The Genius' First Love

348 Where The Wind Blows

The table the group shared with was probably the loudest. They had laughed and teased in between conversations and enjoyed the party's food all together. When it was time for a dance, Aviona dragged Melvin into the dance floor and they all enjoyed a good loud music. Soon the lights were turned off and a romantic ambiance set in sponsored by the romantic music the band was playing.

Melvin smiled at Aviona who was adoring the tiny shimmering lights that replaced the once bright lights. When Aviona caught him gazing at her, he immediately extended a hand, inviting her for a couple's dance. Of course, Aviona accepted his offer, waiting not to dance with the man who had made the night special for her.

"Thank you for tonight," Aviona whispered while she wrapped both of her hands on his neck and swayed at the music with him.

"It hasn't ended yet, thank me later," Melvin responded at her. He was aware of everyone's eyes staring at them, for they were, by far the most well-suited couple for tonight as if heavens were the one that had paired them.

They stared at each other after that, needing no more words to keep them entertained, for being together was enough to complete both their nights. Aviona laid her head on Melvin's chest while the latter pressed the girl's body to him. They danced with the music, feeling each other's warmth as if it was some kind of a lifeline.

"I wonder…" Melvin spoke after minutes of saying nothing, "I wonder if…."

Aviona waited for it, but it seemed that Melvin had lost all the courage to finish his words.

"Wonder what?" She encouraged in a way that was rather telling the boy she was all willing to listen to whatever he says.

"I wonder if this pretend relationship we have will last longer than expected, would you hope for it to be real just like you hoped for the relationship you had with Martin," Melvin went for it, expecting nothing for his audacity.

"Let see where the wind blows," Aviona replied, although she admits within her, she had fallen for the boy. Her doubts were running on the fact Melvin was just too kind and too pure for her that she didn't deserve him at all. "But to be honest, I already know where the wind was blowing me over,"

"Really," Melvin smiled at her answer although he wasn't sure how to comprehend her words, "I hope it is blowing you to somewhere better, somewhere that makes you happy,"

"Oh Melvin, you don't know how happy I am with it," Aviona gasped emotionally. She had allowed herself to lavish on the man's warmth. After all these years of being lost, she felt like she finally found a home.

"Aviona," Melvin called her name and the girl lifted her head to meet the boy's pair of green eyes. Something within its fleck was glowing with happiness and devotion.

"Yes?" She answered, her heart inside her chest was beating fast.

"I want to ask if you want to be my…" Melvin fixed his eyes on hers, almost drowning himself with the emotions that was coming into him. "If you want to be—"

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The host's voice suddenly halted the momentum and everything that Melvin had to say. The lights were again back to being bright and lively, while the sweet music transitioned to something else, "Time to announce the most important and awaited award for tonight…"

"The king and queen!" Everyone shouted excitedly as everyone in the dance floor turned to look at the stage where the host was standing.

"Alright, alright!" The host tried to shove off the crowd's thorough excitement. The Senior's ball king and queen was every couple's dream. In XU university, status and glory was as important as taking your meals and being the Senior ball's king and queen was something that can boost such status that was why everyone was hoping they can grab that award. That was the reason too, why everyone was spending hefty amounts of money for their wardrobe and on proposals to get a date for the ball, like Martin did with the new girl.

"Who do you think it would be?" Marga hollered while their group gathered where Aviona and Melvin stood, the two only looked at each other meaningfully now that their recent conversation was no longer possible.

"I'm having my bet in these two," Donna proudly pointed to Aviona and Melvin, whom she thought had the best chances of winning, "They totally rocked tonight!"

"We didn't put our names on the list," Aviona said, brushing their hopes off. They were having real fun tonight that they forgot to include themselves on the list.

"Wew that's a shame, I was honestly throwing my bet on you too," Dante shook Melvin's shoulder very much proud on how his aloof friend turned sociable just because of the university queen. "Your father will totally be proud,"

"You have met his father?" Aviona dragged her eyes to Dante because of his words.

"Of course, I did, were friends remember, Melvin and I" Dante winked at Melvin, who was eyeing him thoroughly. "Don't worry, you'll get to meet them soon, I'm sure of that,"

"How I wish," Aviona was a little jealous with the thought. Melvin had never mentioned to her anything about his family and she wished to know them in her attempts to get closer to boy.

"You don't have to wish for it," Melvin tried to cheer her up. "I'll have father and mother met you soon,"

"Really?" Aviona looked up to him with gladness.

Melvin smiled at her, "Of course,"

"Ladies and gentlemen," The host was about to declare the chosen pair, "Our Senior's ball king and queen for tonight is no other than…"

"Aviona Leigh and her date!" The host shouted in the air filling the room in so much loudness.

Turned out, someone had them listed because a lot of people had been betting on them. So, with surprised faces and with the crowd's cheer, Aviona and Melvin went into the stage and received their award as the official king and queen for the night.