The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1388

After arranging those rich people properly, Yao Chen looked at Ye Tian and the others: "You guys just live in those few rooms!"

Ye Tian glanced at it, but frowned slightly. The houses in front were quite dilapidated, not a place for people to live at all.

"No need! I don\'t know where the owner of Baiyao Valley is? We will leave after we get the medicinal materials!"

"Didn\'t you just say that! The magic pill will only be made tomorrow!" Yao Chen said impatiently, "You didn\'t spend money to enter Baigu, so it\'s not easy to give you the magic pill, so don\'t push yourself!"

"Little brother, where did you start?" Old Master Chu said with a smile, "When you come to Baiyao Valley, you come to seek medicinal materials, not for the magic pill!"

"You are able to break through the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, so you are naturally powerful, but this is the Valley of Hundred Medicines after all, and the old master has a very bad temper!" Yao Chen said coldly.

"It seems that Baiyao Valley doesn\'t welcome us?" Ye Tian smiled slightly, and his expression became indifferent.

Everyone in Xinghe Martial Arts also made a gesture. If they really wanted to do something, they would not shy away from it. Ye Tian saved the life of one person in Xinghe Martial Arts, even if they went through fire and water for Ye Tian, ​​they would not hesitate to do so.

"What, you guys want to make trouble?" Yao Chen sneered coldly: "Although Senior Sister Xiaoqing brought it here, this is the Valley of Hundred Medicines after all. If you really want to make trouble, you have to think it through!"

Several other disciples from Baiyao Valley also came over one after another, and there was a tendency to strike at any disagreement.

"Little brother, don\'t be angry!" Lin Danan ran over and quickly took out a check: "Here is five million, just treat it as a tribute to the little brother, and don\'t embarrass these friends." !"

Yaochen received the check and nodded in satisfaction: "Not bad, it\'s because the businessman\'s mind is good! But you don\'t know them well, why should you speak for them?"

"Everyone in the world is friends. I see some of them are destined for me. I hope that my little brothers and adults will not remember the mistakes of villains, and don\'t care about them!" Lin Danan said repeatedly.

He is a businessman, and he can see that Ye Tian and others are not simple, and spending five million to make friends with these people is not a painful thing for him.

"Since you have said so, I will naturally not care about him like this!" Yao Chen nodded and put away the check.

"Is this the style of Baiyaogu?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "I\'m really disappointed!"

"Little brother, let\'s not say a few words!" Lin Danan was startled, he was already paying for it, but he didn\'t expect Ye Tian to be so stubborn.

"What you said is absolutely right. This is the way of Baiyao Valley. If you don\'t like it, you can leave as soon as possible." Yao Chen said coldly: "If you want something from Baiyao Valley, you still pretend to be noble, isn\'t it? make people laugh?"

Following these words, the surrounding atmosphere also became weird, and there was even some tension. When Xiao Qing was around, Yao Chen was polite on the surface, but actually had his own agenda, and was even more dissatisfied with Ye Tian.

"What a big tone!" The owner of Xinghe Pavilion sneered: "You are just a disciple of Baiyao Valley, and you dare to act wildly in front of Master Ye. Isn\'t it too ignorant?"

"Master Ye?" Yao Chen glanced at Ye Tian: "I\'m really sorry, but I\'ve never heard of Master Ye. Could it be some non-existent name? You want to scare me here?"

"It really is a frog in a well, even Master Ye has never heard of it." Chu Lan\'er shook her head.