The Genius' First Love

455 Like Him

Both Ziggy and Xhemin immediately drop their argument as soon as they realize that Willow was there and she probably had heard them.

"Oh no dear," Xhemin rushed to Willow's side to comfort her and feeling utterly guilty for forgetting that the girl was just in the adjacent room, "I am so sorry you have to hear that but your Dada and I aren't arguing, its just that we talked like that, almost every time,"

"Really?" Willow sobbed, "But you are both so angry and you were shouting,"

"I know sweetie, I know… I am so sorry," Xhemin hugged her tight hoping she could at least make her feel better.

While Xhemin was hugging her, Willow looked at the face of her father who at the same time also felt guilty for arguing with Xhemin. He knew children aren't supposed to see the adults argue and tonight, things just got out of hand.

Willow wailed under Ziggy's stares. Truth was she wasn't terrified of him; he had never been terrified of his father yet she felt so guilty for doing things contrary to what he instructed.

"I am so sorry dada for hurting your feelings," Willow's tears fell more and her cry went intense that Xhemin had to let her go from her embrace so she can go to Ziggy. "I know you will be mad and that you will be disappointed but I just can't feel sorry for what I did but I am sorry I hurt your feelings,"

"You weren't sorry for what you did?" Ziggy repeated what she had said. Willow was always an honest child and most of the time, Ziggy had to deal with her total honestly even how much disappointing or painful it is.

"No, I am not," Willow admitted, "But I feel so bad that I had to hurt and despise you for it,"

Ziggy wiped his face with his own hands the kneeld to level his face to Willow. He was so disappointed yet he was always open to hearing her side to know why she had to do it. "Now tell me Willow why did you have to despise me? I already told you your mommy will come and visit soon but why did you have to hurt dada and go all the way here,"

"No, you are wrong Dada," Willow started explaining, "I didn't come all the way here just to see mommy. I know she will come to visit us soon,"

"Then why?" Ziggy was confused this time, "Don't tell me you just want to be a part of that program of L Empire? You know full well that you could get better deal than what they offer in other country right? Didn't I taught you how to scrutinize offers from companies?"

"Yes, you did." Willow replied, now catching her breathing, "But that was not also the reason why I came here,"

"Willow I don't understand all this. If its not your mommy and not L Empire, then what is the reason why you have to come here without telling me first?" Ziggy was now intrigued. Willow had always been vocal with her wishes and wants and only now that Ziggy didn't understand her actions.

"Because I want to be accepted in Rivendell Academy," Willow wailed harder again, "I know you didn't want me to, so I went to get admission this year by myself"

Xhemin was surprised to hear Willow's reasons but she didn't say word yet. Ziggy on the other hand didn't know what to say totally unexpecting this answer from his daughter.

"I know you burned my invitation letter from Rivendell when I was four," Willow added even before Ziggy could reason out, "You didn't want me in Riven-

"What?" Xhemin exclaimed with the revelation and turned to Ziggy "You burned her invitation letter? Ziggy are you out of your mind? You yourself knew only few students get invitation from Rivendell… you and I didn't even get one so we had to go and apply ourselves to be considered... and the fact that she's a girl...Ziggy how could you have not considered that?"

Xhemin's words were true. Among the three of them, only the Montarini prince was invited by Rivendell to attend their school because he was an art prodigy. Xhemin on the other hand was applied by her grandfather and she had to go an undergo a lot of test and assessments before she got and admission, so was Ziggy.

"She was four that time Xhemin," Ziggy's words were controlled right then as if he didn't want to raise another argument with her. "Do you expect me to allow my daughter to come back here by herself that young? Besides, you know how dangerous this country is for her,"

"I am so sorry dada" Willow apologized again while Xhemin choose to keep silent. She thought she can talk to Ziggy some other time about this whole Rivendell predicament and leave Ziggy and Willow talked this time uninterrupted.

"Willow if you only come here for Rivendell then why did you accept L Empire's program?" This was the only thing that confused Ziggy right then.

"I didn't get an invitation again from Rivendell and when I applied online and got assessed, they told me the invitation was only good for a year so I cannot use it anymore this time. They told they will only consider my application if I can give them a significant research so I thought of grabbing what L Empire offered," Willow narrated further. "Since L Empire is a big company, surely Rivendell will give it a thought,"

Ziggy sighed deeply. He never really thought that Willow's reason was somehow his fault and that he was also guilty for how things went. Its not that he didn't want Willow to attend Rivendell but aside from Willow was so young back when Rivendell sent her an invitation, their circumstances back then was unstable and going back to this country was like subjecting Willow to serious danger. That was the reason why he burned her invitation without her knowing, but turned out Willow knew about it.

"Come dear, walk with me," Ziggy knew within him that he had to apologize for what he did and that he and Willow need to talk more deeply alone so he carried Willow on his arms and they head for the door quietly.

Xhemin only watched the two leave with a bitter smile in her face. Seeing how Ziggy was with Willow, she honestly remembered her own grandfather. Ziggy was becoming like Dr. Miles and somehow, she felt proud and sorry at the same time. She was proud of how Ziggy had become but was sorry that her grandfather had to leave them without seeing how Ziggy grew up exactly like him.

"I told you he will not spank her with slippers just as he threatened" Ang commented and only did Xhemin noticed that he too was watching the father and daughter tandem. "He had always said he's going to spank her whenever she does something like this, but ended up doing nothing but just walk with her,"

"He's so much like grandfather," Xhemin chuckled a little.

"I can agree with that Miss. He is so much like Dr. Miles,"