The Genius' First Love

447 The New Botanis

Today was the day L Empire was to meet the person who claimed to have grown strawberries. As usual, Dannah braced herself for what's about to come because it seemed that for the past few months, everything was full of surprises.

Of course Dannah was happy that they were finally to meet the person and that things had been going smooth when it comes to their plan of locally producing strawberries but there was something odd about this person that Dannah couldn't help but wonder. First was that, it was always a representative that negotiates with them, as if the person didn't want to reveal his or identity. Second, why did such person turned down Director Zhanglou's offer and instead disappeared for while? Something was really off and Dannah was sure Darryl too had his suspicions but was quiet about it.

When Dannah reached L Empire, it was still at a very early hour of the day and she went to see her brother immediately who was already drowned with paper works. Dannah didn't know if she'll be happy with it or not but then, ever since Darryl came back from the South he had been more aggressive and mindful of work. He was the first one to step into the office every day and the last one to go home and aside from that, he had presented more business strategies to make sure L Empire hits target before the year ends. Perhaps the Dugmoch's Little Miss' comeback took some serious hit in his head and turned him into a real workaholic beast in just no time.

"Dee, it's almost time," Dannah called his attention and Darryl only gave her a silent nod. She watched him read and signed few more documents before he stood up and fixed himself.

"Are you ready to meet whoever was that?" She asked, making full strides toward him to fix his tie. It was slightly out of balance and she took initiative to fix it.

"Well I hope it's our lucky day," Darryl answered. Although they were about to meet the person who claims to have grown strawberries, they were still unsure whether such person could really do the task so Darryl was hoping that at the demo, which will happen on a later time that day, everything will be a bit convincing for the board members who will surely be there to watch.

"You have done a great job already," Dannah assured him. "So don't be too hard on yourself,"

"My wife has finally come back so I had to work my ass out to afford everything she wants," Darryl replied. He intended it to be a joke and yet deep inside, Dannah knew it meant more than just for laughs.

"As far as I remember, your wife didn't have special likes for expensive things," Dannah smiled thinking about how Xhemin was previously, "She only had special likes for strawberries and that got us to where we are today,"

"You're right she doesn't like expensive things," Darryl agreed, "But she was very fond of outrageous researchers and that probably where all our money will be spent,"

"Good point," Dannah chuckled, ��Good luck then on wooing her. You can do it Dee,"

"I sure need some luck with that," Darryl said before they both went for the door.

Dannah and Darryl went together to one of the high floors of L Empire Corporate center to meet the soo called botanist. The introduction was to be held on one of meeting hall and a couple of people will be there, some board members and elders. The local production of strawberries was one of the big leaps L Empire was betting on and so it was not surprising when a simple meet-up introduction was given much attention.

Darryl's secretary already called to confirm that everything was all set and that everybody was already waiting for them so they take no time to lose and heed to the meeting hall. As soon as the door opened, Darryl and Dannah saw everyone dragged their heads in unison and give them a questioning look. Dannah caught everyone's reaction and was a bit alarmed with it so her mind instantly asked what seems to be everyone's problem.

Darryl also saw this—the board members, his grandfather and some elders, L Empire's research team, some department heads and few employees faces—all looking at him with a complicated look as if they recently found something unbelievable and it was him to be blamed for all of it.

"What's going on?" It was Dannah who asked and everyone's response was to step back or whisper to the person standing next to them. Knowing that everyone wasn't in the mood of answering her question, Dannah dragged her eyes to the big table in front of them where the significant personalities of L Empire were seated. The table was almost full yet one seat was empty.

"Where is the botanist?" Darryl asked when he too noticed the empty seat. Everyone who was sitting on the table refused to give a reply, instead they only dragged all their eyes to the empty seat as if looking for something—something that was there before but wasn't there now.

"I thought the botanist is already here?" Darryl, instead of asking those who were sitting on the table, turned to the people who were standing around the room, hoping they can give him the answer he needed but even before one could give him a word, a voice called from somewhere.

"Right here. I'm right here,"

Both Dannah and Darryl turned their head to where the voice was coming from and their eyes brought them to the empty seat that suddenly moved, even though no one was sitting on it.


-Chapter ends here-

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