The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1354

"Since we have to do something, it\'s natural to do it comprehensively. I can\'t stand that kid!" Lin Ziwen said with a smile: "Destroy that kid, let him get out of Jiangdong, and don\'t appear in Jiangdu in the future!"

"Don\'t worry, young master, everything is under control!" The man with glasses smiled: "They will have no escape tonight, so we must make them look good!"

Following this sound, several younger brothers beside him also showed evil smiles.

And not long after, everyone in the box was already drunk, and everyone left the bar one after another. Ye Tian also got up at this time: "Miss Liu, it\'s getting late, I should go too, but be careful in the future, Lin Ziwen is right You\'re so caring, you won\'t let it go."

"Thank you Mr. Ye for your concern." Liu Yue nodded quickly: "But I\'m not so easy to mess with. If Lin Ziwen really wants to deal with me, I will naturally make him pay the price. After all, I am the president of the company anyway. Although the Lin family Big, but after all, it’s not his alone.”

Ye Tian nodded, without saying anything, he left the bar and got into a taxi.

Looking at Ye Tian who left, Yang Liwen suddenly smiled and said: "Sister Liu, it seems that you mean a lot to Mr. Ye! I have never seen you be so polite to a man before, and now it is really impressive."

"Mr. Ye is an upright person, and he is a person worthy of entrusting him for life. Unfortunately, I don\'t have the qualifications." Liu Yue smiled lightly: "How can I be worthy of such an outstanding person like Mr. Ye."

"Why can\'t I understand?" Yang Liwen gave a blank look: "Sister Liu, you can see that the president of the company is the leader of the company, even in Jiangdong, she is the No. 1 strong woman, and she is quite different from Mr. Ye." good match."

"Don\'t talk nonsense!" Liu Yue rolled her eyes: "Some things may not be as simple as we thought. Mr. Ye\'s background is unknown, and he is probably not an ordinary person."

"That\'s just right!" Yang Liwen said seriously, "Wouldn\'t it prove everything more in this way!"

But at this moment, several men came to them, looking aggressive: "This must be Ms. Liu, right?"

"Who are you?" Liu Yue was puzzled and took a step back.

"Master Lin said he wanted to see you, so come with me!" the man said bluntly.

"I don\'t want to see him!" Liu Yue said in a cold voice: "You go back and bring me a word, just say that in the future, don\'t be so blunt, I have clearly rejected him, if he still doesn\'t understand, then he doesn\'t understand Measure!"

"Miss Liu, what I just said was not love, but Young Master Lin said that even if it is arrest today, I will arrest you!" The man smiled coldly, and several people around him also shot.

"What do you want!" Liu Yue was startled, but was restrained by several men, and even Yang Liwen couldn\'t move.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Yang Liwen yelled, "Is Lin Ziwen crazy? How dare you be so rude!"

"I don\'t know if Young Master Lin is crazy, but you have to follow me today." The man was not polite, pressing down on the car that Liu Yue and Yang Liwen got on.

Even if they yelled desperately, it was useless. How could the two weak women escape under the control of several men.

Ye Tian sat in the taxi and asked the driver to navigate to the Crown Hotel, but after a short drive, the car braked suddenly, and the old driver\'s legs trembled.