The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1274

"Mr. Ye, please don\'t get me wrong." The man hurriedly said, "I am not a bad person. The young master asked me to come. He will be here soon."

"Young master?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Which young master are you talking about? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Of course it\'s Chen Haitao, the eldest son of Jiangdong\'s Chen family." The man\'s voice was serious, and there was even more fear in his eyes.

"Chen Haitao?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes slightly: "I have crossed paths with him, but why did he send you to monitor me?"

"Mr. Ye, don\'t get me wrong, I just want to follow Mr. Ye\'s figure, not to spy on Mr. Ye!" The man said quickly, his face turned livid.

Seeing the man\'s expression, Ye Tian also nodded slightly: "You are right!"

But at this moment, on the main road not far away, Chen Haitao got off a luxury car, followed by many followers, who seemed to have a rather big posture.

A lot of people were watching, not knowing what happened. They didn\'t expect that the young master of the No. 1 Chen family in Jiangdong would come here in person, and he brought so many people with him, which seemed quite imposing.

"Mr. Ye, I\'m late."

Chen Haitao hurriedly cupped his fists, complimenting Ye Tian even more, and his eyes were serious. He never thought that Ye Tian would come to Jiangdong. If it wasn\'t for the rumors, he might not know about it.

You know, Ye Tian\'s reputation in the south of the Yangtze River is getting better and better in the future, so how dare he offend him easily. Now that Ye Tian came to Jiangdong, he naturally wants to entertain him.

"I came to Jiangdong to do some business, but just after arriving in Jiangdong, you sent someone to follow me. It seems that your status in Jiangdong is not small?" Ye Tian said aloud: "Otherwise, there would be no such means."

"Mr. Ye was joking. If it was in other places, I really can\'t say anything, but this is Jiangdong." Chen Haitao said seriously: "As long as I want to do, there is nothing I can\'t do, but compared with Master Ye , it is naturally much inferior."

"You doll is quite good at talking." Li Shangxian smiled slightly: "I\'m afraid there will be some luck in the future."

"Who is this?" Chen Haitao looked at Li Shangxian. People who can be with Ye Tian are not idle people. Naturally, he did not dare to offend easily.

"It\'s just an ordinary old man!" Li Shangxian waved his hand: "It\'s not worth mentioning."

"I don\'t think so!" Chen Haitao said with a smile: "How can someone who can walk with Master Ye be an idler, presumably the senior should also get a master!"

"Cough cough..." Li Daxian coughed a few times: "What you said is somewhat reasonable. Being able to walk with Master Ye is naturally not an ordinary person."

"I think so too!" Chen Haitao nodded quickly, and looked towards Ye Tian: "Mr. Ye, I have booked a restaurant in a five-star hotel, shall we go there now?"

"No need!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "If you really want to help me, you might as well find a place for the two of us. After all, we have just arrived in Jiangdong, and we are not familiar with some places."

"Of course there is no problem!" Chen Haitao nodded: "I have already booked a room at the Crown Hotel, which will definitely make Mr. Ye feel comfortable."

"You are quite thoughtful!" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "But there is one more thing I need your help with."

"No matter what it is, as long as I can help, I will never refuse." Chen Haitao nodded quickly.