The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1396

"What do you mean? I heard it even more harshly." Yao Haitian said coldly: "Everyone came to Baiyao Valley, and now such a big event happened, and Ms. Chu was not in the room at all. Where did he go? Could it be this The fire has something to do with it?"

"This is just a joke. His absence in the courtyard is related to this matter. Isn\'t it too one-sided?" Old Master Chu asked coldly.

"I\'m just talking casually, the old man must not be angry!" Yao Haitian said with a smile: "After all, such a thing happened suddenly, and it was not what we wanted!"

"Hmph!" Old Master Chu snorted coldly, but he didn\'t say much, but he was vaguely worried. He always felt that this matter was not that simple.

"It\'s not good, senior brother, it\'s not good!"

Several men ran in: "The Qiqiao Linglong Pill has been stolen!"

"What did you say?" Yao Haili said indifferently, "Seven-Aperture Linglong Pill is such a precious thing, how could it be lost so easily!"

"We don\'t know, but the Qiqiao Linglong Pill is really gone!" The disciple was quite flustered, his eyes full of worry.

Following these words, Yao Haili suddenly looked at Old Master Chu and the others: "Everyone, the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Pill is no small matter, it is the most valued thing of Master, but now it is lost, I am afraid that everyone here is involved! "

"You mean to say that we stole the Qiqiao Linglong Pill?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "This is really a place of right and wrong, and there are so many incidents."

"Don\'t get me wrong, that\'s not what I meant." Yao Haili said with a smile, "I just said that you are inseparable from this matter. It doesn\'t mean that you must have stolen the Qiqiao Linglong Pill."

Faced with these words, Old Master Chu frowned. Chu Lan\'er was not in the courtyard, and he didn\'t know where to go at such a late hour, which made him extremely worried, and he didn\'t know if it had anything to do with this matter.

In the Qiqiao Linglong Pavilion, Chu Lan\'er was bound by many disciples, and everyone was vicious. Now that the Qiqiao Linglong Pill is gone, they will all be punished.

"Let go of me!" Chu Lan\'er yelled, "What the hell are you trying to do!"

"What do you want? Thanks to you, you can still ask." Yao Chen said coldly, "Not only did you steal the Qiqiao Linglong Pill, after you were discovered, you even swallowed two Qiqiao Linglong Pills, waiting for the master to leave the customs After that, I\'m afraid your time is not far away."

"Don\'t talk nonsense! I fell into your elder brother\'s trap." Chu Lan\'er said aloud, "Hurry up and let me go, or I will make you look good when the time comes. I\'m Miss Chu\'s family!"

"I don\'t care which lady you are. Now that you have swallowed the Qiqiao Linglong Pill alive, the master will definitely punish you. Then you will be punished!" Yao Chen said to many disciples with a cold expression: "This woman Stealing the Qiqiao Linglong Pill with ulterior motives will be unforgivable, and they will be taken to the Law Enforcement Pavilion! After the master is out of the customs, let the master deal with him."

Many disciples nodded repeatedly, and then pushed Chu Lan\'er down, and not long after, in the square of Baiyao Valley, people from outside gathered here. The number of people was no less than a hundred, except for Ye Tian and others. Lin Danan these business bigwigs.

"Mr. Ye, what\'s going on?" Lin Danan asked, "We are resting, why were we called here?"

"Baiyao Valley is going to have a moth, so it\'s natural for people to watch the show." Li Shangxian suddenly laughed.