The Genius' First Love

395 Spin Top

Collet knew where to find him. Darryl had stayed only in one place for the last six years that she never had to hire anyone to follow and find him. Finally, her long endless pursuit of him ended but she found him in a state where he was not the best of himself. The Lagdameo heir was different right then, not anymore the man she once knew. He still has that gorgeous face, but his hazel eyes were different, there always sad. He was completely unshaven and wore clothing not fit for a Lagdameo heir. He looked like a local man, an ordinary carpenter from the South with the most handsome face.

"Hi," Collet started when Darryl turned his head to acknowledge her call.

"Collet," Darryl spoke her name in a neutral tone and his face was expressionless that the girl was having hard time to comprehend whether her visits were something he looked forward to or something he didn't mind. However, if there was one thing good she liked of the new Darryl before her, it was the fact that he was not hostile to her anymore.

"I came here for this," Collet extended a brown envelope to him. She always made sure her visits had some reasons because until then she was afraid that Darryl might find her constant visits annoying. "This is the title to this property. I had it under your name,"

"You didn't really have to do this," Darryl reached out for the documents. L Empire brought the Richmond Ranch that included the Loch previously because of Xhemin's strawberry field but without Ang who had the prime knowledge of how to run the fields, the plants eventually died, and the ranch become useless to L Empire. They had put the ranch on sale and Collet brought it knowing that Darryl would very much appreciate it.

"I know but I wanted to. This is the only thing I can do for you," Collet sighed in confession, "I know you might be expecting that I always come and visit in the hopes that someday you'll change your mind and come back in the capital with me but you are wrong… I'm here because I want to help you with whatever that you are going trough and I know that this property means so much to you, so please, just take it. I intend to give it to you without demanding anything else in return,"

"Thank you," Darryl said in a low tone and turned his back on Collet. He put the document on the ground and continued to busy himself staring at his son's grave.

"Hello there, young master," Collet turned her attention to the grave just like Darryl and gave her greetings, "I actually bought you something,"

Collet grabbed something from her pocket and put something on the grave just like Darryl did.

"I remember your father used to play this before, it is one of his favorites," Collet referred to the spin top she brought, "But I wasn't so familiar with such toy because it isn't popular in the elites so I never liked it. And your father who was always a gentleman decided not to play with it anymore just to not make me feel bad. Remember that time Dee? We were so inseparable before and your mother used to say you had a special fondness for the CGC heir because of it."

Collet tilted her head toward Darryl, hoping to see any familiar emotions from him, yet Darryl remained phlegmatic over her narration. She bit her lip, a little upset that even until right then, Darryl wasn't giving her any chance.

She had been trying hard for years to make him open to her like before, to bring back their friendship and likeness for each just like how it was before the Lagdameo woman came to the picture. She wanted Darryl to know that despite what happened and how their friendship fell into hopelessness, she was all willing to give it another chance if Darryl would only allow it. Perhaps, they were still destined for each other, after all.

"Dee?" Collet called for him again, hoping he would at least give her attempts some acknowledgement.

"You'd better go Collet, I'm sorry but I'm really tired. I just came from Puente De Amor," Darryl responded with the obvious intention of shooing her away. It was an obvious warning for Collet and despite her inner protest, she knew she cannot anymore stay long. It seemed that until then, even after six years, Darryl's attention still belonged to her—that girl who jumped off the cliff.

"Of course. I'm sorry I forgot that you had a big day at Puente De Amor today. I'll just leave you now so you can rest," Collet breathed a sigh. She wanted to stay a little more, but she was afraid that Darryl will only become annoyed and would throw her out if she stayed longer. "I brought some stocks and food for you by the way. Don't forget to eat,"

Collet then reluctantly turned to leave. She slowly walked back to the gate where her ride was waiting. She halted at the gate and turned to look at Darryl one more time who seemed unmoved from his son's grave.

'Patience Collet'

She thought and encouraged her own self. Every time Darryl pushed her away, there was this some kind of force within her that wanted to get close more to the Lagdameo heir. So many things have changed for the past six years but Collet's special adoration for him never once get old.

'One of these days, Dee will recover, and he will soon realize that during the dark days of his life, you were there him. He will come back to you again, he will become yours again.'

Collet, after satisfying herself with the view of Lagdameo heir, decided to step into her car and leave. Her car was already traversing the bumpy road of the Loch when she noticed another car, going through the Loch.

"Who is that?" She asked the driver curiously.

"It's an L Empire car Miss. Probably one of his sisters," The driver answered. He was all familiar with the L Empire's car and so he recognized it easily.