The Genius' First Love

Chapter 613 - Her First Love

"Willow your Dada is here," Xhemin answered, ignoring the fact that the child used the word Appa. She thought Willow was then confused and that she could have accidentally referred to her Dada as Appa.

Willow only looked at her with more resentment. She cried even more that Xhemin's heart broke as she didn't understand her pain. Ever since that incident on the bridge, their lives had never been the same and the CGC CEO feared each day that passed, bearing the burden and threat of loss.

"Willow my love, don't cry anymore," She tried to comfort her.

"Your Imma had never slept and ate worrying about you my love," Ziggy told her, hoping she'll finally stop crying. However, the girl only cried even more.

"Mommy, why have you not told me?" Willow finally spoke, her heart breaking into pieces and Xhemin's too. When Willow finally said something, she finally guessed what was making her feel so bad. "Why have you not told me about my Appa? He saved me mommy. He saved me and I don't know what happened to him. It makes me scared,"

Xhemin couldn't help but close her eyes as a great amount of pain struck her heart.She wiped her face with her two hands out of frustration unable to answer Willow's questions.

Ziggy himself didn't know what to say. The thought of Darryl all made the a.d.u.l.ts' expression turn into a serious mess.

"Willow, your Appa. He is…" Ziggy tried to say something but he just couldn't. It took him a while to answer her completely, "Your Appa cannot come,"

Willow wanted to ask why but she feared the answer to it. Seeing how her mommy broke down and cried at the mention of her Appa made her regret asking for it. She had never seen Xhemin cry that hard before and the pain that came was so great Willow couldn't bear to see it.

"I'm so sorry my love. Your Appa cannot come," Xhemin just repeated Ziggy's words. She had no more strength left to give her a more definite answer. If there was only a better word to describe it but there was none.

"I am so sorry," Xhemin repeated again and again. When she cannot take the pain anymore, she excused herself from Willow's room leaving Ziggy and the child to tend to their own pain.


Xhemin exited out Willow's room crying. She stood at the door and held her heart unable to bear the stinging pain. She knew she shouldn't have cried in front of her daughter but she had been in a terrible mess for the last few days. She wasn't completely stable at the moment. She was just thankful her daughter came out lucky and was saved in time.

"Darryl, what am I to tell your daughter? I was hoping she had not figured it out so it wouldn't hurt that much. But she had already," Xhemin whispered, hoping that her whispers would reach him somewhere. To the place where he was right then. "How am I to save her from this pain?"

It had been a week already and yet the news came out as painful as she first heard it. Why was fate so painfully so hard on them? Why can't they just be happy?

"CEO Leigh," Someone called Xhemin and when she raised her head, she saw Madam Diana standing in front of her. The madam of the Lagdameo was still beautiful but there was no life in  her eyes anymore. Like her, she was in pain but hers probably was more unbearable.

"Madam," Xhemin wiped the tears in her face and gave her a small curtsy. They were in Feather HealthCare hospital and so it wasn't a surprise why the Madam was here. It was afterall the hospital where they brought all the fatalities in the Puente De Amor as the hospitals in the South recommended. It had been a week already yet all the pain had never subsided yet.

"Tomorrow is my son's..."Mam Dian's throat had dried up and she couldn't even dare to mention it. She was aware how important Xhemin was to her son and although her children were subjected to Dian's crimes, she was hoping she would spare Darryl for his sister's sin.

The Lagdameo household had been told of Dian's crimes and how CEO Leigh had suffered with it. Everything had finally been revealed but nothing about Wolfe and Willow being Lagdameos. Since only the three Lagdameo siblings knew about it and only at that same day, no one had discovered it unless of course the three siblings would reveal it themselves which was impossible already at that moment.

"I was hoping you'd come and see him for one last time," Madam Dian couldn't help but cry. She had seen Darryl's devotion for the Leigh heiress and he knew that it would make him more at peace if he'll see her before they will cremate his body away.

With what happened recently, Madam Dian was very aware of the tensions between L'Empire and LGC. The media had kept the Puente De Amor incident on the hot news since it was publicized. As no clear details were given, supporters and employees of both corporations had been bashing and insulting each other. However Madam Diana hoped that even as to the current circ.u.mstance, they'd all be casual and set aside their indifferences at this moment of loss.

Hearing it, Xhemin's heart fell away. She loved Darryl. Deep in her heart she does and although she did him so many grave sins, it doesn't mean she loves him any less that she had before. He will forever be her first love and the father of her children. Forever she would bear that loss and pain.

"I don't think I can…" Xhemin cried once more. She shook her head hoping things would just be different, "I don't think I can stand seeing him dead. I don't think I can,"

Madam Diana looked Xhemin with thorough pity. She opened her arms for her and Xhemin ran to welcome it. The two women embraced each other for a long time wishing all this was just a nightmare.