The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1271

Everyone in the auction house waited and watched, with doubts in their eyes. They didn\'t know who Ye Tian was, who dared to oppose the Liu family in the magic capital, and he didn\'t seem to have the slightest fear.

The old man who presided over the auction even wiped his forehead. He did not expect that things would turn out like this. A good auction turned into a martial arts meeting.

What didn\'t embarrass him was that as Le Tian and the others left the auction house, everyone else in the auction house also got up and followed Ye Tian, ​​as if they wanted to see what could happen.

The entire auction house was empty, and the old auctioneer stood on it, with a helpless expression on his face. After today\'s incident, he might be fired from the company.

After all, if there were no problems with his auction, this kind of thing would not have occurred, and it would not have caused disputes among customers.

In the woods, Ye Tian stopped in his tracks, and looked at Elder Zhao: "As a martial artist, you are willing to submit to power, you are really like a martial artist!"

Zhao Lao stood aside, his face was ugly for a while, Ye Tian\'s words were unreasonable, as a person of martial arts, but he has always surrendered to the Liu family, this is probably also a kind of sadness.

"I said you kid, don\'t try to sow discord here." Liu Feng sneered and said, "Let\'s not talk about being a great warrior, even a peak warrior, or even a half-step king, you still have to submit to the Liu family. This is the deterrent power of the Liu family!"

Zhao Lao stood by the side, his eyes became more stable, just as Liu Feng said just now, even a half-step King Realm master surrendered to the Liu family, so it\'s not unusual for him to be a great martial artist.

"I\'m quite proud of you." Li Shangxian smiled slightly: "But I\'m afraid you will cry later."

"Old man, you are extremely confident." Liu Feng sneered and said, "However, can he beat Old Zhao?"

Although Liu Feng didn\'t treat Mr. Zhao very well, he knew that Mr. Zhao\'s strength was extraordinary, and usually few people could make a few tricks in his hands.

"It\'s not that I\'m confident, but that you\'re too blind." Li Shangxian sneered: "The person in front of you is not something you can offend, even the Liu family in the devil city may not be able to offend."

Many onlookers at the scene heard Li Shangxian\'s words, and there was a mockery in their eyes. The Liu family is such a existence. Even in the entire country, there may not be a few big families that can rival it.

"Mr., are you joking?" Yang Liwen said, "Mr. Ye is still so young, what should we do if something really happens?"

"Don\'t worry, no matter who has the accident, nothing will happen to Mr. Ye." Li Shangxian patted his chest and assured: "After all, Mr. Ye is not an ordinary person."

"Could it be that he\'s still a god?" Elder Zhao said coldly, "I\'m a great martial artist, but I\'m still afraid of you!"

"Since you\'re not afraid, why delay there?" Ye Tian said bluntly, "It\'s better to just shoot and let me see how strong you are."

Following these words, Old Zhao\'s face turned ashen, but Liu Feng showed an evil smile. Ye Tian was so reckless that he was looking for his own death. Now that he has reached this point, he may be doomed.

Yang Liwen stood at the side, full of anticipation. He had seen Ye Tian\'s methods on the bus, so he still believed it.