The Genius' First Love

517 Scar 2

"How was your trip back here?" Dannah asked, her eyes showed some hint of concern.

"Clean," Scar replied, assuring her that things were under control. "I don't like it when you ask that, it seemed like you are not confident with me,"

Dannah just ignored his remark and reached for an apple that was on the counter. She threw it in the air and played with it for a minute before she put it in her mouth to take a bite.

"Don't worry, I'm all good," Scar gave her another assurance. There was a constant threat to Scar's life because he was an ex-syndicate member. When he left the group of Franco, he was of course hunted by his previous colleagues as no one left the syndicate alive. However, Scar was somewhat ahead of his colleagues when it came to skills so whenever he went home to Dannah, he always managed to enter the borders without being noticed by Franco's men.

"You don't really have to keep coming back here," Dannah told him. Despite her confidence with Scar's skills, she still can't help but worry about him. There were incidents in the past that he was captured and she was afraid that one day, she'll lose him.

"You don't like me here?" Scar raised a brow at her as her words were obviously a lie. "You know I can't do that. You are the only family I have, I have to keep coming back to make sure you are doing good,"

What Scar said was true. The man had no living family alive that he knew of and growing up, Dannah was his constant companion until one day that they both decided they are going to be siblings or whatever relationship qualifies what they have and promised to take care of each other. No matter what, Scar will always have Dannah, and Dannah will always have Scar.

"What if I get married one day? Will you still keep coming back for me?" Dannah said in the air. They both know her plans of getting married was nothing but all just wishful thinking.

Scar chuckled. "If there comes a time that you wish to ever get married then perhaps you should consider me first on the line. We technically are like a married couple ever since I could remember the only thing that's lacking is…." Scar then deviously scanned Dannah's body as if he was considering it.

"Over my dead body," Dannah replied, although deep inside, she felt some chills at Scar remarks. It would be like if she said she never once wished to get married to Scar because her childhood was filled with dreams of marrying him one day until she grew up and got a hang out of it.

"What?" Dannah looked at him curiously.

"Getting married," Scar's face turned, something else that made Dannah raise a brow and flushed a disgusted face to mock at Scar's question.

"With you?" She glared at him.

Scar chuckled once more, "Even not with me. Have you considered getting married? Even just you know… sometimes…have you ever thought of making a family, raising children..."

"I don't know...perhaps I did," Dannah replied. "Why? Are you considering it?"

Scar didn't answer and just busied himself transferring the newly cooked pasta to their plates. His silence raised some curiosity in Dannah as it seemed like Scar was being serious with the 'getting married' topic.

"Have you perhaps met someone on your trip and fell in love?" Dannah raised a voice at him.

"For the record. That never happened," Scar answered to Dannah's relief. Scar getting married would surely be something she doesn't want to deal with at this stage of her life. Although she had someone else in her heart right then, Scar, however, was her home base, her best friend, her comfort, her home, and him being snatched away by another girl would surely make some major changes in her routine called life. She's not just ready for it yet, not now.

"And so what's with this marriage thing?" Dannah made a follow up to check Scar's honestly.

"Excuse me you are the one who opened it up,"

"Right but you are making me feel weird with your response," Dannah countered.

"Eat and shut up," Scar instructed as he pushed a plate full of pasta to her. The fragrance of the newly cooked pasta instantly made its way to Dannah's nostril and so she turned her attention to the food and started eating. Scar was a good cook and most of the time, she really missed his food that's why whenever Scar comes home, he is the one who is always assigned in the kitchen.

Scar also started eating and while he was, Dannah looked at him once in a while what was running in his mind. Although she and Scar shared almost everything, there was a gap to that rule when it comes to their love affairs. She had never once seen Scar with a woman although she was aware he was seeing quite a few while they grew up. However, most of those women he had been with, no one became a constant in his life aside from her. In Scar's world, it seemed like no woman ever mattered only Dannah. She wondered by then, if Scar had ever thought of settling down for good, who did he thought of settling down with. Is it her?

"You haven't answered my question yet," Dannah gets back to the conversation.

"Huh?" Scar dragged his ever beautiful eyes back to Dannah.

"If I get married, will you still come home to me?"

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