The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1327

"When did Doctor Ye escape?" Xia Donghai laughed quickly, "We thought Doctor Ye was trapped in the courtyard, but it was a misunderstanding."

"There is no one else in the courtyard!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "The old man is not in the courtyard either."

"Master Ye, there is a giant python in the courtyard, but you are safe and sound. Could it be that the giant python didn\'t eat you?" Xia Ruoxue asked curiously, "Otherwise, how could Master Ye come back safely?"

"It\'s just a giant python, so how can it do anything to me?" Ye Tian chuckled and said, "But the old man has already explained that it was the Shangguan family who asked them to do this. Dare to do evil again."

"Shangguan\'s family?" Xia Donghai\'s face changed slightly: "How is this possible? Shangguan\'s family and Xia\'s family are on good terms, and Mr. Shangguan and his grandfather are old friends. How could it be possible to do such a thing? Doctor Ye couldn\'t have been deceived by him right?"

"That man dare not lie to me!" Ye Tian told him bluntly, "Since he said he belonged to the Shangguan family, there must be a reason! I\'m afraid your Xia family will have to investigate this matter!"

"Dad, I think it\'s possible." Xia Ruoxue said, "After all, it is necessary to guard against others. The Shangguan family and the Xia family are both related in the business field. Although the two old men have some friendship, for the sake of permanent interests, You might not do anything out of the ordinary!"

Xia Donghai frowned, she naturally knew what Xia Ruoxue said, but he still didn\'t want to believe that the Shangguan family would deal with Mr. Xia.

In the entire Jiangdong, everyone knows that the friendship between Mr. Shangguan and Mr. Xia, if this matter is really done by Mr. Shangguan, it will make him quite embarrassed.

"The Xia family\'s matter has been settled, I should go too!"

Ye Tian said aloud, all the things that should be solved have been solved, and there is nothing he needs to do.

"Master Ye, if you didn\'t do it yourself, the old man\'s illness would not be cured, and we don\'t know so much!" Xia Donghai said repeatedly: "This bank card is your reward!"

But Ye Tian waved his hand: "I\'m not interested in this thing, but I want the thousand-year-old ginseng you promised me!"

"This is nature, this is nature!" Xia Donghai nodded quickly: "Ginseng is ginseng, but Mr. Ye should accept the money in this card! Otherwise, I feel uneasy."

"Since I said I won\'t accept it, naturally I won\'t accept it." Ye Tian waved his hand, turned around and left, with an even more calm expression.

"Boss Xia, this is Jiangdong Ghost House, let\'s go too!" A man said, "I always feel weird here."

Xia Donghai nodded, and led everyone out of the Jiangdong ghost house. After all, this place is an ominous place. It would be extremely inappropriate for them to stay here all the time.

After returning to the family, Xia Ruoxue looked at Xia Donghai: "Dad, Doctor Ye won\'t lie to us, this matter must be the guard of Shangguan\'s family!"

"If that\'s the case, the matter may be serious." Xia Donghai frowned: "In the whole Shandong, the power of the Shangguan family is no less than that of the Xia family. If they want to do something, I\'m afraid they have ulterior motives!"

"Grandpa has a lot of contacts in his hands, and Mr. Shangguan also has contacts in his hands. He has planned so hard, I am afraid it is for the Chen family to bid in a month\'s time!" Xia Ruoxue said: "Only in this way can I explain it! As long as I can Cooperate with the Chen family, even if they use tricks, they won\'t feel anything."