The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 948: 42 undefeated games and Moutai

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Not disappointing the expecting reporters, Ferguson scolded Jones on duty in the press conference after the game.

"I want to applaud Rio (Ferdinand). He completed a wonderful and standard tackle defense. It\'s a pity that some stupid guys don\'t think so."

"You mean the referee Jones on duty?" an excited reporter asked immediately.

Ferguson ignored the reporter.

"A non-existent penalty changes the game, which is a humiliation to the players on the field and the game itself."

"The refereeing level in the league is getting worse and worse. This is the sadness of the Premier League."

"Manchester United is always hurt in key games, which makes me very confused."

"Some people have poor eyesight. He should see a doctor. Glasses are useless."

"Aston Villa is very strong, but they should not rely on this way to win!"

Although Jones did not name Jones directly, Ferguson\'s remarks were already strong enough. The old man even directly criticized the low level of refereeing in the Premier League.

The Ferguson brand hair dryer finished roaring and left the field, turning a blind eye to the reporters who raised their hands to ask questions.

Fang Jue came late, and when he arrived, he just saw Ferguson leave angrily.

"Hi, Sir." Fang Jue said hello.

The old Scottish man grunted and walked away.

"The rude old man." Fang Jue shook his head.

"Mr. Fang Jue, Sir Ferguson accused Aston Villa of relying on the referee\'s favoritism to win. Do you have anything to say?" The Guardian reporter shouted.

"What I am happiest is that our victory was not a lucky one. It stems from the hard work and struggle of the whole team.

Fang Jue also ignored the reporters\' questions. He screamed at his team and left early without asking questions.

This disappointed the reporters who were waiting to see Fang Jue and Ferguson interact with each other.


The game has just ended, and traditional media have to wait until the next day.

However, in the online media, the penalty for this game and Ferguson\'s comments on referee Jones after the game have become the focus of media reports.

Ferguson\'s remarks were also speculated by the Manchester media that it is very likely that Ferguson would be punished by the FA again.

Prior to this, Ferguson had been fined £20,000 and suspended for 4 games by the FA for ridiculing a referee named Willy for his poor physical fitness and running too slowly.

In addition, Fang Jue avoided questions about the referee and was ridiculed by some media who did not like him and Aston Villa as a guilty conscience.

As the quarrel intensified on this matter, news about Manchester United\'s three-to-zero lead in the first half and celebrating with champagne during the intermission spread.

This big gossip immediately defeated other news and became a hot topic in the media and fans.

No one on the Internet even talks about referee disputes and penalties.

Many reporters have called the Manchester United players who are familiar with each other to ask if there is indeed anything to do with champagne.

The Manchester United players denied this.

Even Rooney, who is the best thing in the glass, vowed to say that the last time he touched an alcoholic drink was three months ago.

"This is not good, this is very bad." Fang Jue shook his head.

He felt a little wronged. Aston Villa could obviously tie the score with his own ability. The referee came out to grab the show, and he was also helpless.

He swears that he really didn\'t use a black card today.

For the use of black cards, Fang Jue always pays attention to martial ethics. When was he not forced to fight back?


"Sir, come out for a drink?" Fang Jue called Ferguson.

Manchester United had planned to return to Manchester that night, but suddenly it rained heavily in Birmingham.

Under the pouring rain, for safety reasons, Manchester United decided to stay in Birmingham for one night, and then leave the next day when the rain is lighter.

"No." The old Scottish man sneered. "Didn\'t you say that I called you, and you wouldn\'t answer it?"

"So, I called you."

"Not going."

Half an hour later, a local restaurant in Birmingham with a good reputation in Chinese circles.

"I said, Sir, I\'m really angry with your attitude." Fang Jue filled Ferguson with a glass of wine. "Everyone has benefited from the penalty or suffered a loss. When Manchester United used to take advantage, why don\'t you say What?"

"You take advantage, of course you say so." The old man snorted.

"It has nothing to do with taking advantage or losing." Fang Jue patted his chest, "We can have our own opinions on the referee, but don\'t be so irritable."

"Even if Aston Villa suffered from the referee\'s loss on the court, I will be very sensible. I won\'t do it like you did today. This will only cause trouble for myself." Fang Jueyu said earnestly.

"Sir, you have a bad temper. You need to change it." Fang Jue and Ferguson clinked, "Moutai, a famous Chinese wine, I like to drink. I will give you a case."

"Uh-cough cough cough." The old man took a sip, and his entire face immediately became redder. Fang Jue seriously suspected that the old man wanted to vomit, but the good-looking old man swallowed his stomach and coughed.

"It doesn\'t taste good." Ferguson sternly.

Fang Jue was snickering in his stomach. For the first time, foreigners were not used to drinking Chinese wine.

Foreigners drink in two ways. One is that they like vodka that is very pure and refreshing like alcohol.

The other is to add more monomer fragrance through oak barrels, with fruity flavor.

The only Chinese liquor in the world is Daqu.

Foreigners are not accustomed to drinking Qujiu, the more sauce-flavored, the more unaccustomed to drinking.

"Drink more. You will get used to it and fall in love with this wine." Fang Jue began to explain the famous Chinese wine and the culture of Moutai to the old Scottish man.

Then, cup after cup.

"Why are you so rich."

"Tell me, it would be great if you went bankrupt."

"Bankrupt, you can come to Manchester United to coach."

Fang Jue\'s face changed, and the old man\'s words were poisonous.

The old man is drunk.

"Didn\'t you choose Moyes to succeed, Moyes is very good."

"It\'s far worse than you."

"Hand it over, leave it to you, I can rest assured... vomit."

"Don\'t vomit, hey hey."

The old Scottish man grunted, swallowed, and burped his wine.

Fang Jue sent Ferguson back to the hotel where the Manchester United team was staying and called McFerland in advance to let him come down to pick up the people.

Mike Phelan glanced at Fang Jue with an unfriendly expression, dissatisfied that Fang Jue had drunk Ferguson.

Fang Jue was not too embarrassed. He didn’t know that Ferguson, who didn’t want to drink Moutai, said that it was not good. After listening to Fang Jue’s Maotai culture, the old man frowned and drank several cups in a row, a little dizzy. Is uncontrollable.

Behind this old man is simply asking for alcohol.

Fang felt that the situation was not good, and he didn\'t drink more to Ferguson, otherwise the old man would get drunk.


To Fang Jue\'s relief, the situation with De Bruyne, who was injured in the match with Manchester United, was pretty good.

After the diagnosis by the medical team, De Bruyne had a slight tear in the adductor muscle of his left thigh. The problem was not serious. It would take more than ten days of recuperation to return to the team.

De Bruyne was fine, Fang Jue breathed a sigh of relief, and then he began to worry about Ferguson.

Sure enough, Ferguson bombarded the referee Jones, especially his sarcasm that Jones had poor eyesight and criticized the inability of the Premier League referees, which caused an uproar.

The FA asked Ferguson to explain and possibly file charges.

Someone in the refereeing circle came out to accuse Ferguson.

"Ferguson clearly crossed the line this time, he will get retribution. I think the Premier League referees will be irritated by his words and deeds this time. In the future, Manchester United will not be taken care of by the referee on those ambiguous penalties." Former Premier League referee Winter Shelling Ferguson.

Winter and Ferguson, who have been retired for 8 years, had a conflict. This person has always been known for daring to speak.

Winter pointed out that Ferguson\'s irresponsible remarks may cause great trouble to Jones\' future law enforcement work.

"In the future, every time Jones enforces the law, some fans will probably sing to him,\'You referee with faulty eyes\', ridiculing Jones in Ferguson\'s words. But Ferguson doesn\'t care about this. He is inviolable in his own kingdom. But in fact he is a bully."

Ferguson is naturally not easy to provoke. The old Scottish man criticized Winter for hating Manchester United. He was unfriendly to Manchester United when he was a referee. He has now retired and exposed his true colors.

Then, two days later, the Football Association of England announced that Ferguson was fined £20,000 and suspended for two games for improper words and deeds.

At the same time, the FA expressed its recognition and satisfaction with Jones\' law enforcement in the match between Aston Villa and Manchester United.


On November 17, the pre-match press conference of Aston Villa away and Manchester City.

A reporter asked Fang Jue about Ferguson\'s punishment by the FA.

"We should respect referees. Referees work under a lot of pressure. Their work is very hard. As coaches, we must believe in their fairness."

"Yes, I respect the referee. Even if Aston Villa occasionally encounters a misjudgment, I will face it with a tolerant attitude. The referee is a human being and will make mistakes." Fang Jue said seriously.


Aston Villa\'s away game against Manchester City.

All the elements in the classic football game include penalty kicks, controversies, and owns.

Yaya Toure tackled Hamei in the first half of the game, but escaped a penalty. The referee McDean awarded a corner kick.

Fang Jue furiously protested from the sidelines, and was severely orally warned by the referee Dean.

The local narrator in Manchester looked at Fang Jue\'s frustrated scene and laughed, "Do you remember what Fang Jue said before the game? Tolerant, he said he would tolerate the referee, oh ha ha ha."

In the second half of the game, Aston Villa goalkeeper Ter Stegen knocked down Aguero, who had a single chance, was shown a yellow card by referee Dean and called a penalty kick.

This time it was Mancini\'s turn to be dissatisfied. His task to Ter Stegen should not be given a yellow card and should be sent off directly.

Aguero made a penalty kick and he lied to Ter Stegen.

One to zero.

Ten minutes later, Yaya Toure\'s long shot helped Manchester City rewrite the score to two to zero.

However, just three minutes later, with an attack by Aston Villa, Lewandowski and Ibrahimovic played a wall-to-wall coordination. After the Polish shot was thrown out by Joe Hart, they returned to the defense. Kompany couldn\'t brake enough to knock the football into the net.

Aston Villa tied the score to one to two with this own goal, only one goal behind.

Aston Villa has been looking for a goal to tie the score.

When the game has entered 93 minutes.

Ibrahimović ferryed Modric\'s header, and he scored an equalizer with a header in front of the goal.

But the assistant referee ruled that Modric, who flew the header, was offside first and the goal was invalid.

At that time, the entire Aston Villa bench including Fang Jue had begun to celebrate.

But the end result was from great joy to great sadness.

Fang Jue was even more angry and kicked the water bottle on the sidelines.

Immediately he was punished by Dean into the stands.

It\'s not just a penalty in the stands, Dean also designated Fang Jue\'s penalty stop location, in the stand area of ​​Manchester City fans.

In this way, the handsome, talented, cute, and blossoming coach Fang Jue stood alone in the circle of home team Manchester City fans, and had to spend some time among the Blue Moon fans full of boos and laughter. Tormented time... about forty seconds.

With such embarrassment and anger, and forty seconds later, the referee blew the whistle at the end of the game. Aston Villa lost to Manchester City in a 1-2 away game. The team\'s league unbeaten record was in the first place. Forty-two games came to an abrupt end, failing to move on to 43 or more. All of this made the young champion marshal angry.

"No one told me that I can\'t do this (kick over the water bottle), I am proud of my footwork, just as the referees are proud of their great work!"

When asked about his views on Ibrahimovic’s goal being blown off, Fang Jue sneered and said: “Maybe only the referee saw that it was offside. At least I didn’t see it. I asked later. My colleagues, they all said that it was definitely a good shot."

The reporter was happy and immediately asked Fang Jue if he was questioning the referee.

At the critical moment, Fang Jue was alert.

"You should ask the referee these questions. I don\'t want to make an evaluation. We were very positive in the game and showed a good mental state. It was really frustrating not to leave with the score. This is really hard to accept. "

This answer disappointed the reporters who had long been waiting for him to get into the trap. If Fang Jue gave an affirmative answer according to his question just now, they would mock him with what Fang Jue said before the game.

"You said before the game that you would respect and tolerate referees."

"I always respect the referee and tolerate everything."

"But you were fined into the stands."

"This has nothing to do with the game, but the referee feels that I shouldn\'t show off my footwork. This is not the job of the coach."

"What did the Manchester City fans shout to you?"

"They said to me, live, live Fang Jue, he is really handsome, I said, thank you for the compliment."

At the press conference, Mancini was in a very good mood. The team won Aston Villa for the first time. This was a wonderful start for Mancini:

If you win the first time, there will be a second and third time.

At the same time, in Mancini\'s view, this is also a good sign, indicating that Manchester City will begin to catch up with Aston Villa step by step in the league, and will eventually be able to overthrow Aston Villa\'s hegemony in the Premier League.

At the same time, he looked at Fang Jue\'s tongue in surprise.

With so many reporters and so many tricky questions, this guy is really good at responding to them one by one.

If this is oneself, it is estimated that the biggest possibility is to be dumbfounded by the question, or even leave the field angrily.

But why is it so cool to watch that guy perform so quietly... Oh ha ha ha!

Back at the hotel where he was staying, Fang Jue received a call from Ferguson.

The old Scottish man sarcastically speaks insincerely and is a hypocrite.

He also said that Fang Jue had no seed, and he was clearly prepared to scold the referee, but he didn\'t dare to scold him bluntly at the last moment.

After some sarcasm, Ferguson hung up without waiting for Fang Jue to refute.

This bad old man!

Fang Jue was so Then, the phone rang again, and it was Ferguson.

This old man? !

What\'s wrong!

Fang Jue answered.

"What about the Moutai you gave me?" The old Scottish man just said, and then he picked up the phone again.

PS: The second one is a 4.5K chapter. Although only two chapters were published today, the weight is enough, 9,000 words.

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