The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 864: In June flying snow, Barcelona was wronged

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Press conference after the game.

When Fang Jue came to the press conference, he saw Guardiola angrily accusing the referee of the game\'s law enforcement.

"This is a disgrace! It is a disgrace of football. Aston Villa\'s second goal was fouled first, and their third goal, that penalty, does not exist." Guardiola was filled with indignation. Said.

Seeing Fang Jue\'s arrival, Guardiola seemed to have found the target of the accusation. He directly asked Fang Jue, "Mr. Fang Jue, do you think that is a penalty?"

"I can understand your feeling of losing, but please don\'t make trouble unreasonably." Fang Jue glanced at Guardiola. "Mr. Guardiola, please have a little gentleman\'s demeanor."

The reporters at the scene laughed. The words Fang Jue just said to Guardiola were exactly the same as what Guardiola said when Fang Jue accused the referee of law enforcement issues after the first round of the game.

Yes, it\'s exactly the same. There are not many words in one word, and many words in one. Even the tone and expression are almost the same.

Guardiola\'s lips trembled when he heard the words.

You not only stole my victory, you even imitated what I said!

"Being able to win by a big score of 7 to 1, and finally eliminated Barcelona 9 to 4, I would first like to thank the enthusiastic Catalan media." Fang Jue said solemnly after sitting down.

When Fang Jue said this, many reporters looked at each other, not knowing why he said that.

However, Catalan media reporters who are familiar with Fang Jue, especially "Daily Sport" reporter Luisson and "World Sport" reporter Bill Talella Della, changed their expressions and felt uncomfortable.

After all, Fang Jue coached in Spanish football for three years, especially during the La Liga season. Fang Jue played against them many times. This Chinese coach seems to be very humble and honest, but he is cunning in his bones. Sly.

"I want to thank the Daily Sport newspaper. Really, I sincerely. Because if it weren\'t for their "Ten Reasons Barcelona Must Advance", I might have to think of something to inspire me. The players, however, thanks to them, I don’t need to say anything. The players are very motivated. They told me that there is no need for me to say any more\'nonsense\', and now nothing can stop them from fighting."

As he said, Fang Jue shrugged, "So, as you can see, the players quickly entered the game state, goals came quickly, and then continued to score. Everyone was very excited about this. , I want to thank, ah, Louisson is here, your article is simply great."

"Daily Sports" reporter Lu Yisong looked embarrassed. Of course he knew that Fang Jue had said this deliberately and deliberately **** him off, but he was really angry.

"I have suggested that the club put a newspaper in the Expo. This is a testament to the wonderful history of a great game."

Louison: It\'s muddy!

Fang Jue looked at Louis sincerely, "If possible, I would like to invite Mr. Louisson to sign on this newspaper."

Louisson: You dream, never think about it, it\'s impossible.


Most reporters at the scene burst into laughter.

Although they and several journalists from Catalonia, including Luisson, were colleagues, they were very embarrassed to see the reporters of "Daily Sport" deflated.

In the past few seasons, Barcelona swept Europe, but also because of some more controversial penalties and many teams ‘results’.

It is difficult to say whether the club level will be enmity because of this, but the fans and the media have been quarreling endlessly and forged a lot of beams.

The fiasco in Barcelona is something that many people are very happy to see.

They don\'t mind who Barcelona was blasted, the important thing is that Barcelona was blasted.

Especially in today\'s game, Barcelona seems to have suffered from the referee\'s loss, which makes some people who eat melons cheer.

After Fang Jue satirized the reporter of "Daily Sports Daily", he was happy.

Guardiola has left the table in anger.

He arrived first, had already accepted an interview before, and completed the routine ‘work flow’ of the press conference after the game.

The only reason to stay here is to "fire a gun" at Fang Jue. He wants to question Fang Jue whether Fang Jue will accept such a "shameful" victory.

Unexpectedly, Fang Jue responded to him with his words after the end of the last round, which made Guardiola extremely upset and faceless, so he could only leave first.

Fang Jue shrugged: This guy is rude.

There was another burst of laughter at the scene. This action was also the action that Guardiola made after Fang Jue left the seat in anger after the last round of the game.

They can see that this is really a scrupulous guy, and today he is ‘targeting’ Guardiola everywhere.


Then came the reporter\'s questioning session.

"Alves was shown a second yellow card for protest after the game... Guardiola thinks that Alves fouled Mane in the game outside the penalty area. What do you think of this?"

Fang Jue spread his hands and said, "What do I think? I always respect the work of the referee, and I believe he must have made a correct sentence..."

"However, according to the video of the game, the foul was indeed outside the penalty area, and your player Mane seemed to have expressed a similar view to the referee at the time." Catalan’s "World Sport" reporter Tale Ladra retorted.

"From the game video? According to the game video, the results and scores of many games need to be rewritten. In our first round, some penalties have to be changed, and that penalty is impossible."

"Sadio said something to the referee, but, obviously, the referee thinks he is the one who can see the most clearly." Fang Jue said, "However, regardless of whether Mane\'s own judgment is correct, he can It’s a precious quality to find the referee actively and say not to take a penalty kick. Of course, this kid is simple and heart-wrenching. At the Nou Camp, Busquets didn’t speak up when we were called for a penalty kick. Puyol also did not stand up and say that he also pulled Papasta Sopoulos, who is also a player, some people only see winning, and some people have something more simple."

Fang Jue\'s words left the Catalan journalist stunned, completely unable to think of how to refute Fang Jue.

Although he would like to say that fools will actively reject the penalty kick awarded by the referee, Busquets and Puyol are not stupid, but Mane’s “silly cute” performance in today’s game serves as an example. He can\'t say it, at least he can\'t say it on this occasion...

It\'s so special, I\'m afraid of comparison in everything.

It is conceivable that the penalty kick that Barcelona was whistled in these two rounds and the penalty kick that Aston Villa was whistled in the Nou Camp will definitely be taken out after the game. Comparison and hot discussion.

Aston Villa was indeed taken care of by the referee in today\'s game.

Everyone\'s eyes are sharp, so they can see clearly.

However, that guy in Mane actually refused to take the penalty kick. This stupid boy\'s move turned out to be able to "wash the ground" for Aston Villa:

Don\'t blame us, blame the referee, we are very simple and kind, but first, we always respect the work of the referee.


Next, a reporter asked about Busquets\' red card.

Ask him what he thinks about this red card: Don\'t you think this red card is too harsh?

Fang Jue’s answer was: “Busquets is a player with a great desire to perform. In fact, I always think that if he does not play football and becomes an actor, he must be very promising. I don’t understand him. Why did you make such an incomprehensible move? The badness of this matter is greater than the offensiveness that the incident itself may bring... Fortunately, he did not hit Stroman, otherwise he was really worried that Stroman turned and approached him. Covering his face and screaming to the ground, that\'s really unclear."

Fang Jue can be regarded as blacking out Barcelona\'s midfielder Busquets...

There was a lot of discussion on the scene. Fang Jue was not the first head coach to publicly criticize Busquets’ behavior, but he was the first person to show off his height. He let coaches all over the world learn it once, and he used to curse. It can come out in the dark without dirty words.

In fact, Fang Jue has been unable to understand some of Busquets’ behavior. This is a very good player. Apart from some controversial events, he still appreciates this player.

Barcelona\'s strength is very strong, except when facing Aston Villa, in other moments, Barcelona\'s advantage is very obvious, they can win more convincingly.

However, Busquets abruptly developed himself from a star to an acting star.

At the end of the press conference, Fang Jue did not forget to stimulate the Catalan journalists.

"Ten reasons why Barcelona eliminated Aston Villa, hahaha, sorry, I have always been polite and will not laugh at others unless, unless I can\'t help it, hahaha."

He laughed up to the sky and went out.

Ever since he stole the La Liga title from Barcelona when he was coaching Ibiza and double-killed Barcelona in two rounds, Fang Jue had a bad relationship with Barcelona at that time.

After defeating Barcelona in the Champions League final last season, Guardiola criticized Fang Jue’s smoke bomb before the game as despicable.

Counting this season and eliminated Barcelona, ​​under the new hatred of the old.

Especially a week ago he ridiculed Barcelona to rely on the referee to win.

It was difficult for him and the Catalan media to relax, and Fang Jue began to let himself go (unscrupulous).


Barcelona was slaughtered by Aston Villa one to seven, and the total score was four to nine.

The tragedy at Villa Park shocked the world.

Before the next day, the online sections of major European media rushed to report the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League.

After the game, FC Barcelona took the lead, and Barcelona\'s official website released a video clip of the game.

What is\'clearly visible\' in the video is that before Aston Villa\'s second goal, the steal was a foul.

In addition, the penalty won by Aston Villa is ‘at least half a meter from the penalty area’ in the official statement of the FC Barcelona!

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated. In fact, it should be a few centimeters outside the penalty area, but that is also outside the penalty area.

The title of the Barcelona Club’s official website is very long, and the translation probably contains two meanings:

One: Flying snow in June, football is injustice forever!

Second: People are doing, the sky is watching!

Barcelona fans have also left messages in the club forum. They are yelling at Aston Villa, yelling at Fang Jue, yelling at "Eriksson, the darkest black whistle in football history"...

It\'s a pity that even if they can only curse and vent, this cannot change the fact that Barcelona was eliminated by Aston Villa.

Aston Villa’s response to Barcelona was that they posted a video of the\'corner to penalty\' during the first leg visit at the Nou Camp.

If a foul a few centimeters outside the penalty area line is\'mistaken\' as being in the penalty area, and a penalty kick is called, this is a mistake. After all, the referees are also dazzled, this is a category of\'technical\' misjudgment. if.

Then, the corner kick directly changes to the penalty kick, the meaning of which is even more interesting.

Seeing Aston Villa in action, the two London teams Arsenal and Chelsea also followed suit.

What Chelsea sent was still the picture of Ballack chasing after and questioning Norwegian referee Henning.

Arsenal issued a photo of the referee showing the red card to Van Persie.

Even Gazzetta dello Sport came to join in the fun, posting a photo of the referee canceling Shevchenko\'s goal.

This is quite a posture of\'the world is suffering for Barcelona for a long time.\'

Many media around the world also followed suit, saying that Barcelona was abandoned by godfather, and Aston Villa is now Platini\'s godson.

Speaking of Barcelona having a godfather to take care of this, the most reliable statement is from the 20082009 season when Barcelona won the six championships.

In the most important second leg of the Champions League semi-final.

Barcelona was a guest at Stamford Bridge to face Chelsea. Barcelona was completely passive in the whole game. Chelsea had at least two or three obvious penalties. However, Norwegian referee Henning refused to give a penalty. Instead, Iniesta\'s last-minute long shot eliminated Chelsea. Out.

Objectively speaking, Chelsea did well in this game and deserved to win. Guardiola had congratulated Hiddink at the last minute even on the sidelines, but the referee\'s decision influenced the result of the game.

Platini took care of Barcelona after the game spread like wildfire, and Barcelona has become a team with godfather care.

In fact, in Fang Jue\'s view, it was not only Barcelona that were taken care of at the time, but during that time, many Spanish teams were taken care of more or less.

This is because Vera, then chairman of the Spanish Football Association, was also the head of the referee committee of UEFA and FIFA.

Of course, there are also some voices defending Barcelona, ​​saying that it was due to the attention paid to Barcelona’s technical flow. The referees in football also felt that more reckless fouls should be prevented to protect technical flow players, and did not really deliberately take care of this. Say.

Fang Jue was very angry at the claim that Aston Villa was Platini\'s godson.

He refused to admit that Aston Villa was promoted by the Even if we played another hundred times, we were promoted. "Fang Jue said unceremoniously, "Everyone who watched the game would recognize this. "

Regarding Fang Jue\'s statement, the Catalan media was very indignant, thinking that someone was shameless.

"World Sports" pointed out on the front page of the next day that Barcelona was very angry at the referee\'s poor performance. Barcelona was out because of the referee\'s misjudgment. Otherwise, it must be Barcelona who advanced.

"Birmingham Evening News"\'s response was concise and concise: seven to one!

In addition, the newspaper also used photos of Mane who took the initiative to explain the situation to the referee and refused to take a penalty kick, and it was accompanied by a photo of Busquets covering his eyes and peeking at the referee. The intention was obvious.

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