t it be nice to praise me so highly?"

"Don\'t be complacent. Although we are not your opponents, we can\'t hurt you, but the Dragon King may not!" Jian Yu said coldly: "If the Dragon King makes a move, you will definitely surrender!"

After Jian Yu finished speaking, she stepped towards the bank of Tianzhou Ferry at an extremely fast speed. Several other people looked at each other and followed.

"Isn\'t it a little rude for you to do this?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "I\'m afraid it\'s not appropriate for someone to leave like this after being captured by you?"

As soon as Ye Tian\'s voice fell, a powerful wave surged, forming a column of water, which directly blocked the figures of the people. It seemed quite dreamy, and the people on the bank even shouted, these people are all the guards of the Dragon King , to be so embarrassed in front of Ye Tian, ​​this is Jiangnan\'s joy.

"Master Ye, stay on top of things, so we can meet each other in the future. If it\'s not difficult, you will regret it!" Jian Yu smiled lightly: "You should understand what I mean."

"I\'m really sorry, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about." Ye Tian smiled lightly: "But I do know that if you don\'t hand over people, you will never leave Tianzhou Ferry today and exchange your lives for his life , you make your choice!"

"Master Ye! You are quite confident! Although we are not your opponents, it is only a piece of cake to escape from this place!" Feng smiled lightly, and his figure turned into a gust of wind, breaking through the water barrier in a blink of an eye.

"You\'re too confident." Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "It\'s a bit too confident! It\'s not a good thing for anyone."

As a voice fell, a sharp sword transformed from river water pierced the wind instantly, with an unimaginable speed.

Jian Yu and the others were also startled, and waiting for them to speak to remind, Feng\'s figure was suddenly knocked into the air, and his body trembled even more.