The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 378: Shocking long shot

Clement is dribbling the ball.

Standing on the sidelines, Fang Jue became excited when he saw this scene. He clapped quickly with both hands and muttered in his mouth: Chong! Rush! Rush!

In Ibiza’s usual tactical training classes, Fang Jue sometimes makes Clemente jump in suddenly. The main consideration is that Clemente rarely presses up. If he presses up so suddenly, sometimes he can get miraculous effects !

As for when to press it up, Fang Jue left it to the players to decide based on the situation on the court.

Therefore, the sudden advance this time was a tactical exercise, but it was Clemente\'s own judgment and choice to advance at this time.

"Clemente took the ball forward by himself, Real Madrid\'s midfielder did not intercept at all...Las Diarra, he came up to intercept and rushed over." Dolores clenched his fist and shouted.

Las Diarra came up to intercept, but this interception was more symbolic. Clemente, who was not good at excelling, took the football forward, accelerated himself, and it passed.

"Las Diarra let Clemente go, he turned to target Desler." Hierro said. After seeing Las Diarra\'s symbolic blockade, he did not pursue Clemente. , But immediately pounced on Dessler, experience tells him that Clement will not continue to dribble, he will choose to pass, and Dessler, who is closest to Clement, is obviously a dangerous man.

Fang Jue clenched his hands, pressed his lips together and looked at the court, motionless, his eyes flickering.


"Lewandowski withdrew, he was ready to take Clemente... Ramos came up, he was guarding against Clemente\'s pass. Good job, Clemente!!!" Dolo Leis shouted.

Clemente must pass the ball to Lewandowski. This is the most correct choice in everyone\'s eyes. Everyone knows that Clemente is characterized by daring to fight, breakthrough and shooting. It\'s not his strong point. To tell the truth, being able to take the ball all the way through such a long distance, and even passed Las Diarra, has already made many people open their mouths in shock.

Ramos immediately stretched his foot to block Clemente\'s pass, but he did not expect Clemente to take the football forward, suddenly started up, and squeezed Ramos away with his strong physical fitness and continued to move forward. .

Ramos was shocked and turned around to chase after him.

At this time, Desler and Modric were sprinting.

"Pass!" Fang Jue clenched his fists and shouted towards the court. At this moment, Dessler attracted Las Diarra and Heinze. Modric was empty.

"Replacement! Replenishment!" Casillas yelled, and Pepe rushed towards Modric.

"Pass the ball!" Dolores shouted, "It\'s empty-Pepe fills up-Clement-he-shoots?!!!"


Dolores\' eyes widened, and the commentator\'s eyes looked suspicious. He saw Clemente lift his right foot, but instead of passing the ball, he shot:

This Ibiza defensive midfielder was close to 30 meters from the goal, suddenly kicked and shot!

No one thought he would choose to shoot.

And the shot is so decisive.

The football soared into the sky and flew towards the goal, bringing a gust of wind.

Casillas’ attention was focused on Clemente’s possible pass to Modric on the right side of Ibiza. He really didn’t expect Clemente to suddenly kick and shoot, so Casili Yas\'s position was leaning to the left. At this time, if he didn\'t have time to adjust his position, he could only jump into the air, stretched his arms hard, and wanted to throw out the football that suddenly shot from a long distance.


With this long roar of Dolores, Casillas, the patron saint of Real Madrid, fell from the air. His facial expression was desperate. He did not touch the football. The football swept over Casillas\' right hand. After that, he suddenly got into the net and rolled up the snow-white net high!


In the 69th minute of the game, the ‘second’ player in Ibiza’s team who could not score a goal scored.

Two to one, Ibiza once again exceeded the score at the Bernabéu...

"Crazy kick...the world wave!!" Dolores, who has always made no secret of being a supporter of Ibiza, broke out. He stood up and waved his arms vigorously and yelled, "Gol! Gol! Gol! Clement! Clement! He suddenly drove the ball forward, he passed Las Diarra, he cheated Ramos, he shoots, he scores! Casillas lost to Clement... The 28-year-old Ibiza scored a goal at the Bernabéu. Two years ago, he was still in the Division B. He played in the league. Ten years ago, he was still playing in the Spanish League C echelon. Last season, Fang Jue coached Ibiza for his first show. Clemente, who has never scored a goal, scored twice! , He broke Barcelona\'s goal, now, he has scored Real Madrid\'s goal, Jerisman White Clement, he either does not score, the goal is the key goal!"

Clemente, who broke into the crazy world wave, was running, but he didn\'t run two steps before he was surrounded by the same crazy and excited teammates. They threw him to the ground and pressed him down.

Their mouths roared, excited good words, excited dirty words, and excited howls were said in their mouths.

This goal is too critical, and this goal is too morale-boosting.

Clemente, who rarely scores goals, scores a goal. Moreover, Ibiza has never lost the number of times Clemente scores. No, to be precise, Clemente scored. Ibiza wins the ball. Of course, the two own goals that this guy scored before Fang Jue coached Ibiza said otherwise.

Ibiza’s side is celebrating wildly, while Real Madrid’s side is a dead silence. Everyone can’t believe their eyes. Can’t believe that Ibiza who rarely scores and almost never shoots, The guy who was the least likely to score a goal except for the goalkeeper and Makelele in Ibiza\'s team actually scored, and it was such a shocking world wave, a world wave that made Casillas and I helpless to surrender!

"Last season, Clemente had such a super world wave." Hierro said bitterly. "Yes, he rarely shoots, and goals are even rarer because his shooting skills are really good. Poor, but this is such a player, as long as he scores a goal, he is super beautiful and super critical. One to two, Clemente broke into the wonderful world wave and Real Madrid fell behind."

"When defending he was very desperate. He swept around. He and his teammates built a solid line of defense in front of Ibiza’s back line. On offense, at critical moments, he dedicated himself to making people jump. The key goal of cheers, Jerrysman White Clement, no matter what the final result of this game, the best player, I voted for him." Dolores said, making no secret of himself. The appreciation and support of Ibiza Titans.


Getting up from the ground, Clemente yelled at his teammates, protesting everyone\'s ravages on him, everyone laughed.

Then, the 186cm tall man rushed to the sidelines, hugged the team coach, and shouted in his ear, "Coach, this time, I didn\'t listen to you, I shot! "

"Haha, you are right, you are right!" Fang Jue laughed and said, and finally slapped his proud general on the shoulder, "Good job!"

The river of time flows slowly, and the river goes retrograde, looking back. One year and ten months ago, Fang Jue coached Ibiza\'s first game. He stood on the sidelines and roared\'shooting\'. At that time, the 26-year-old Clay Mente scored his first true goal in Ibiza\'s career. One year and ten months later, on the night of the Bernabéu, Fang Jue roared\'passing\' from the sidelines, 28-year-old Clement Teo shot the Bernabéu with a shocking long shot. Then, the big tough guy proudly said to his coach: This time, I didn\'t listen to you...

In fact, we should understand this as: acting like a baby.

Photojournalists, the camera lens captures this scene, freezes it, and becomes another classic scene in football.

PS: The third monthly pass will be updated on 8/24. I want to guarantee the end of the monthly pass, brothers, in a hurry.