The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1376

In the Huangguan Hotel, as soon as he walked into the room, Li Shangxian said with a smile: "Master Ye, it seems that you are not only going to Jiangdong, but also going to the magic capital!"

"Why, you seem to know something?" Ye Tian smiled slightly.

"Young master of the Liu family in the devil city, how can such an insolent person give in to you!" Li Shangxian said aloud, "What\'s more, 10 billion is not a small amount. Even the old man of the Liu family may not hand it over easily."

"Of course I know this." Ye Tian nodded: "It\'s really not a small sum, and I didn\'t expect him to call."

"Since this is the case, why does Master Ye want a little more? If it\'s only 100 million, maybe it\'s okay." Li Shangxian said: "After all, this is not a small amount."

"The Liu family in the Demon City is not an ordinary family. If the 10 billion is not returned now, it may not be useless in the future. After all, Wanyaotang needs to develop, and it may go to the Demon City in the future. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with asking the Liu family to help."

"It turns out that Master Ye is planning this." Li Shangxian cupped his fists and said, "I want to see Master Ye!"

"The trip to Savage Mountain is over, and everything has been settled. It\'s time to go to Baiyao Valley!" Ye Tian said solemnly: "After staying in Jiangdong for a few days, I failed to find the thousand-year-old snow lotus through various forces. Medicine Valley has a chance of life."

"Master Ye, don\'t worry, I have added a lot to my deduction technique in the past few days, and there is indeed a trace of imprint in the direction of Baiyao Valley!" Li Shangxian said.

Ye Tian gave a blank look. Li Shangxian spoke lightly, but he didn\'t quite believe it, but when they were talking, several figures came to the Crown Hotel.

The leader is the white-haired old man, followed by many men, holding many gifts in their hands.

"Master Xinghe?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "You came here very quickly."

"I am really ashamed to offend Master Ye today. I hope Master Ye will be magnanimous, and don\'t care about me like me." The owner of Xinghe Pavilion clasped his fists and said, "This is what I prepared. I hope Master Ye can accept it."

"I won\'t take other people\'s things lightly!" Ye Tian said aloud: "But you came here today, you shouldn\'t just give gifts, right?"

"Master Ye is really smart!" The owner of Xinghe Pavilion nodded quickly: "I came to the Crown Hotel today to tell Master Ye that there are abnormal risks in the Valley of Medicines. Master Ye went to the Valley of Hundred Medicines.

"Of course I\'m looking for medicinal materials!" Ye Tian said: "You ask me so much, don\'t you want to go?"

"Of course not!" The owner of Xinghe Pavilion said quickly: "Since you have agreed to Master Ye, you must respect Master Ye\'s order!"

"Since that\'s the case, why talk too much." Ye Tian said coldly: "It is imperative to go to Baiyao Valley this time. Sparing your life in Savage Mountain is not for nothing. If you don\'t want to go, I will You can follow your heart."

"Master Ye, please don\'t get me wrong, I don\'t mean that!" The owner of Xinghe gym knelt fiercely, and his face changed even more: "For Master Ye, Xinghe martial arts gym is willing to go through fire or water!"

"That\'s right!" Ye Tian nodded slightly: "Let\'s go to the Valley of Hundred Medicines tomorrow! I\'d like to see how sacred the Lord of the Valley of Hundred Medicines is that can make you so afraid."

"I\'ll follow to the death!" The owner of the Xinghe Pavilion hurriedly clasped his fists, not daring to neglect him in the slightest. Ye Tian had already said this, so he naturally didn\'t dare to say more.