The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1282

Li Meijia also hurriedly put on her clothes, and hid in the corner, her face paled, obviously she had been greatly impacted, and her face was even a little dazed.

"Who are you, kid? Get the hell out of here." Mr. Liu said with a bad look on his face, "If you disturb my interest, then you will be too hungry to walk around."

"I\'m really sorry, I seem to be the owner of this room." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Shall I let you see my house number?"

"I think you are impatient with life, right? Could it be Li Meijia\'s concubine?" Mr. Liu said coldly, "I don\'t care who you are, if you don\'t behave well today, get out and let you eat Can\'t walk around."

"I don\'t want to be nosy, but I hate people talking to me like this." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Since you don\'t want to be reasonable, I don\'t seem to have to reason with you either!"

"Things that don\'t know how to live or die!"

Mr. Liu walked towards Ye Tian, ​​as if he wanted to do something to Ye Tian, ​​he looked even more aggressive, he was a big boss anyway, Ye Tianzi was just a young man, how could he take Ye Tian seriously.

"Be careful!" Li Meijia quickly reminded.

But Ye Tian didn\'t dodge or dodge. Before Mr. Liu punched, Ye Tian kicked him. Before Mr. Liu could react, Mr. Liu clutched his crotch and howled for a while, which sounded like killing a pig. The sound is even more terrifying.

Li Meijia hid in the corner, and her eyes were a bit strange. Ye Tian\'s kick was extremely ruthless, and it just hit the center of Mr. Liu impartially. I\'m afraid that lifeline has been ruined.

"My foot is called Duan Zijue\'s foot. I didn\'t want to be so cruel to you, but it\'s a pity that you are too outrageous." Ye Tian patted his sleeves: "After all, I am a good talker, but you are so ignorant .”

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Liu almost fainted, and looked at Ye Tian viciously: "You are so kind, I will pay back ten times the shocking revenge, just wait for me!"

"If you have any ability, you can use it. I will wait for you at the Crown Hotel." Ye Tian looked calm, and it seemed that there was no disturbance.

He is not a very nice person, if it wasn\'t because this was his room, Ye Tian wouldn\'t meddle in his own business.

After Mr. Liu left, Li Meijia quickly thanked Ye Tian: "Thank you little brother for saving your life, but I\'m afraid it\'s not a good thing for you to offend Mr. Liu. You should leave the Crown Hotel as soon as possible! I\'m afraid that corner just now..."

"Mr. Liu?" Ye Tian smiled lightly: "I\'ve never heard of it. If he wants to trouble me, let him do it."

Seeing Ye Tian\'s indifference, Li Meijia was even more surprised. He didn\'t know who Ye Tian was from, who would say such words. It seemed that he was not afraid of Mr. Liu. Maybe Ye Tian didn\'t know how powerful he was, so he would in this way.

"Mr. Liu is very powerful in Jiangdong. If he wants to deal with someone, it\'s just a matter of one word." Li Meijia said again: "You got into it because you saved me. I can\'t ignore it."

"Then what are you going to do?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "He dared to do something to you just now, so he was naturally not afraid of you, and it could even be said that he was sure of you, so how can you deal with him?"

"I also know a few bigwigs in the entertainment industry. As long as they come forward, this matter will definitely be resolved." Li Meijia said seriously.