The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1364

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ye must have heard it wrong. How dare I say such a thing to Mr. Ye." Lin Ziwen said hastily, his eyes became more serious.

But at this moment, Ye Tian got up slowly, and looked at Lin Ziwen: "Why, you were so arrogant yesterday, and even more rebellious, and you are so obedient today, you are quite fickle."

Lin Ziwen\'s face was livid, he was almost crippled by Ye Tian, ​​but what he didn\'t expect was that Ye Tian was still so aggressive, and he didn\'t take him seriously at all. As the young master of the Lin family, he was so ignored by others. Naturally it was uncomfortable.

"Mr. Ye, what happened yesterday is all our fault. I have already sent someone to send a heavy gift. I hope that Mr. Ye can ignore the mistakes of villains and don\'t embarrass the Lin family!" Mr. Lin complimented.

"Old man, you are quite good at being a man." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "But then again, this matter is just a small matter, so why bother to mobilize so many people."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye! Thank you, Mr. Ye!"

Mr. Lin hurriedly thanked him, his eyes were even more solemn, as long as Ye Tian didn\'t pursue it, the matter would be settled, if Ye Tian pursued it, even the Lin family might be afraid! I can\'t bear any of them.

"But then again, I don\'t have to embarrass the Lin family, but if something like this happens next time, I\'m afraid I won\'t be so lucky." Ye Tian said coldly.

"Mr. Ye, don\'t worry, I will never dare to mess around in the future." Lin Ziwen nodded quickly, and looked towards Liu Yue: "I was wrong about what happened last night, I hope you can put aside the past."

"It\'s nothing!" Liu Yue waved his hand: "As long as you don\'t mess around in the future, that\'s fine!"

"Thank you, miss!" Mr. Lin hurriedly expressed his thanks, showing a burst of joy.

Although Lin Ziwen was helpless, he didn\'t dare to say anything more. In order to beg Ye Tian for forgiveness, the Lin family had to pay a lot, so he naturally didn\'t dare to offend Ye Tian again.

"If there is nothing else, you can leave." Ye Tian said aloud.

"Mr. Ye, the Lin family is responsible for such a big incident. If you offend Mr. Ye, it is natural to have a banquet for Mr. Ye." Mr. Lin said, "I have arranged a banquet at the Jinghao Hotel, and I will invite Mr. Ye when the time comes." Mister to attend."

"No need!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "As the saying goes, you don\'t get rewarded without merit. Why is Mr. Lin so polite? Take all these things with you! I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to let them go here."

"This..." Mr. Lin frowned, but he didn\'t expect that Ye Tian would say something like this, which made his face cloudy and uncertain.

Ye Tian just forgave the Lin family, but now he refused to accept the favor, which made him confused. At least in his opinion, Ye Tian would not take action against the Lin family, but why he refused the favor of the Lin family made him at a loss.

"Old man, Mr. Ye has already said so, you can take the things back." Liu Yue said aloud: "Since Mr. Ye has promised the old man, naturally he will not go back on his word."

Mr. Lin nodded quickly: "If that\'s the case, then we will retire first. In the whole Jiangdong, as long as Mr. Ye has orders, we will definitely follow suit."

Ye Tian nodded, but didn\'t say much.

Liu Yue stood aside and looked towards Ye Tian: "Mr. Ye, they are all gone, should it be time to tell us the truth, I\'m curious?"