The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1280

"Why, don\'t you even listen to what I say?" Liu Feng asked coldly, looking at the man in sunglasses, his eyes were even more displeased.

The man in the sunglasses is good at skills, but he is still not good enough in front of Ye Tian. It is not that easy to deal with Ye Tian. Even Mr. Zhao was defeated by Ye Tian, ​​so how could the man in the sunglasses be his opponent.

Seeing Liu Feng\'s sunglasses like this, the man backed away again and again, not daring to attack Ye Tian again. After all, Liu Feng had already spoken, so he naturally had to follow through.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Tiantian smiled slightly: "It seems that Young Master Liu understands some truths, so I don\'t need to say anything more. Since I came to Jiangdong this time, I didn\'t intend to oppose Mr. Liu. I hope Mr. Liu will not push himself too far."

"Keep an inch!" Liu Feng smiled lightly: "Of course I won\'t do this, but then again, those who offend me usually end badly, so you should also be careful, you might disappear into this world one day , that\'s probably a kind of sadness."

"Master Liu really knows how to joke. In the entire Jiangdong, I am afraid that no one has such ability. If Mr. Liu doesn\'t believe it, you can give it a try." Ye Tian said flatly: "But it\'s still the same sentence, Liu If you want to play, Young Master, I will naturally accompany you to the end, and then Young Master Liu will not regret it."

"Mr. Ye is so confident that he can judge that I regret it!" Liu Feng said coldly, "But don\'t worry, I will let you know that the sky is high and the earth is strong."

Ye Tian\'s expression was flat, and he left directly, walking towards the emperor\'s room in the Crown Hotel, his eyes were even more flat, and he didn\'t pay attention to Liu Feng at all.

"Mr. Ye, the Liu Family in the Demon City is very powerful. I think this Young Master Liu\'s eyes are wrong. Could it be that he has already thought of a way to deal with you?" Li Shangxian frowned and said to Ye Tian.

"If he really has the means, then let him do it!" Ye Tian smiled faintly: "I\'m not afraid. If he really has that ability, I\'d like to see if he has that ability."

Faced with these words, Li Shangxian\'s heart trembled slightly. He never expected that Ye Tian would speak so rudely and be so domineering.

Looking at Ye Tian\'s leaving figure, the man with glasses walked towards Liu Feng: "This kid doesn\'t know how to offend the young master. Why did the young master stop me? Why don\'t you let me teach him a lesson."

"Rescue Mr. Zhao is not his opponent, do you think you will be his opponent?" Liu Feng asked coldly: "It\'s not that I don\'t believe you, it\'s just that he is an extraordinary person. If you want to deal with him, you must Let Fliggy come in person."

"The Flying Pig is the foundation of the Liu family, and it is also the murderous weapon of the Liu family\'s secret organization. If the Flying Pig organization is used easily, the old man may not be able to explain it." The man in sunglasses frowned.

"It\'s just a matter of concealment. You don\'t need to let the old man know about it." Liu Feng waved his hand: "Since he lives in the Crown Hotel, I will naturally make him regret it!"

At this point, Liu Feng\'s eyes had a cold light. If he was in this magic city, no one would dare to talk to him like this, no one would even dare to offend him. Ye Tian is so unscrupulous, which naturally makes him full of dissatisfied.

When he came to the emperor\'s room, Li Shangxian walked in directly: "Mr. Ye, I\'m quite tired today, so I\'ll rest first! You can call me if you need anything."