The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1336

"Miss Chu cooks in person. It\'s a great honor for me today. How could I dislike it?" Ye Tian smiled lightly: "Since the food is ready, let\'s sit down and talk while eating."

"That\'s right!" Old Master Chu nodded quickly: "Master Ye, please take a seat!"

"I don\'t dare to take this seat. After all, several seniors are here, how dare I sit on it easily. I\'m afraid some people will be dissatisfied. Wouldn\'t it be unpleasant?" Ye Tian smiled lightly.

"Master Ye, you are a dragon among men. If someone is dissatisfied, you can teach him a lesson." Li Shangxian sneered and said, "I have lived for so long, and I have never seen anyone dare to easily provoke a king-level master!"

"My surname is Li, are you talking too much?" The old man Bai looked indifferent: "I think the little brother next to you is a liar you invited. Is there another plan to pretend to be Master Ye?"

"Brother Bai, listen to me, don\'t cause trouble today." Old Master Chu quickly reminded: "You don\'t believe Master Ye, don\'t you believe me?"

"Of course not!" The old man Bai waved his hand: "Even if the young man in front of me is really Master Ye, I would like to compete with him. After all, it is an honor in this life to be able to compete with a king-level master."

"This is the first time I\'ve heard such words." Ye Tian smiled faintly: "Since you don\'t trust me so much, then I\'d like to see what ability you have to dare to shout here:"

Ye Tian\'s expression turned cold in an instant. The white old man in front of him was shameless, and he didn\'t want to compete with him, but unfortunately he was stubborn and insisted on competing with him. Ye Tian is also a king after all. Master, how could he be so arrogant.

"Master Ye calm down, Master Ye calm down, he is just confused for a while, and he doesn\'t know what Master Ye is doing, Master Ye must not be as fussy as he is." Old man Chu said quickly: "I hope Master Ye can give me face. "

"Okay! After all, this is the Chu family, so I don\'t want to go too far." Ye Tian nodded: "But I advise Mr. Chu to let him go, so as not to cause trouble when it happens!"

Grandpa Chu Liao nodded quickly, and looked at the old man Bai: "He is really Master Jiangnan Ye, and he is also a master of the king realm. If you confront him, it may not be bad or bad. Listen to me today. If you leave first, I will definitely come to the door to apologize!"

"Brother Chu, I\'m afraid that you will be deceived by others. Although he cured your illness, the lion must speak loudly behind him, and even use Master Ye\'s prestige to make the Chu family do some shady things. I will never allow it." This kind of thing happened." The old man\'s eyes showed a sharp edge.

Chu Lan\'er and the others stood aside, looking even more terrified. They did not expect that the old man would be so jealous, and even speak so seriously. It seems that Ye Tian in front of him must not be Master Ye, but a street walker. cheating doctor.

"Senior White, I have seen Master Ye\'s method before, and it is absolutely impossible to be fake." Aunt Hua said aloud: "Why don\'t you avoid the sharp edge for now?"

"What a joke!" The old man Bai said coldly, "If he is really Master Ye, why didn\'t he attack me when I was so aggressive? As a master of the king realm, it is absolutely impossible. There is only one answer, he is not from Jiangnan. Master Ye!"