The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1417

"Master Ye, it seems that you are going to Jiangnan as soon as possible." Old Master Chu said, "But this trip may be more or less auspicious."

"That\'s right!" Ye Tian nodded: "This matter is indeed not simple. The birth of the Dragon King will definitely set off a rain of blood. I\'m afraid there will be difficulties in the Fenglei Pavilion."

"Master Ye, my task is almost done, so I won\'t get involved." Li Shangxian said repeatedly: "After all, I have other things to do."

"Old Li, are you so frightened?" Ye Tian chuckled, "Are you too unconfident in me?"

"Master Ye, there are some things I don\'t know whether to say or not." Li Shangxian said with a smile: "What kind of existence is the Dragon King, who dominated the martial arts thirty years ago, and I am afraid that he will still be full of domineering 30 years later! We cannot deal with it."

"It\'s not that I want to make trouble for him, but that he wants to make trouble for me." Ye Tian shrugged: "Everyone have a good rest tonight, and I can go to Jiangdong City tomorrow, and then I will go to Jiangnan!"

"Master Ye, I would like to go with you!" Chu Lan\'er said, "Master Ye\'s kindness to the Chu family is as great as a mountain. Even if the Chu family is going through fire and water, they will definitely be willing."

"You are the only child of the Chu family, I don\'t think there is any need for it!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "This matter is no small matter. Long Leng\'s attack must be a thunderbolt. This time life and death are uncertain, how can I let Miss Chu take risks?" .”

"Master Ye is looking down on me by saying this." Chu Lan\'er said repeatedly: "Although I am not strong, I am not an ordinary person. At least I can help Master Ye with advice."

"Look at what you said!" Mr. Chu gave a blank look: "What\'s the use of you going to Jiangnan? You are useless in front of many experts. You are still an old man. I will go in person! There have been faint breakthroughs in the past few days If you can break through to the King Realm, you will definitely be able to help Master Ye."

"It doesn\'t have to be like this!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "I am enough!"

Everyone was slightly startled, and the owner of Xinghe Pavilion was even more surprised: "Master Ye, I know you are extraordinary in strength, and you are not an ordinary person, but do you know that the Dragon King existed thirty years ago, and no one dared to provoke it? I am afraid that it would be very inappropriate to take risks like this.”

"Several disciples of the Dragon King died tragically at my hands, and they will never let it go. Now that he has stepped out, he must act resolutely!" Ye Tian said bluntly: "If I don\'t return to Jiangnan as soon as possible, I\'m afraid even my family will be in danger."

The owner of Xinghe gym and others nodded, but they didn\'t dare to say anything more. This matter is not a trivial matter, and it is beyond their ability to speak. As the owner of the martial arts gym, it is extremely difficult to keep one side.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Tian and others left Baiyao Valley and walked outside. When they came to Wanhua Valley, they saw a woman holding a bundle.

"Master Ye?" Xiaoqing looked at Ye Tian: "It should be Master."

"I\'m afraid I\'ve disappointed you." Ye Tian chuckled, "I\'m afraid I can\'t be your master when the enemy comes to my house!"

"A teacher for a day, a father for life, I will keep these words in my heart." Xiaoqing said aloud: "Even if the master is facing the Dragon King, he is still my master."

Following these words, everyone was also slightly startled, they did not expect that Xiaoqing would be so serious.

And in the Tianzhou Wanyao Hall in the south of the Yangtze River, a group of uninvited guests suddenly came. A stunning woman was holding a dagger in her hand, followed by several men, who looked extraordinary.