The Genius' First Love

436 One Kiss

One kiss from the Lagdameo heir is dangerous, Xhemin was fully aware of that, but right then, she wasn't capable of thinking. Darryl's sweet tongue pressing inside her mouth in and out, again and again, was reawakening some passion inside her. A passion that had been long buried in deep like a mine bomb, meant to explode only once in contact. Darryl was the unbridled stimuli and just one touch made Xhemin explode out completely making her too vulnerable from his advances.

Darryl took his time kissing Xhemin, slowly but deep, as if trying to reminisce the sweetness of his wife's lips until Xhemin was whimpering a release from his sweet torture. Darryl let go of her mouth and but as soon as their lips parted, his lips went on to her bare neck, kissing it hungrily and Xhemin can only moan from the sensation he was causing her. Darryl knew Xhemin's body all too well that he knew exactly where to touch her, to kiss her and when to do it. And so when he went to lift the shirt she was wearing to explore her two big mounds, Xhemin was already in a sexual haze that all she could do was to wrap her fingers on Darryl's hair and tightened its grip, bracing herself for more sensations sponsored by Darryl's kisses and touch. Darryl moved to kiss the valley of her breast and when his mouth owned a nipple, Xhemin almost lost her breathe. Feeling her body arched demanding for more, he took it full into his mouth and played with the other.

Few minutes ago, Xhemin's heart was cold and the pain was killing her but right then, under Darryl's touch, it's as if all the pain and coldness in the world evaporated immediately and all what's left was the Darryl's warmth burning against her skin.

"Oh God milady…" Darryl growled right at her breast as he was playing it, "You are still so soft…"

Xhemin moaned even more. Everything about Darryl was arousing her, the way he caressed her, his voice and even his scent. Good heavens! Even his scent was so wonderful and so masculine that can already put her at the edge that Xhemin cannot help but smell him.

[This novel is undergoing thorough revision and editing on its original site.To verify if you are reading the correct and updated version of this novel, please visit the author's site or simply type Zijay Qui on any search engine. Follow and like if you want for more updates and announcement.]

Darryl was already soo hard and aching to be one with her but he wanted to take his time, wanted to savour the moment he so missed for a very long time. Just few minutes of kissing and moaning, Darryl had her completely naked on the dining table and laid her in on it, on the side free of utensils he prepared for their dinner. He stood between her tighs, pulled out his own clothes quickly and bended to look at all of her. Xhemin's body was glistening with her own sweat and it only made Darryl adore it more. His lusty appetite made him kissed every inch of her. He stopped once at her navel, circled his tongue in it and pushed her tights apart. Xhemin thought he was going to own her already but she was wrong as it wasn't his manhood that dug deep in her intimate part but it was his mouth, tasting the most sensitive part of her, making their lovemaking more intimate than it had already been. Xhemin sucked in her breathe as Darryl's mouth explored. It was so carnal, so surprising and too wonderful that only her moans can give a definite description. It was obvious that she was losing all control and for one moment she was terrified as she was fully aware that giving into him was one big mistake, yet she was so consumed by their lovemaking she didn't dare to stop her husband. For once, she wanted to let go and feel the wonders of the love they once celebrated and shared. The love that bore them their son and the love that had probably made their young lives all too wonderful and worth fighting for, previously.

Xhemin came apart, she reached the wonderland alone just by his kisses and it took her by surprise as the pleasure poured over her intensely. Helpless and in daze, she clung to his locks again, calling his name over and over again.

Darryl didn't stop until he knew she came for the second time, and when she did he moved to kiss her lips again, gently this time, until her tremors subsided and her body relaxed. Xhemin as if hypnotized by the thorough bliss, kissed Darryl back with same ardour. Aggressively, she swept her tongue inside and rubbed against his and made Darryl tightened his grip to her but then he let loose after few minutes, and Xhemin retaliated by biting his lips with her teeth, demanding a more intensive kiss. She wanted to keep kissing him more and Darryl gave her what she wanted. Darryl kissed her passionately, determined to overwhelm her and craved for him more.

"Inside please," It was Xhemin who broke the kiss and begged Darryl. Her body was restless; she was burning too hot and too ready for him.

Without wasting time, Darryl pulled Xhemin's body up so she was sitting on the dining table while he was standing in front of her, then he kissed her hungrily again as he thrust himself into her with force, unexpectedly making Xhemin cry in pain.

Darryl halted immediately, cursing himself when he heard her cry.

For how could he forgot to be gentle when their last lovemaking was still years ago? Of course it will hurt. Her manhood all to wrapped with her tightness only made him too aware how painful his consented invasion was.

"I'm so sorry," Darryl kissed her head softly, wiping the single tear that fell on Xhemin's cheeks, "I'll be gentler… I promise,"