The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1429

Ye Tian fought against the four dragon guards at Tianzhou Ferry Head, the momentum was so great that the whole river kept rolling, causing the people on the shore to keep cheering.

Although I don\'t know who did such a thing in Tianzhou Ferry, such a majestic momentum may be difficult for ordinary people to create!

"Master Ye, it must be Master Ye, Master Ye is back!"

Following this shout, everyone in Tianzhou looked into the ferry one after another, with fiery eyes in their eyes. If it was really Ye Tian, ​​everyone would be excited.

Last time at Tianzhou Ferry, Ye Tian was missing. Many people thought that Ye Tian was dead, and there was no more Master Ye in the south of the Yangtze River. They never thought that Ye Tian would appear at Tianzhou Ferry today.

At the same time, Elder Bai and others broke into the warehouse, but what they never expected was that Xia Xiaomei\'s figure was not seen in the warehouse, which made the faces of all the elders turn pale.

"How could this be? Could it be that there is a problem with the information?" The white-faced scholar\'s face changed slightly. He promised Ye Tian that he would keep Xia Xiaomei safe, but he was not in the warehouse at all.

"It seems that they have already made other preparations!" Guan Changtian frowned: "I\'m afraid this matter is not as simple as we thought!"

"We must inform the pavilion master of this matter as soon as possible!"

The white-faced scholar stepped out and stepped towards the Tianzhou Ferry. He did not expect that things would turn out like this. This seemed to be a plan that had been set long ago.

At Tianzhou Ferry, Ye Tian controlled the torrential river with his palm, and his eyes were full of innocence: "Don\'t say it\'s you today! Even if the Dragon King came here in person, I will definitely not take them seriously!"

"Master Ye\'s tone is not small. He just fought against you, and his strength is no more than that!" Lei sneered, "The four dragon guards have killed countless masters in the king realm. Today, Master Ye may also fall here!"

"Are you sure you have this strength!" Ye Tian squinted his eyes, the strength on his palms became stronger and stronger, and the entire Tianzhou Ferry River kept rolling, looking choppy.

"Pavilion Master, the situation has changed!"

The white-faced scholar\'s voice sounded, and he stepped on the water, his eyes were more serious: "Miss Xia is not in the warehouse, this is probably their trick!"

"Not in the warehouse?" Ye Tian frowned: "How could this be?"

"Master Ye, you don\'t really think we\'re so stupid, do you?" Jian Yu smiled faintly, "You knew that Master Ye would come to the ferry, so how could you find him so easily!"

"It seems that I underestimated you!" Ye Tian smiled faintly: "Why don\'t we make a deal, the lives of the four of you will be exchanged for Xia Xiaomei\'s life!"

"Master Ye is so domineering!" Dian sneered, "The Four Dragon Guards have never traded at a loss. It is true that the lives of the four of us are not comparable to him, but Master Ye is so determined that he can take our lives? "

"It\'s natural!"

Ye Tian stood upright in the majesty, with a flat look in his eyes: "If I want to take your life, it\'s just a snap of my fingers!"

"I really didn\'t expect that Master Ye is not only famous! His tone is even bigger!"

Jian Yu said coldly: "Since Master Ye is so confident, we naturally have to learn it!"

"That\'s right!" The other three also said out loud.

"Pavilion Master, let me help you!"

The white-faced scholar stepped forward with a powerful momentum, which seemed to be choppy.

"You just broke through to the King Realm, so it\'s not suitable to fight!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "Get back!"