The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1380

"How could I not believe in Master Ye!" The owner of Xinghe Pavilion smiled slightly: "Even if I don\'t believe in anyone, it is impossible not to believe in Master Ye. After all, if Master Ye makes a random move, I can fall into hell."

The owner of Xinghe Pavilion swallowed a pill without saying a word, and he didn\'t even blink his eyes, as if he was full of trust in Ye Tian.

"You are quite self-conscious now." Li Shangxian smiled slightly: "But when the time comes to realize what dangers you encounter, don\'t turn against the water in an instant, that would be no fun."

"Since you have agreed to Master Ye and escorted Master Ye, naturally it will not be the case." The owner of Xinghe Pavilion said quickly: "But then again, some things are not as simple as you think. Baiyao Valley is not just on the surface. Poisonous fog, and other more terrifying things."

"The owner of the museum is quite familiar with this place!" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "If so, why don\'t you lead the way here?"

"Master Ye, I was just talking casually just now. I don\'t know much about the terrain here, so don\'t have too much hope." The owner of Xinghe Pavilion said repeatedly: "What\'s more, this place is extremely dangerous. If I go to lead the way in person, I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to protect Master Ye by then!"

"If that\'s the case, let the old man do it for me!" Old Master Chu said aloud, "I do know a little about this place. After all, the Chu family is the host of Master Ye\'s guests and should lead the way for Master Ye."

Chu Lan\'er stood at the side, but her eyes were a little nervous. There was an unknown road ahead, and she didn\'t know what danger would be in the next step. No matter who led the way, there would be great risks, and even hundreds of lives might be lost. Medicine Valley.

"Old man, you are too polite." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "I was just joking just now, how could I ask you to lead the way in person, after all, this kind of place is extremely dangerous, my perception is quite strong, naturally Let me lead the way."

"Master Ye, you don\'t have to do this." Old Master Chu said seriously: "I am already quite old, even if I die here today, I will definitely let Master Ye enter the Valley of Hundred Medicines, and I will never let Master Ye down. "

The owner of Xinghe Pavilion stood aside, but didn\'t say a word, he would not be this kind of scapegoat, if there is any danger at that time, I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to run away.

"Mr. Chu, you don\'t need to say more!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "Everyone follows me, if I stop, you don\'t move forward!"

Everyone looked at each other, and then nodded again and again. Ye Tian had already said this, and they naturally did not dare to disobey, but Chu Lan\'er was quite worried. The area here is extremely dangerous, and he naturally did not want Ye Tian to take risks, but he also There is no way.

As Ye Tian stepped into the poisonous mist step by step, everyone else hurriedly followed, but they looked a little scared. This is the Valley of Hundred Medicines. Even if the masters of the king state break in at will, they may not be able to get out safely, let alone ordinary people like them. man of.

If Ye Tian didn\'t take it with him, he might fall into the trap of Baiyao Valley within a few steps.

"What a strong pungent smell! Sure enough, there is a poisonous mist!" Chu Lan\'er covered her nose, making it even more difficult to breathe. The people in the Xinghe Martial Arts School did not dare to breathe, for fear that the poisonous gas would enter their bodies and poison them to death. , without even any symptoms.