The Genius' First Love

440 Head Of Research

That morning, Xhemin went back to the capital summoning her own private plane. She head back straight to the Golden Villa and she arrived at the sight of Lady Portia and Clay walking at to and fro in the main room with worried expression.

As soon as Lady Portia caught a glimpse of her, she ran to welcome her immediately very much relieved that she came home already.

"My dove, I was so worried. I haven't slept bit thinking about where did the Lagdameo heir brought you. I wanted to call for the police but Clay right here stopped me," Lady Portia said in one quick sentence as she held Xhemin in her arms.

"I am soo sorry grandaunt that I made you worry," Xhemin comforted her by caressing her back, "Yesterday's incident happened so fast I even forgot to bring a phone with me," Xhemin slowly cursed herself for such a mishap. When she left the loch this morning, she had to go to town and borrow a phone in order to arrange her own flight back to the capital.

���I never did thought the Lagdameo heir would do that," Lady Portia expressed, not able to fully decide whether what happened was a good or a bad thing, "But he sure had all the guts,"

"It's okay grandaunt. We also needed to talk so just let it be. Besides here I am, safe and unscratched," Xhemin assured the old madam.

"Unscratched?" It was Clay who expressed a doubt on Xhemin's words. He turned to look at Xhemin head to foot and crossed a brow at her appearance, "Judging by the fact that you came home with a man's clothes makes me a little bit concern. I guess he did more than scratching,"

Xhemin immediately casted Clay a hard look as her cheeks turned crimson. It was already a relief that Lady Portia did not make any remark of her dress yet Clay only made the whole thing obvious.

"My dress was messed up so I have to take whatever was available," Xhemin defended trying to sway off Clay's suspicions on what took place between her and Darryl last night although she knew, her words of defense was not enough to convince Clay.

"Well as long as you are alright then I think we can move on from whatever happened yesterday," Clay responded in way that was rather telling Xhemin that he really doesn't care about whatever happened last night. "I just hope he won't come back pestering you again,"

"I made things clear to him this morning, so I guess he won't be pestering me for a while," Xhemin said hesitantly because she knew deep within her, she wasn't sure whether or not Darryl will stop chasing after her because as far as she knew, he once crossed a forbidden sea just to be with her.

"By the way Xhemin, you just came on time," Clay announced, "The head of your research team is here, might as well dress up and talk to them. I had them wait in your office,"

"Emilia you mean?" Xhemin asked and Clay nodded in confirmation. Emilia was one of the skilled bio-researcher Xhemin hired few years ago to aid her in her own personal researches. Even as when she was in hiding, Xhemin continued her experiments and study and build her own research team to aid her. Right then, she had Emilia worked on a certain special research that she kept very confidential.

Xhemin changed her clothes immediately and went to her personal office in the Golden Villa to talk to Emilia, hoping she brought some good news. When there was one reason why Xhemin had to come back in the capital, her current research was one of them and for her, it means life and death and she would just do anything in her end to make it successful.

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"Emilia, I hope you brought good news," Xhemin said as soon as she opened the door.

"Miss Leigh, I'm not sure if what I brought is good news," Emilia admitted badly. Xhemin's new research involved not only complicated experiments but also with complicated resources. Most of the time, they had to go under the table to get samples.

"Go ahead," Xhemin was prepared herself as to what Emilia had to say.

"First I want to tell you that we found a match," Emilia announced, finding the right words to say the next. "It was the perfect specimen for the research,"

"Oh god!" Xhemin exclaimed in relief almost teary with the news.

"I'm not done yet," Emilia warned her, "However this match is untouchable, we can't easily get it,"

"And what do you mean exactly by that?"

"We found a match on the restricted and forbidden samples," Emilia announced, "I know you won't like it but we had no choice Miss Leigh, were losing time, I needed to get the samples on the subjects you forbid me to try,"

"Emilia you didn't—"

"I did," Emilia admitted badly and sighed "It was a perfect match Miss Leigh and I don't think we can find it anywhere else,"

"How did you get samples then?" Xhemin although was a bit mad, was also surprised on how Emilia came up with the samples when she know all too well it's just not easy to get them.

"Well it turns out this group of subjects needed therapy. All of them. It seemed that they had some health problems and so I had made ways to get samples from them while they were all in therapy,"

"All of them?"

"Yes," Emilia confirmed.

"What health problem?" Xhemin became more curious and flashed of worry swirled in her eyes.

"That, our resource did not anymore disclose," Emilia told, "But I can assure you the match is perfect fine, I don't see any problems with it. The only problem we have is how to get consent,"

"I'm not sure about this Emilia," Xhemin was all doubts.

"I'm afraid Miss we do not have a choice," Emilia responded with a sigh.

"Then tell me who's the match?"

Emilia paused for a moment before she answered, "It's your husband,"

"Of course he is," Xhemin closed her eyes and caressed her head frustrated. "But you know exactly well why I forbid you to take him in consideration,"


-Chapter ends here-

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