The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1407

Without further ado, Chu Lan\'er came to the owner of Baiyao Valley: "Master Gu, verify my identity for me! It is absolutely impossible for me to take Qiqiao Linglong Pill!"

The owner of Baiyao Valley was slightly startled, he never expected that Chu Lan\'er would be so direct, and now the situation seems to be enough to confirm that Chu Lan\'er did not take Qiqiao Linglong Pill.

In desperation, the owner of Baiyao Valley came to Chu Lan\'er and performed this secret method. Many disciples of Baiyao Valley watched each other. They did not expect that if they had stolen the Qiqiao Linglong Pill, they could still watch through the secret method. .

Yao Chen and Yao Haili stood aside, flustered in their hearts, if the master of Baiyao Valley really had such means, this matter would probably involve a lot, and even they would be caught out by then.

After several investigations, the owner of Baiyao Valley breathed a sigh of relief: "Miss Chu did not take the Qiqiao Linglong Pill! It seems that someone else stole it."

Many disciples were startled, they did not expect that the Master of Hundred Medicines Valley would say such a thing, if there was someone else, this matter might not be as simple as imagined.

"I just said, the person who stole the pill was not me at all." Chu Lan\'er said aloud, looking into the medicine sea: "It\'s someone else, and this person is him."

"Miss Chu, don\'t spout blood." Yao Haili said aloud: "After all, you should know that I am the senior brother of Baiyao Valley. If you threaten others or slander others, there may be a chance of survival, but You want to slander me, isn\'t it nonsense."

"Yaohaili, don\'t put on a show. In order to steal the Qiqiao Linglong Pill, you have made sufficient preparations, which is really impressive." Chu Lan\'er said coldly: "I should be right, right?"

"Miss Chu, I really don\'t know what you\'re talking about." Yao Haili smiled faintly: "Although you haven\'t taken the Qiqiao Linglong Pill, it doesn\'t mean you haven\'t taken it, so you are still the biggest suspect now. I\'m here to clear you of suspicion, I\'m afraid this calculation is a bit high?"

"You are eloquent." Chu Lan\'er said coldly: "If you hadn\'t sent someone to send a letter, how could I have fallen for your tricks, let alone appear in Qiqiao Linglong Pavilion? It was all planned by you, yet you are still talking nonsense here!"

"You need evidence for what you say. Ms. Chu comes from a famous family. Is that what you say?" Yao Haitian smiled lightly: "The logic of what you said and what you said are completely inconsistent."

"Don\'t pretend, if you didn\'t get the Qiqiao Linglong Pill, would you dare to let the owner of Baiyao Valley inspect it?" Chu Lan\'er said coldly: "We will have a conclusion at that time."

Yao Chen stood aside, but he was quite worried. If this matter was really found out, he would be in trouble, after all, this is not a joke.

"Master, I am the senior brother of Baiyao Valley, there is absolutely no way I would do such a thing." Yao Haili clasped his fists and said, "He must be trying to divert his attention, Master, please don\'t believe his words."

"Whether you did it or not, don\'t you know if you test it?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Even if you are the senior brother of Baiyao Valley, I\'m afraid you can\'t get rid of it."

Following these words, many disciples of Baiyao Valley also nodded, but they didn\'t care. In their opinion, it is absolutely impossible for Yao Haili to do such a thing.