The Genius' First Love

385 The Invisible Personnel

"No Melvin! Don't take Aviona with you!" Dr. Miles nightmare ended abruptly with the sound of a breaking glass. He was shaken back into reality and when his eyes opened, it was full of tears and he was gasping for breath. He dreamed of a fire where Aviona was drowned and Melvin saved her, and it ended with them both leaving together.

Dr. Miles looked below his desk only to find the pieces of the broken glass, it was the glass he brought with him in his study earlier, he must have pushed out it of the table unconsciously while he was dreaming.

His nightmare gave him some serious fright and he worried for Aviona more. He had seen the news about how Aviona become depressed, as well as the video of her attacking her friend Margo. Perhaps the stress she had gone through because of what he did and the pressure in her marriage got her to lost it all. He blamed himself for it but there was nothing he can do anymore.

However lately, he sensed that something wasn't going right especially when Martin stepped over LGC and the fact that the Golden Villa's security had been doubled. He understood that Aviona's condition made her violent but why double the security instead of sending her to a facility where she can be taken care of well, specially that Martin was already busy with LGC?

Also, where was Ava?

Martin knew that Ava was not his child since Aviona mentioned he had done a paternity test so he believed that Martin might have some reservations on taking care of Ava. That was why Dr. Miles wanted to know how if his granddaughter was doing well in the Golden Villa.

Dr. Miles' sent personnel to watch over the Golden Villa for days to get for any possible updates of either Aviona and Ava, but weeks had gone by and there was not even a single shadow of the mother and daughter his personnel had seen. Doctor Miles tried to contact Martin, but he was always shut off which he understood, because Aviona told him to stay away from her family previously and she could have influenced Martin prior to her depression.

However tonight, he received an information that there was chaos in the Golden Villa, and it was confirmed by his personnel that Aviona ran away together with Ava. With that, he sent more people to look for the mother and daughter, hoping to know more why Aviona had done such. While his personnel were out, Dr. Miles tried to keep calm and prayed for their safety and while waiting for such news, he stayed in his study and fell into a deep slumber.

Dr. Miles was about to clean up the mess that scattered in the floor when he heard a loud knock on his door, it was Mr. Cheng and he came with bad news that came evident on his terrible expression.

"What is it?"

"One of our men is here," Mr. Cheng announced in a cold voice which didn't go unnoticed on Dr. Miles' observant eyes.

"Mr. Cheng what's wrong? Did my men found Aviona and my granddaughter?"

Mr. Cheng didn't answer his question but rather opened the door wide and let another person enter the study. It was one of Dr. Miles' personnel whom he sent out earlier and he was holding a baby in his hands, wrapped in a blanket and whose sleeping face was covered with dirt.

"O my God Ava!" Dr. Miles ran to fetch her. His voice came louder, and it woke up the sleeping child and she instantly wailed, filling the room with a frustrated cry. Dr. Miles' swooshed her and pressed her to his chest to give the child some warmth, but Ava wasn't familiar to his smell so cried further knowing was a stranger was carrying her.

"Where is Aviona?" Dr. Miles asked while he was struggling to comfort his granddaughter. "Is she okay? Call her and ask her to feed Ava,"

Dr. Miles personnel and Mr. Cheng quieted at the question. Mr. Cheng knew he had to tell the doctor eventually but was still gathering enough courage to tell him the bad news.

"Manager Cheng, I said where's Aviona?" Dr. Miles ask again, a little impatient because Ava's cry aggravated.

Manager Cheng shook his head slowly as he looked at Dr. Miles. He was trying so hard to keep a straight face, but he was not able to hold and eventually broke a little cry.

"I'm sorry Dr. Miles," Manager Cheng turned sideways to comfort himself.

"She was dead on the spot," It was the personnel who announced it seeing that Mr. Cheng was already incapable. "Luckily the child survived, her car seat was a good one, it had an emergency protector. I manage to take her out before the fire consumed their car,"

Dr. Miles' expression hardened with news as if he could not believe it "How could that be? Impossible! Aviona is a good driver and she can't—," Dr. Miles swallowed the urge to cry, "That's just way too impossible!"

"Someone was hunting them down," The personnel announced. "I saw it. Two cars chased and banged on them. They even had guns with them,"

"The Villa's security hunted them?" Dr. Miles frowned at this.

"No Dr. Miles, it's another group," The personnel shook his head, "I was assigned to watch in the exit road, so I saw it all while hiding in the woods. When the accident happened, Aviona's car was all wrecked and Aviona's dead body was visible. The one who chased them checked the accident scene, pointed a gun at Aviona, but when they saw she was already dead they leave her alone and checked the baby…"

"…However, the baby's car seat was all wrapped in hard big metal of the car's excess and so they couldn't see if your granddaughter was dead or alive, although by one look you can already tell she cannot possibly survive the accident. Nevertheless, they decided to light a fire to make sure the baby will be dead if in case she's still alive inside,"

"Murderers!" Manager Cheng almost fell on his feet with the story, "Who could have possibly done this!"

Dr. Miles already shed a tear but tried with all his might to put a steady face. He was so mad with what happened to Aviona and Ava but didn't want to break down knowing that his granddaughter was in danger.

"How did you know that the baby was alive?" Dr. Miles asked as he was swaying Ava in his arms. Ava had gotten herself exhausted with her wailing and finally went back asleep with his grandfather's comfort.

"She cried," The personnel answered. "The murderers missed her cry because of the sirens coming in but I heard it because I was hiding only few meters from the wreck. I never thought I can save her because the metals were too tight, but it loosened, probably because of the fire and so I was able to pull her car seat out. She was intact and I had to cover her mouth to shut her up while running away. She hated me for it, so she kept crying on our way to here. She fell asleep eventually,"

Dr. Miles was thoroughly devastated by the news, but he also knew something must be done to secure Ava's safety. If someone knew she survived, she will probably be hunted down again.

"Did anyone else knew about this?" He asked the personnel.

"No one Dr. Miles, not even the other men you sent. I came here alone with the child,"

"Manager Cheng composed yourself!" Dr. Miles called his attention, "We need to make sure no one knows Ava is still alive, go and take care of that. I don't care if you had to do it illegally, just do it!"

Manager Cheng straightened himself up and walked out of Dr. Miles' study immediately and the personnel followed him. They all didn't know who was behind the accident so they cannot protect Ava fully, only by announcing her death that they can assure that the murderers will stop hunting her down.

When he was all alone again, with no one but Ava on his arms, Dr. Miles broke down and cried to himself, feeling so sorry for Aviona and his granddaughter's fate turned to.