The Genius' First Love

Chapter 693 - Extra 1

A week after, Darryl brought Xhemin to the par line to be checked by an obygene. He had specifically asked the council and Enoch to allow Xhemin to be checked by a physician in the mainland because her last pregnancy didn't turn out well and he was afraid the same scenario and complications might arise.

The council who then felt the importance of Illa Durray's words wanted to do everything in their power to make sure the baby will be born without complications and so they allowed the thing. Right then, Xhemin was inside the tent in the middle of Puente De Amor being checked thoroughly by an obygene while Ziggy and Darryl waited outside. The Montreal youngest sire was the one Darryl contacted about this and he was the one who prepared the facilities in the par line for Xhemin.

"So you found the cure?" Ziggy raised the question. Darryl had sent him a letter about it as well as some other important details so he already had an idea.

"I think so. It's the same gin that caused the birth of the triplets," Darryl answered. "Xhemin said she's going to study it and see if she can reproduce it. I told her of course to delay such plans until she gave birth and recovered.

"Make sure she complies with that. She's a bit hard headed when her research comes into place," Ziggy warned.

"Don't worry I'll make sure of that," Darryl promised and changed the topic to what they had been secretly corresponding about for the past few weeks. Ziggy had sent him a letter about some plans in the par line as well as some of Ziggy's plans in the incoming future and Darryl was the one who had been helping him with it. "So how things were going with our little project? You told me with your last letter you found an investor,"

"Guess who.." Ziggy wanted to laugh at it but held his breath.

"No idea," Darryl felt like it was somehow related to him.

"Your grandfather…" The Montreal sire  revealed, this time he was giggling.

"What?" Darryl's surprise couldn't be held. He went on combing his head mercilessly wondering what his grandfather wanted this time.

"However he had demands... " Ziggy revealed. "He wanted also wanted a VIP retirement home be set up in the neutral ground,"

"How outrageous!" Darryl laughed at it. Just when Ziggy said it, he already knew what his grandfather wanted. Dannah had told Darryl in her letters that their grandfather was frustratedly mad at the fact that Willow was brought to Manggan Island and had been demanding Dannah to do something about it. He wanted his great grandchildren to come back as he was missing them badly and this must be the very reason why he wanted a retirement home in the neutral ground Darryl and ZIggy was planning to make so he can see his great grandchildren all the time.

The neutral ground was a proposal Ziggy opened to Darryl with the intention to build a hospital in it. It was a space like the par line camp, meant to be a neutral ground for the Manggan people and the mainland civilization. Because it was a neutral ground, Manngan people and mainland people can interact with each other here and avail of the facilities like the hospital. Ziggy had been planning this for a long time already ever since he treated Baruk Tam and thought building a hospital where Manggan people can go freely without restrictions will greatly improve their lifestyle a lot.

"He just wanted his great grandchildren, you know. Since it's a neutral ground, Willow and Wolfe can visit him without restrictions," Ziggy told him. "He is old Darryl, I think it's not really hard to grant his wishes,"

"See if we can have a space for a retirement home then, one small building will do," Darryl just went with it. He don't plan to withhold his children anyway as he knew Willow and Wolfe belong to the mainland and sooner or later they had to go back when they were both old enough,"

"What are your plans for Willow's education by the way?" Ziggy asked him. "Summer is about to end, she had to go back to Rivendell,"

"There is an oak school in the Manngan Island. All the teachers there were Rivendell teachers so I might send her there. I'm also talking about this with the council now, to see if they can permit the child to continue studying in Rivendell,"

"I hope things go well for her," Ziggy wished for it. Although he was happy that Darryl's family was not okay, he still wished Willow could finish her studies in Rivendell. Afterall it was her dream academy.

"By the way, I heard from the Ministry you and the chieftain were proposing some ventures for traditional Manngan furnitures. You are the one making these furniture, right? Are you going to export it out to the mainland and sell it?" The youngest Montreal raised another question. He had been consistently visiting the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs these days and so he heard about it.

"It was the Chieftain's idea. I had taken some inspiration from the Manngan Island's arts in some of the furniture I made and the Chieftain thought it might be a good business. The Ministry was so welcoming about it and encourage us to export since many were interested,"

"Basically you are putting up a new business," Ziggy commented and smirked "Your business calling never left you. What's the name of this new business you are putting up with the Chieftain?"

"Winter Industries," The Lagdameo heir announced not knowing he had fulfilled one of Illa Durray's visions—the one that says the name of the dead one will linger longer than the others. "Don't expect to much on it, it's just a small business,"

"Everything starts with something small. You know that," Ziggy replied. "Good business name by the way,"