The Genius' First Love

388 Wolfe

Back to Ziggy's time, on the same plane he took with Ang, twenty years after Aviona's death.

Dr. Miles' journal had scattered on the seat beside Ziggy. Dr. Melvin's journal got him to hook that he kept on reading until there was none for him to read. Desperate for more information and to continue his story, he read all of Dr. Miles' journal and found the significant secrets that had been kept for twenty long years.

Ava took the name Xhemin Lae and grew up in Hampshire, befriended him and Huzey and the rest were all history. Ziggy had already been suspecting previously when they talked about Aviona Leigh at the hospital, but they were far too messed up and wrecked to accept the fact. Xhemin's life was already at risk even before they met her, and he wondered by then if the tragedies that befell on them for the past months had some connection with the what happened in the past.

He thought of the last three months he and Ang spent hiding. While they were finding for ways to go abroad and start anew, they thought of crossing the borders illegally, but they came across some men in the illegal port borders holding Aviona's pictures, asking all around if they had seen her somewhere. That was when Ziggy knew, Xhemin was being hunted again, perhaps that was the reason why Dr. Miles died.

But nobody knew Xhemin or Ava was Dr. Miles' granddaughter, so how come Dr. Miles was dragged into such mess?

Ziggy's head was turning chaotically with all the revelations that fell on him. He certainly did not expect how complicated was Xhemin's situation as they all thought they were just a simple family who wanted to live happily in Richmond Ranch when it turned out, Xhemin was Ava, the real owner of CGC and the heiress to the Leigh's estate. God that's so huge! Being the owner alone of CGC was already such a big reveal, how more was the fact of being the sole Leigh heiress?

Ziggy was still contemplating about everything that he just recently figured out but then suddenly, a big commotion struck the other cabin that Ziggy had to rose from his seat because of it. In just a second, he saw a stewardess running toward him in a worried pitiful face.

"Sir! Sir! Please hurry,"

"What's wrong?" Ziggy's face contorted a worried surprise look.

"Your son! Your son—"

Ziggy did not anymore wait for her to finish. He rummaged one of the bags they brought and took something before he rushed to the other cabin.


Ziggy carefully positioned the syringe in his hand, ready to inject the little boy. He had done this a couple of times, so he was a bit relaxed even with the fact that the stewardess was already panicking.

"Hold him Ang," Ziggy instructed. He needed not to tell Ang further instructions as he already know what to do. He held the boy in a way that Ziggy can inject him without being interrupted and so the whole routine was done in a matter of few minutes.

"Hold it, Wolfe," Ziggy tapped the little boy's chest as his color was coming back to normal. He was almost violet when he came, good thing they had prepared for it already prior on taking their flight. The boy was sick and both Ang and Ziggy tended to him whenever he had an attack. He had several health problems that came as a struggle to both of them for the last three months.

Seeing that the boy was now stable, Ziggy held a deep sighed but when he turned to Ang, he noticed that his face was still in a mess.


"I'm sorry young sire. I think it was my fault why your son had an attack. I should have checked on him thoroughly and—"

"Ang my son is fine. Need not to worry about it," Ziggy tapped his shoulder to cheer him up. "It's not your fault that my son is sick, but don't worry I can easily find a cure for him. We just have to wait until he's old enough to start the medication,"

Ang seemed not convinced with Ziggy's words. He looked at the boy who just recently exhausted himself with his own crying, leaving some big tears in his little cheeks. He was a gorgeous boy but far too little to be sick.

He remembered the first weeks that Ziggy had him and how the young sire and he spent so many sleepless nights changing his diapers and feeding him. They were totally caught of guard when he came, even the youngest sire wasn't prepared for abrupt fatherhood, but they were able to get by. Right then Ang felt sorry for Ziggy, knowing that despite all his efforts, Wolfe constantly had an attack and the threat to his son's health was imminent.

"I'm just worried that, Wolfe will not survive it," Ang was teary when he uttered the words, "He had survived it this time but how about the next attacks?"

Ziggy's jaw hardened at the thought. His chest was like being rubbed of all the air within at the thought of his son being taken away from him. Although he was not prepared when Wolfe came, he loved him the very first time had had seen him. He will go through all the odds and whatever will come along, so long as he can secure their safety.

"I didn't name him Wolfe for nothing," Ziggy told, "He is strong and a big fighter. Like a raging wolf, he can survive anything even the coldest winter. Just have faith Ang, my son will survive this,"

Ang forced a smile with Ziggy's words. "You are right young sire. Wolfe is a fighter. But sometimes I just can't help but worry that he might suffer same fate his brother had, poor little boy, he was supposed to be here with Wolfe, he was supposed to be here with us,"

Ziggy's face turned something else, then he vowed. "The death of his brother is enough. I'll make sure Wolfe will not suffer the same bitter end. He'll grow up as a happy and lively, you'll see,"