The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1405

"It seems that in the Valley of Hundred Medicines, if you want to have room to speak, you must have the ability." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "If I am not the opponent of the owner of the Valley of Hundred Medicines, wouldn\'t I have nowhere to argue today?"

"The reality is like this, the weak eat the strong, even if my apprentice slanders you, you don\'t have enough strength, and you can only be slaughtered by people in the Valley of Hundred Medicines." The owner of the Valley of Hundred Medicines said bluntly: "Maybe this is the way to survive ! As warriors, you know better."

"What the Valley Master of Hundred Medicines said is true." Ye Tian smiled slightly, and stood upright: "Since the Valley Master Baiyao wants to ask for some advice, I will not be stingy!"

"Master Ye is so young, I really can\'t figure out what kind of tricks Master Ye has!" The owner of Baiyao Valley said with a smile: "Why don\'t you directly attack Master Ye and see if I can get up and greet him."

Many disciples of Baiyao Valley were also proud. In the past few decades, there have been many top masters who came to Baiyao Valley, but they couldn\'t even enter the figure of the valley owner. Although Ye Tian is known as the number one in the south of the Yangtze River, his name Whether the head is true or false, everyone has never known, so naturally they are quite unbelieving.

"Hundred Medicine Valley Master, you are not joking with Master Ye, are you?" Old Master Chu said with a smile: "Both masters of the King Realm, if Master Ye makes a move, I am afraid it will not be as simple as you think."

"Since this is the case, it is naturally the best." The owner of Baiyao Valley frowned slightly, looking at Ye Tian: "Master Ye, what are you waiting for?"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, but his expression was very indifferent. In the blink of an eye, there was a surge of strength in the palm of his hand, attacking towards the owner of Baiyao Valley, it looked like the waves were turbulent.

Everyone on the scene retreated one after another, with horror in their eyes, Ye Tian\'s aura was powerful, even with ripples, which made people frightened, and his figure kept retreating.

Many disciples of Baiyao Valley were also slightly shocked. They only heard that Ye Tian was powerful, but they had never really seen Ye Tian\'s methods. Now seeing the scene in front of them, they were also shocked.

The master of Baiyao Valley sat on the main seat and felt the strong wind, but he didn\'t intend to get up. There was a tyrannical inner feeling on the palm of his hand, which collided with Ye Tian\'s inner strength.

At that moment, the Law Enforcement Pavilion was full of internal strength, and everyone was under great pressure, and they kept retreating.


A loud sound sounded, the chair that the Valley Master of Hundred Medicines was sitting on was shattered, and the surroundings were filled with powder, which looked rather terrifying. At this time, the Valley Master of Hundred Medicines also showed a gesture of horror, displaying a strong internal force again and again.

After a confrontation, the owner of Baiyao Valley looked at Ye Tian coldly, with surprise in his eyes: "It\'s amazing to have such a fortune at such a young age!"

"I\'m overwhelmed!" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "It\'s just a cookie-cutter trick. I think I should be qualified to reason in Baiyao Valley by now, right?"

"It\'s natural!" The owner of Baiyao Valley smiled, but at that moment, a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out, and his face became even paler.

"Valley Master!" Many disciples stepped forward, with even more panic in their expressions.

"I\'m fine!" The owner of Baiyao Valley waved his hands, and his eyes changed a little. He didn\'t expect that the blood on his heart still couldn\'t hold back.

"Master Ye\'s strength is really extraordinary!"

Mr. Chu exclaimed: "I didn\'t expect to have such a fortune. It\'s really unbelievable."

The owner of the Xinghe Pavilion also stood aside, his eyes full of horror.