The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1297

"Who are you?" Chu Lan\'er pointed at Li Shangxian with a long whip, "How dare you despise the dragon whip of the Chu family!"

"Ahem, I don\'t seem to have said anything just now. Could this young lady have misheard!" Li Shangxian hurriedly said, "But what is the long whip in your hand? It seems extremely difficult."

"Stop quibbling, if it wasn\'t what you said just now, who would it be?" Chu Lan\'er said coldly: "Since you dare to say this, you must have some skills."

Chu Lan\'er clenched the long whip tightly in her hand, and there was a cold light in her eyes. He really wanted to see where Li Shangxian was from, who dared to provoke Jiangdong Chu\'s family.

Li Shangxian also panicked instantly, and retreated backward: "What do you want to do? I\'m an old bone, little girl, don\'t mess around."

"Huh, you despise Jiangdong Chu\'s family, and dare to speak wild words." Chu Lan\'er snorted coldly, and instantly threw out the long whip in her hand, and there was an inner strength on the long whip.

Li Shangxian dodged one after another, his eyes were even more flustered, he was not a warrior, if he was whipped by the dragon, he would probably die at that time, and he would not even have any strength to fight back.

When the dragon whip was about to hit Li Shangxian, Ye Tian shot it instantly and grabbed the long whip in his hand: "Girl, we didn\'t mean to offend just now. If you hit this whip, I\'m afraid it will kill someone."

"It\'s the Chu family\'s business, what does it have to do with you?" Chu Lan\'er looked unhappy: "I advise you not to meddle in other people\'s business, so as not to hurt your life."

Following these words, Ye Tian smiled slightly: "This girl has sharp teeth, she is not an ordinary person, but we didn\'t mean to offend just now, if you are so stubborn, I\'m afraid there is something wrong."

Chu Lan\'er was furious in her heart, and looked at Ye Tian with a cold light in her eyes: "How dare you scold me!"

"Lan\'er, don\'t be rude!"

The white-haired old man came over and cupped his fists towards Ye Tian: "This little brother can easily touch the Dragon Whip. I\'m afraid he is not an ordinary person. I wonder where he came from?"

"No family, no sect, it\'s just idle clouds and wild cranes." Ye Tian smiled lightly: "The old man praised me too much."

"The little brother is super skilled, so it doesn\'t look like he has no background." The white-haired old man was curious: "Could it be that the little brother doesn\'t want to reveal it?"

"Grandpa, I didn\'t use any strength for that whip just now!"

Chu Lan\'er said aloud: "That\'s why he can catch it. If I exert all my strength, he won\'t be able to catch it at all."

"What a big joke, who do you think you are?" Li Shangxian smiled faintly: "The person in front of me is not an idle person, and it is impossible to hurt him with your long whip, so this long whip is indeed A rare item!"

"Why, is he really as powerful as you said?" Chu Lan\'er smiled coldly, and looked at Ye Tian: "Since you are so powerful, Brooke, let me make a gesture to see how you are."

"I don\'t want to make the girl my enemy, but the girl shouldn\'t be too aggressive." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "After all, if you start to fight, I\'m afraid it will cause many things."

"Stop talking too much, just look at my Chu family\'s divine dragon whip!"

Chu Lan\'er whipped out a long whip with a strong wind, which looked quite imposing.

The white-haired old man didn\'t intend to stop him. Ye Tian didn\'t report to his teacher just now, so he naturally wanted to see how Ye Tian was.