The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1253

Liu Yue also frowned slightly, and he naturally noticed it too, but he didn\'t expect that things would be so sudden.

"What\'s going on here? This time the cooperation is quite close, and no one knows about the normal situation. How did they come here?" Liu Yue frowned: "Could it be the Jiangnan company\'s ghost?"

"This is absolutely impossible. Wanyaotang can trust its reputation and will never do such a thing." Yang Liwen said, "I\'m afraid these people have followed us since Jiangdong!"

"You mean, it\'s Jiangdong forces?" Liu Yue frowned.

"You came to Jiangnan to discuss business with Wanyaotang?" Ye Tian\'s eyes lit up.

"Naturally!" Liu Yue nodded, "Wan Yao Tang has quite a lot of influence in Tianzhou, and even occupies the entire medicinal material market. Their beauty pills are very effective, so it\'s only natural to cooperate with them."

"It seems that I have to help today." Ye Tian smiled wryly.

If these people had nothing to do with him, even if they encountered any danger, Ye Tian would never take action easily, but they went to Tianzhou just to negotiate business with Wanyaotang, Ye Tian couldn\'t let them have trouble.

"Mr. Ye, is it possible that you also know Wanyaotang?" Yang Liwen asked curiously.

"Know a thing or two." Ye Tian smiled: "I do know President Su of Wanyaotang."

"Your tone is not small. President Su has power in the south of the Yangtze River. In the south of the Yangtze River, he is already known as the queen of business. How do you know him?" Liu Yue smiled lightly: "Even when the company talks about cooperation, I just talk to him. A manager from Wanyaotang talked about it."

"It\'s useless to talk more." Ye Tian chuckled: "But you are indeed in danger today!"

Liu Yue frowned. Ye Tian\'s words were naturally correct, and he also noticed that the men\'s eyes were wrong, and he was probably looking at them.


While they were talking, a bald man in the front row held a dagger in his hand and put it on the driver\'s neck: "Quickly stop the car for me, if you dare not do what I say, be careful!" head."

"Little brother, please don\'t, I will drive the car aside right now." The driver said hastily, "This is a cliff, if something happens, everyone will be ruined."

"Stop talking nonsense, we only ask for money, nothing else." The bald man said coldly, "If you dare to play any tricks, you will be the one to watch."

Liu Yue and Yang Liwen\'s faces were ashen. These people are so fierce, and they have been looking at them before, and they may have plotted something wrong long ago.

"Sister Liu, what should we do?" Yang Liwen said in fear, "They won\'t..."

"Don\'t worry, didn\'t they just say that? They only ask for money, nothing else." Liu Yue said, "Give him all the valuable things on your body, and nothing will happen."

Ye Tian sat on the side, but smiled slightly, these people came for them, how could it be okay.

"Mr. Ye, what should we do?" Li Shangxian frowned. He was just talking nonsense just now, but he didn\'t expect that he would actually figure it out.

"Wait and see what happens!" Ye Tian waved his hand, as if he didn\'t care, these people are naturally not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Several bald-headed men took out the bags they had prepared long ago, and every seat they passed was fierce, and everyone did not dare to neglect, and took out valuable things one after another.