The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1409

"Sir, is what you said true?" The owner of Baiyao Valley said repeatedly: "If you can really find the elixir, you will definitely be rewarded in the future."

"This is the duty I should have done, so why should I be rewarded?" Li Shangxian smiled faintly: "Someone wants to make us scapegoats, and I will naturally not let them succeed. East."

Yao Chen stood on the side, but fell down with a sudden plop, even his legs and feet were a little unsteady, what Li Shangxian said was true, his residence is on the east side, could it be that Li Shangxian really found the elixir, my hiding place? land.

"Yaochen, what\'s going on with you?" The owner of Baiyao Valley frowned, "Why do your legs and feet feel weak?"

"Master, I\'m guilty, I\'m guilty!" Yao Chen slapped himself repeatedly, with panic in his eyes.

Yao Haili stood aside, his face became gloomy and uncertain. He did not expect that Yao Chen would be so vulnerable, his inner defense line was so weak, and he had no defense against everyone\'s doubts.

"What\'s going on!" The owner of Baiyao Valley seemed to see something, and his face became gloomy: "Could it be that you took the Qiqiao Linglong Pill?"

"Master, this matter is taught by the elder brother. If the elder brother did not ask me to do this, I would not be like this." Yao Chen said quickly: "All of this is not what I want."

"Yao Chen, don\'t talk nonsense!" Yao Haili\'s face turned livid, "When did I let you steal the Qiqiao Linglong Pill? How dare you slander me!"

"Senior brother, all of this is your scheme, and it is also part of your plan to lure Ms. Chu into a fool!" Yao Haili said repeatedly: "Now that things have come to this point, senior brother should quickly admit his mistake, maybe the master will read it for many years. Please spare our lives.”

Following these words, Yao Haili sneered: "You are literally spitting blood here, which is really dumbfounding. As your senior brother, I really feel ashamed of you!"

"Why, you still don\'t want to admit that things have reached this point?" Chu Lan\'er smiled faintly: "I\'m afraid this is a little unreasonable?"

"Miss Chu, you misunderstood me from the very beginning, and I\'m afraid you misunderstood me even more now. It is impossible for me to do those things." Yao Haili said bluntly: "All of this is his slander and has nothing to do with me , as the senior brother of Baiyao Valley, I will never do such a thing."

Following these words, Chu Lan\'er sneered coldly: "What you said is quite grandiose, but the sky net is not leaking. You have fallen now, don\'t you know? You even tried to escape in delusion."

The owner of Baiyao Valley stood aside, his eyes turned cold. What Chu Lan\'er said was indeed good. In the entire Baiyao Valley, few people would believe Yao Haili\'s words.

"Big brother of Baiyao Valley, it\'s a good plan to steal Linglong Pill." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "But you cast it on the wrong target! After all, it will be a failure."

"Master, you are my reincarnated parents, you have been kind to me in nurturing me, how could I do such a thing." Yao Haili quickly knelt down: "I also ask Master to be the master for me."

The owner of Baiyao Valley was sitting on the side, his face turned ashen for a while, he was the one who brought up the medicine sea, but he didn\'t expect to step into this situation, it really makes people laugh and cry.