The Genius' First Love

486 From The Dead

When Xhemin wasn't able to give Darryl an immediate response, Darryl's eyes became more searching. Without a warning, Darryl pulled the lace of her robe and it loosened. Darryl then pushed the linen to reveal more of Xhemin's skin and he found more bruises on her shoulders and arms. There were even bite marks. Seeing it made his knees shake out of anger and he immediately stood then walked to the kitchen's sink to reprimand his own self silently.

Xhemin bit her lips with the revelation that her body bore some remnants of their previous night lovemaking. She pulled back her robe to cover her flesh, feeling ultimately helpless of her husband's reaction. What was he even thinking and why did he suddenly turn angry? She was confused as she was not aware that Darryl was mad not of whatever did happen last night but by the thought that he forced himself on her.

Darryl remained on the kitchen sink for a while as he couldn't bear to face Xhemin. Wasn't it enough that she blamed him for everything? Why did he even think of drinking and ended up hurting her? Now she'll hate him even more.

"This is the last time," Darryl's controlled voice echoed while Xhemin was silently watching him. "I promise this is the last time I'm going to touch you without your consent, milady" he said and walked out of the door.

Xhemin was surprised by what she had heard. Only then did it occur to her that Darryl's rage was because he thought she had not consented to whatever happened last night. Was he all blaming himself for all her bruises? Doesn't he really remember anything from last night? Obviously he doesn't because if he does, he'll be surprised to know that it was she who initiated everything and that her bruises weren't a product of violence but rather the consequence of how good he had made her feel.


"Tell me that hangover is good news," Dannah teased when Darryl unexpectedly showed up late in L Empire. It was the first time in history of him to come to work half day and Dannah was sure by the way he was massaging his head that he had a rough night.

"I thought it was a good news for a few minutes," Darryl admitted and wiped his face with his hand completely then turned to examine all the documents in front of him. However, in a minute, he saw someone sat in front of his table and saw the second Miss' pretty face, Dian.

"Is my Xhemin giving you a hard time?" Dian asked as if her presence right then at Darryl''s office was ordinary where in fact she can be rarely seen in L Empire.

"You're here," Darryl was delighted to see her.

"We were hoping all of us could have breakfast together if you had come early," Dannah revealed. "You know Dian's is not usually here,"

"I'm really sorry Dian I didn't expect you'll be home," Darryl apologized and reached out for the second Miss to give her a kiss.

"She hates me," Darryl announced bitterly and Dannah could only give Dian the look that says, 'I-told-you-so'. Then he added, "As for how she was, we'll she's fine I think and healthy"

"I heard you managed to bring her to your apartment," Dian dug on.

"Dannah had probably told you everything, so no need to confirm all of it from me," Darryl assumed and both her sisters chuckled at how true his words were. The three siblings were close and so when one was struggling with something, they helped each other out. "However I don't think Xhemin was the reason why you are here so tell me what made my sister come all the way from the South to the capital? I hope it's because you miss me and not because of something about work,"

"I'm sorry to tell you dear brother that I didn't miss you at all," Dian teased trying to alleviate Darryl's mood, "But I'm here not because of work too,"

��Really? That's interesting," Darryl hollered over. Dian was always dedicated to her work in their lab and these days where L Empire's was striving, she spent most of her time making sure the quality of their products were perfect. Ever since Darryl took the management of L Empire with Dannah as his assistant, Dian also took over the management of major laboratories including the one in the forest mansion. "I never once heard of you coming here for other business than work and the fact that you miss me sometimes," He then winked at her.

"Well I'm here to catch up with a friend," She announced to both Dannah and Darryl's surprise.

"A friend?" Darryl's attention was caught by this. Although Dian, his sister, was sociable, she however was very picky with friends. She can talk to everyone in a party but would only spend time and effort for those deemed worthy of her attention. That was already expected of her because growing up, Dian was the second miss of the Lagdameo's and so she had the status of a class A socialite like Collet. Therefore she had been aware of how many people would want her company and friendship and through the years, she had managed to pick friendship only with those she deemed worthy.

However most of those she considered as real friends were already living abroad and so right then Darryl wondered who among them was she meeting today.

"One of your friends is home from abroad?" It was Dannah who asked this time as she too was curious. It had been a while when Dannah went out with a friend after she took over the management in the South and although she was glad her sister decided to take a little break, she became curious of who she was meeting.

"No this one is special, she came back from the dead," Dian smiled big and just by the way her eyes glowed, Darryl could already tell who she was meeting.