The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1374

Everyone present looked at each other, 10 million was indeed a lot to them, but to Liu Feng, it was probably just a drop in the bucket, if 10 million could buy the head of the project, Liu Feng would naturally make a lot of money.

"Master Liu, you are not an ordinary person." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "I just offered 10 million yuan to buy your head, isn\'t it too cheap? After all, the Liu family in the magic capital is not an ordinary family!"

"50 million!" Liu Feng said hastily: "As long as Master Ye can let me go, everything is easy to talk about, and money is not a problem. For the Liu family in the devil city, it is just a drop in the bucket."

"Master Ye, please don\'t listen to his nonsense." Liu Zhihao said aloud, "If you let the tiger go back to the mountain today, he will definitely bring people here to make trouble in the future. Then Master Ye may suffer from the enemy."

"It\'s not your turn to speak here!" Ye Tian sneered, "A person who betrays his master will not end well!"

Liu Zhihao\'s expression changed slightly, and then he hurriedly laughed with him, not daring to say too much, since Ye Tian had already said that, he was naturally threatening him, not to mention that he has already been sentenced to Liu Feng, and I\'m afraid he has to leave this place as soon as possible.

"Master Liu, as you said just now, the Liu family in the magical capital is not short of money at all, just 50 million, and if you want to save your life, then your life is too worthless!" Li Shangxian smiled lightly: "If you are here Mr. Ye will not be merciful if he does not offer a good price."

Liu Feng\'s face was livid, and finally he gritted his teeth: "One hundred million! Is one hundred million okay? This is not a small amount, even for the Liu family in the magical capital, it is considered a considerable asset."

Everyone present was in an uproar. One hundred million was an astronomical figure, and for them, it was something to look up to.

"Young master of the Liu family in the devil city, he will take over the entire Liu family in the future. One hundred million is too little!" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "It\'s better to be 10 billion! It\'s just a round number."

Everyone present was dumbfounded and looked at Ye Tian. Even the owner of the Xinghe Pavilion was surprised, and his eyes were even more inconceivable. Ten billion is not a small number. Ye Tian blurted it out so easily, which is hard to understand.

Liu Feng looked at Ye Tian, ​​and suddenly laughed: "Master Ye, you don\'t think our Liu family\'s money is blown from the sky, do you? Doesn\'t Master Ye not know how much 10 billion is? How could the Liu family pay so much money?" ! Isn’t this nonsense.”

"Since you think it\'s nonsense, then it\'s nonsense." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Even if I don\'t want to kill myself, why should I cherish it for you!"

The strength in Ye Tian\'s hands suddenly increased, and Liu Feng was even more frightened. He never thought that Ye Tian would be so unhesitating.

Li Shangxian stood at the side, watching the scene in front of him silently, his eyes were even brighter.

"Okay, I promise!" Liu Feng said, "I promise the 10 billion!"

Following this burst of sound, there were constant exclamations on Savage Mountain. To the Liu family, a single Yi might be just a small asset, but 10 billion is so huge that no family can bear it, not even the majestic Demon City. Liu family.

"That\'s right!" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "I thought you were so ignorant that you would want money rather than life."