The Genius' First Love

400 Unqualified

The meeting finally adjourned but Darryl had to stay a while in the conference room to give final instructions to Dannah and do a series of handshakes. When he was all done, he decided to return to his office to finish of some documents but unexpectedly, he found his grandfather having tea in there, probably waiting to have a private talk with him.

"It's good that you are here already," Samuelle put his tea cup down and took of his glasses to wiped it clean with a napkin as the steam from his hot drink sent some blurring stem into it.

"I appreciate your visit grandfather. I hope you had been well for the previous days," Darryl stopped to give him a bow and proceeded to sit on his swivel chair to start his tasks, totally making an implied statement that he was far too busy to do any small talks.

"Well I had never been good until I learned of your takeover," Samuelle expressed, "Finally we had found some hope in the midst of crisis,"

"How flattering," It was sarcasm, but Darryl managed to say it in a less harsh and polite way, "I never thought you have that much confidence in me"

"I always have confidence in you my grandson," Samuelle told him.

"If that's true then you should not have been here today," Darryl retorted, giving off the fact that he was not pleased with Samuelle's announcement.

"Oh, if it's the investment you are mad about," Samuelle acted as if his intervention was not at all harmful, "As a natural businessman just like I am, I would never missed such a great opportunity. That's how I successfully managed L Empire before and the thing that you needed to learn,"

"The thing is not all opportunity is right. As a businessman, one should identify which opportunity would serve him best," Darryl disagreed.

"So a half billion dollars is not one of the best?" Samuelle challenged him. He knew his grandson wasn't happy with his intervention but the thought that L Empire was in desperate times got him too untrusting even with Darryl's own capabilities. Now that their hope was back, he was decided to support him, even in ways Darryl would not agree, so long as he can make sure L Empire's safety.

"No, but an anonymous investment is harmful," Darryl pointed. "With all due respect grandfather but I do not appreciate your intervention in this,"

"It was from a friend my grandson," Samuelle finally gave in. "In these desperate times, time is of the essence and this investment is our saving glory"

"As the president of L Empire I should be the one to decide which investment will be our saving glory," Darryl retorted.

"I just thought that this investment if it goes through you then you would not have agreed to it," Samuelle took another sip of his tea that had already gone cold because of their stretched conversation. "No matter how harmless it is,"

"Grandfather, just tell where this investment comes from," Darryl insisted, "And if you want me to stay as the President of L Empire, never interfere with any of my transactions again,"

Darryl's voice contained a threat but it was obvious there was a restrained annoyance in it. Samuelle knew he had crossed the line but he needed Darryl to understand that to become a great President of L Empire, he had to sometimes compromise his own prejudices for the sake of it.

"Very well," Samuelle decided to give Darryl the information as it seemed that no matter how much he approved of it, the last call still hung on Darryl's hand. Whether he liked it or not, Darryl is the president of L Empire and everything that goes in and out of L Empire needed his consent.


Collet was surprised to see Darryl in the Golden Villa. It had been years that the boy made his visit and although she already has an idea why he was here, her heart still fluttered endlessly.

"Darryl what a surprise," Collet greeted him and attempted to give the boy a kiss on the cheeks, which Darryl refused so.

"Get your money back, I'm not approving your investment in L Empire," Darryl hurriedly stated the concern for his visit.

"Come with me in the office, let's talk about it," Collet acted as if she had not heard his words and turned to the maid to was waiting few meters from them, "Bring us some tea in the office,"

"Collet I don't have plans to linger longer," Darryl told ready to leave, "I came to personally thank you for the offer but as the President of L Empire, I am not going to allow you,"

"Darryl please… let's talk about this," Collet insisted, "There's no harm in a having a small talk,"

"I don't have time for small talks," Darryl refused and turned his back. "And don't ever waste money again. A half billion dollars is a serious money,"

When Collet saw that Darryl was not at all interested with whatsoever she had and was about to leave, she panicked and so she immediately catch up on him, "I did not invest for nothing if that's what you think, I needed this investment Darryl please! I badly needed this and if I have to beg you just to help me then I would,"

Darryl halted his steps and turned to look at Collet surprisingly.

"I know you what you are thinking because everyone in CGC thinks the same too. I'm a spoiled rich princess who knew nothing about business and so nobody was taking me seriously," Collet cried while Darryl was listening, "They all thought I'm not fit to takeover CGC and many were trying to plunder my dad's money and his position,"

"Collet your dad will surely not let things like that to happen," Darryl attempted to comfort her despite his confusion. It was the first time that Collet had to beg her for something about business so Darryl was a bit curious why. "Besides, if you want for others to not look down on your capabilities, you can always asked CEO Chan to train you,"

Hearing her father's name only made Collet more distressed. "Papa is sick Darryl…he is sick again,"

"You mean—"

"He is mentally unstable again and the doctor said it was serious this time," Collet's beautiful face looked pitiful and Darryl could only sighed upon the view, "I was left with CGC but when I stepped in, everyone in there were just a bunch of hyenas waiting for my father to fall. They were all questioning my capabilities and wanted me to appoint someone instead of me taking over. I would gladly do that only if I had someone to trust inside CGC but turns out everyone in there was only waiting a good chance to take squander what my papa left,"

"Collet if things weren't doing well in CGC then why release a big money to support L Empire?"

"Everyone in CGC was scared with your comeback and so I realized that if I can make them see that we still have a connection, like being friends or something, then they'll probably spare me. Mama came up with the idea of investing in L Empire for our security and for the hopes that we can be partners, that I can learn from you and by that everyone in CGC will know I am under your protection "

Darryl looked at Collet in distress and he felt sorry for her about what happened to her father. Growing up, Darryl witnessed how Collet went through the years with a mentally unstable father and the sacrifices she had to go through. For once, after very long time, Darryl felt some care for Collet, knowing she was in a serious dilemma and neither her nor her mother expected.

"Please Darryl. I really need this investment. I promise it will be a good partnership and I'm going to train hard until I can be good in management. Please help me just this once," Collet begged fervently.

Darryl sighed deep. "Okay but in one condition. Loan me the money with interest. We can be partners until the time I can pay off the money you have invested. By that time the contract is over, you must have also learned some skills to manage your father's company singlehandedly,"

Collet nodded in agreement, relieved that Darryl had taken her offer. When Darryl left, she wiped her tears away and smiled satisfactorily.