The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 871: Mourinho

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Suarez\'s goal helped Aston Villa take a one-to-zero lead.

What Fang Jue is considering now is, is it acceptable to have a score of zero in the first half? Be safe and be defensive?

Or should we make persistent efforts and strive to continue scoring to expand the score?

In the end, Fang Jue\'s decision was to be more stable and not to be erratic.

In this game, the best result Fang Jue envisioned was to win Real Madrid at home, while trying to avoid Real Madrid getting away goals.

Let\'s put it this way, two to one and one to zero, Fang Jue naturally chose one to zero.

This is a two-round match, won at home to avoid losing the ball. In the second round as a guest at Bernabeu, Real Madrid will be uncomfortable.

Fang Jue walked to the sidelines and shouted the name of Captain Clement. After the opponent looked over, Fang Jue made a gesture.

Clement nodded, indicating that he had received it.

With Fang Jue\'s order, Aston Villa\'s offensive slowed down and began to focus on strengthening the defense.

Even Suarez retreated appropriately, leaving only a fast and powerful Abang Raho to fight back.


Seeing this adjustment of Aston Villa, Mourinho cursed with contempt: coward.

He himself started with defensive counterattack tactics, and he knew that Fang Jue\'s choice was the most appropriate, but it was also the most uncomfortable for Real Madrid.

Now, Fang Jue has made a move, and the right to choose has returned to Mourinho.

Was it forced to accept a zero to one score, Real Madrid also focused on safety and put the hope of a comeback on the Bernabeu home in the next round, or should they try to score a goal, tie the score, and get an away goal?

"Does Fang Jue think I can accept a small loss?" Mourinho asked his assistant Karaka.

"I think he should think so." Karaka thought for a while and said, "He has been preaching about our national derby against Barcelona on weekends, knowing that we have to reserve our strength for this game."

"Do you like reading?" Mourinho asked Karaka.

Karaka was taken aback, not understanding why Mourinho asked this.

Mourinho did not wait for Karaka to answer. He walked back to the sidelines and called Alonso\'s name loudly. When the Spanish midfielder looked over, Mourinho made a gesture, which means: press out. attack!

Mourinho is a person who loves to learn very much and he also likes to ponder things.

In order to prepare for the game against Aston Villa, he studied Aston Villa\'s tactics and Fang Jue.

For this reason, he even bought some books about Chinese culture to study.

His good friend and his manager Mendes recommended some books to him, among which Mourinho is most interested in the "36 Tactics".

The more I look at it, the more I sigh. I didn\'t expect the Chinese to have such a profound strategy in such a long time.

Mourinho feels that some of these strategies can be used on the football field.

What he chooses now is;

He knew that Aston Villa wanted to defend against Real Madrid\'s counterattack.

In this case, Mourinho asked the team to press out, the purpose is to attract Aston Villa to press out to fight back, Real Madrid can take the opportunity to fight Aston Villa\'s counterattack.

Of course, there is one thing to pay attention to, that is, when Real Madrid presses out, the back line must be stable and no more conceded.

If Aston Villa takes the opportunity and succeeds in a sneak attack, then eating chicken will not be an anti-eclipse.


Cristiano Ronaldo dribbled the ball directly and passed Kyle Walker, who had no choice but to reach out and pull Cristiano Ronaldo\'s jersey.

The Belgian referee Bruch whistled a foul against Kyle Walker, but he didn\'t play a card and only verbally warned Kyle Walker.

This caused Mourinho\'s strong dissatisfaction, and the Portuguese opened their arms excitedly on the sidelines, shouting, and protesting.

Fang Jue was applauding, and praised the chief referee\'s ‘clearly aware of Qiuhao’.

This Mourinho is so angry that it used to be an open field. Such a tactical foul does not give a yellow card?

In the second round match between Aston Villa and Barcelona, ​​Aston Villa was obviously favored by the referee Eriksen from Sweden. Mourinho watched the game in front of the TV. Mourinho is very happy that Barcelona took advantage of the referee\'s loss.

Of course, Aston Villa was a guest at Camp Nou in the first round, which also suffered the referee\'s big loss, Mourinho also watched it very well.

However, at this moment, Mourinho can\'t wait to point to Fang Jue and Aston Villa\'s nose to curse: Platini\'s godson!

Real Madrid\'s frontcourt free kick.

Earl Bigeye took the free kick into the penalty area. Ronaldo scored a header, which was still relatively threatening. The football was just slightly higher than the crossbar.

Fang Jue frowned, Real Madrid\'s momentum rose.

This made Fang Jue begin to reflect. Is his strategy of arranging the team to defend and counterattack a bit too conservative?

Mourinho applauded from the sidelines to applaud the team\'s good performance.


"Beautiful! The shot was beautiful and the save was wonderful."

Aston Villa, who was somewhat passive in the scene, made a counterattack. After Mane made a cut in the wing, he was about to go to the bottom, but suddenly he took a shot.

The football was blocked by Ramos with his body.

Suarez swept the football to Bale before Pepe.

The Welsh star bends his bow and shoots an arrow, and the football flies straight to the lower left corner of the goal like a cannonball out of the chamber.

That is to say, Casillas has a high concentration of attention and reacts very quickly. He subconsciously stretches his leg to block the football, otherwise the ball is very likely to get into the lower corner of the goal.

After the football was blocked by Casillas, Abangraho tried to make a supplementary shot and Coentron took the lead to sweep the football out.

"Counterattack, Real Madrid\'s counterattack opportunity."

"Aston Villa is retiring quickly, and the frontcourt players resisted steadily, deploying layers of defense." Zhang Lu said.

Khedira was dribbling the ball, facing Modric\'s pressure, he chose to pass the football to Alonso.

Alonso was pressured by Clemente as soon as he took the ball.

It seems that Alonso has no choice but to be defended by Clemente. He can only choose to dribble the ball back. This will be another successful defense for Clemente.

At this moment, Alonso, who was dribbling back with the ball, suddenly twisted his waist, turned around and twisted, and sent the football out.


"Pretty! Alonso successfully instigated an attack under Clemente\'s mark."

Alonso\'s pass was sudden and difficult. Clement, who is already known as the top defensive midfielder in football, didn\'t expect Alonso to make such a pass.

Ebeye got the ball in the front court, and he sent the football away.

Benzema stopped the ball, turned around, got rid of, passed Kyle Walker, and then dribbled the ball directly into the penalty area.

This time, Stroman completed a successful defense, and he tightly stuck Benzema\'s forward path.

At this time, Kyle Walker, who was just passed by Benzema, also returned. Under the double-team of the two, Benzema could only choose to continue to dribble to the baseline.

The more space it took, the smaller the football was eventually blocked by Stromman.

Real Madrid won a corner kick.

"Although it failed to form a shot, Real Madrid\'s attack was completed." He Wei commented.

"Kyle Walker was attacked by Cristiano Ronaldo and Benzema in turn, and some couldn\'t stand it anymore," Zhang Lu said.

Fang Jue stood up from his seat, he certainly saw that Mourinho was focusing Real Madrid\'s attack on Kyle Walker\'s side.

Compared to Milner on the other side, Kyle Walker seems to be better at forming a gap here.

However, Fang Jue was not dissatisfied with Kyle Walker. Take the defense just now. Although Kyle Walker was overtaken by Benzema in the first game, he quickly chased it back and struck Stromman against Benzema. It formed an encirclement, and ultimately did not allow Benzema to form a shot or pass.

As a full-back, Kyle Walker\'s biggest characteristic is his speed. You can pass him, but it is difficult to completely get rid of him. As long as there are teammates behind him that can contain him, Kyle Walker can make up.

In addition, in addition to speed, Kyle Walker also has a certain degree of hardness on defense. It is not so easy to break through and get rid of him completely.

Of course, compared to defense, Kyle Walker still has a lot of room for improvement on the offensive end: whether it\'s a header, a pass or a shot, Kyle Walker\'s ability is relatively average.

However, he can run.

When the assist went up, he ran up and breathed, still looking quite imposing.

Closer to home, what made Fang Jue satisfied was the defense cooperation between Stromman and Kyle Walker.

Compared to the unsuitability and easy loss of position in the opening stage, Stromman played well during this period and looked like a real central defender to defend.


The first half of the game has been in for thirty-five minutes, and Aston Villa has a one-to-zero lead over Real Madrid.

The game was very fierce, but the feet of the players on both sides were still clean, and the referee had not played a card.

At this moment, Mane, who broke through with the ball in the frontcourt, encountered a serious foul by Real Madrid defender Ramos.

Mane screamed and fell to the ground, looking painful, while Ramos spread his hands and looked innocent, indicating that he had done nothing.

"This is a foul! It is definitely a foul! A very bad foul!" commentator John Mortensen exclaimed in the commentary Ramos is like a high-speed forklift, directly Shoveling Ma Nei to the ground... This foul action is very fierce. Ma Nei is lying on the ground, it seems that the situation is not very good, it is likely to be injured..."

"Cao Nima!" Fang Jue on the sidelines jumped up from his seat for the first time and rushed directly to the sidelines. He didn\'t even bother to accuse this bad foul. He stared at the court and watched nervously at Mane. Case.

Suarez was the closest, and he rushed directly to Ramos, looking for this person to settle accounts.

Then Pepe leaned down and rushed over, directly separating Suarez and Ramos.

Ramos doesn\'t need Pepe\'s protection. He points to Suarez, cursing in his mouth, which probably means: what? Want to bite me? !

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