The Genius' First Love

356 White Lilies

Melvin had another attack and this time, he wasn't recovering well. With that, Aviona had brought him home to his parents, to spend his last days together with them. They brought him home, to that fairy castle house with beautiful gardens full of flowers and just like it had been for the last three years, Aviona had been at his side, always.

One beautiful morning, Aviona woke up in the sound of her alarm. She got up and took a bath, preparing herself for another day to spend with the boy she loved. She had managed to create a routine for the last three years and that included helping Melvin get dressed in the morning, cooked his meals and made sure he drinks his medicines on time. Today was just one of those normal days with him.

She was heading to Melvin's room when Madam Sarah approached her.

"Aviona dear, can you please help me for a second," The old Madam told and Aviona only nod yes at her. When she consented, the Madam dragged her to her room where a beautiful white gown was laid on the bed, "Please wear this for me dear,"

"Madam, whose dress is this? It's so beautiful," Aviona looked at the old Madam and she unexpectedly saw the tear glistening in her eyes. Aviona's head formed lines with the madam's expression and wondered whether it was her that made her cry, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no Aviona," Madam Sarah shook her head. "I'm just so thankful for everything you had done for my son. You have made him so happy,"

"No Madam, it's Melvin who is keeping me happy," Aviona replied gently. Honestly, despite everything that Aviona sacrificed for the boy, there was never a time that she regretted it all. In fact, she felt very contented and happy, just by being able to take care for him.

"But still, thank you," Madam Sarah cupped the girl's soft cheeks and kissed the girl, "Now, please wear this dress for me, let's not waste time anymore,"

"But this dress—"

"Just wear it dear and you'll see," Madam Sarah encouraged her.

Despite her hesitation and confusion, Aviona wore the dress in that instant and Madam Sarah was very delighted on how she looked after with it.

"Perfect," Madam Sarah exclaimed excitedly. The old madam then help Aviona put some light make up on her face and when she was satisfied on how Aviona looked, she smiled lovingly at the view, "You are so beautiful my dear,"

"Madam for what is all this," Aviona was confused as to what the old madam was doing onto her, "Isn't this a wedding dress?"

Madam Sarah ignored her questions and extended a hand on her, "Come Aviona, come with me, dear,"

Madam Sarah brought Aviona to their backyard and Aviona saw white petals being spread running straight through one direction which was not visible to her. She turned to the old Madam with a questioning look and the later, just like earlier, only gave her a sweet smile.

"Oh, before I forget," Madam Sarah remembered something. She looked around and found a bouquet of white lilies, which she handed to Aviona, "Here, bring this as you walk along,"

"Walk along?" Aviona arched brow as she accepted the bouquet.

"Yes dear," Madam Sarah replied, "Walk along the petals, Melvin is waiting for you at the end,"

"Oh," Aviona gasped. She thought right the that perhaps the boy had a surprise for her as everything seemed planned. She obediently walked along the petals that lead her to the wide backyard where a surprise was waiting for her.

There at the end, Aviona was welcomed by beautiful flower set up. Flowers were hung everywhere together with white curtains. There was a beautiful music too that started playing when she slowly walked down the isle of petals. When Aviona was almost lost, drowned with the breathtaking view, a familiar unexpected figure appeared.

"Grand aunt?" Aviona gasped in disbelief. Her grandaunt was the one who singlehandedly raised her when her parents died, but she was residing abroad and so her appearance was totally unexpected.

"Hello, my Aviona," The old woman said, her hair was already all white and wrinkles were all around her face, yet she still looked classy and beautiful.

"Grand aunt, what's happening?" Aviona was already teary when she asked. She was having goosebumps inside her stomach with everything that was happening.

"Well," her grandaunt tapped her cold hands, "I finally get to walk you down the aisle as I always hoped for. Let's go your groom is waiting,"

Aviona's tears burst when she realized that she was getting married that day. She was crying when she saw Melvin on his wheelchair, with Dr. Miles and Madam Sarah beside him on the altar they made for such occasion.

Melvin smiled at her the sweetest and with all his strength, he pushed himself out of his wheelchair to stand while his bride was walking down the aisle. Dr. Miles helped his son, while the old madam was crying with happiness.

"Here's your bride my boy," Aviona's grand aunt extended to Melvin Aviona's hands cautiously, "I wish you all happiness,"

'Thank you, auntie," Melvin said. He was physically weak, but his face was full of happiness and pride. He accepted Aviona's hands and they went to the altar together. Melvin's knees were shaking yet, with Aviona's support he managed to stand still.

"Don't cry my love," Melvin tried to wipe her tears away.

"This is the best surprise," Aviona said to him lovingly.

"You my love is the best surprise," Melvin honestly told her, "The greatest gift I had never expect to ever receive,"

The minister then started the ceremony, and everyone turned emotional. Dr. Miles and Madam Sarah was so happy for their boy. They never once thought they would get to see the day their son was to get married, so today came as a wondrous occasion.

"You may now kiss the bride," The minister announced at the end and so Melvin, with all that he can, cupped Aviona's face with his two hands.

"I love you," he said to her and kissed her with everything he can give. It was their first kiss and it was shared at the altar on their wedding day. Aviona kissed the man in return, with nothing but all the love she had for him. They kissed for a long time, inhaling each other's breathe and only stopped when their witnesses started teasing them.

That day was the happiest day of in the Dugmoch household and even though the wedding was solemnized with no guests but only Melvin and Aviona's parents, it was by far one of the most intimate and sacred wedding they had attended to. They all had a great time that day and together they thanked God for the love that bloomed within their family. They all wished the couple nothing but happiness ahead of them.

Aviona and Melvin, get to spend few months together as husband and wife but at the end of summer, Melvin took his last breath, leaving Aviona and the rest of his family behind.