The Genius' First Love

345 Dumped

"Aviona! What the heck are you talking about!" Martin lost his cool in front of everyone. He took Aviona's announcement to heart as humiliation came to him. The girl had announced in front of everyone how she dumped him, and he was not okay with that specially because it wasn't true. Besides, this break up controversy will surely shook his status at school "You cannot break up with me,"

Martin held on to Aviona for many reasons, aside from the fact of course that he was clearly astonished by her beauty. Aviona was the university queen, and everyone in school wanted her and that made her more desirable than any other girl in XU. With Aviona around, no other man in XU can match up on his status, not even that impotent Lagdameo heir who was his greatest rival.

"This is one of the reasons why I had to break up with you," Aviona continued, "That temper is not so cool,"

"Liar!" The freshman girl shouted to everyone's shock. She could not accept the fact that Aviona pushed a trash on her—Martin—as she previously said. She thought that she can at least be popular knowing it was she that made Aviona looked foolish in front of everyone but now, the tables had been turned. "Your pride just couldn't take that Martin was going with me to the senior's ball that's why you made it look like you dump him!"

"Don't cry dear," The new girl's words was somehow worthy of consideration but because she was crying, no one take note of it, instead they mocked her for being a cry baby, "I mean, you should be flattered because you came to taste one of my trash, not everyone gets a chance,"

"You are lying," She pointed with sobs, "You intentionally came here to ruin my proposal,"

"And now you are accusing me, how pity," Aviona concluded with mockery, "I'm sorry if I made that impression on you, but just so you know, you are actually in the main ground, this is not exclusive to both of you and you don't own such a place. So why would I turn and walked on another path just because you guys are having a proposal here,"

"True," Margo stepped in together with Sophie and Donna to support Aviona's claim, "To be honest we tried not to disturb you by waiting for the proposal to finish but you guys seemed oblivious with time and clearly you are blocking everyone's path here,"

"And of course, do you expect Aviona to change course and turn to another exit, don't you? Why would she do that? She's the queen and the one messing in the main ground is just a garbage taker freshman from architecture department, so why would she adjust on you?" Sophie intervened. The three of them thought Aviona foolishly disturb the proposal without thinking, turned out she had other plans for it.

"You are just making excuses," The new girl said, her pretty face was already in a mess.

"You can fool yourself about it, but I am really hungry now and we and Aviona need to go," Marga tried to dismiss themselves. The crowd was getting frantic on all the fake revelations, so Marga and the other minions thought they needed to leave everyone's presence right then, especially that Martin's eyes were shinning with a rage of dragon.

"No one is leaving," Martin gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry but I am," Aviona tried to go.

"Aviona! Explain it to me right now why you are claiming you broke off with me!" Martin exclaimed hard in front of everyone. He was trying to clear the humiliation that befell him and was determined not to let Aviona walked away without getting back everything she had said.

Aviona advanced her steps, ignoring Martin's words.

"If you think you can fool everyone here, no you can't!" Martin continued to shout at her back, "The reason why your claiming you dump me was because you hated the fact I am going with another girl to the senior's ball,"

Aviona held her head up, although Martin's voice was irritating her ears. No matter what, she had to leave with her grace and dignity. She was thinking right then how to escape this moment safely so not to give Martin a chance to spoil her act.

"Walking away will only proved you lied," Martin continued. "You are—"

"Honey bunch!" Martin's words were cut off when Aviona suddenly called someone lovingly. "I'm sorry… did you look for me anywhere?"

Martin, Aviona's minions—Sophie, Donna and Margo was all surprised with what Aviona said. All the people who was watching them all extended their necks to check who Aviona was calling 'honey bunch' and soon, Aviona approached a man and clung to his arms.

Margo's jaw dropped when he recognized the boy, it was the intern they were after—Melvin. What the hell was Aviona up to?

Melvin was just passing by together with Dante and was suddenly caught off guard by the mean angel who harassed him earlier.


"Honey bunch are you upset?" Aviona cut of his words and stared through his questioning green eyes. "I'm really sorry I should have not made you wait,"

[What? The university queen has a new guy?]

[Is that the reason why she dumped Martin]

[The new guy is a hottie, who is he?]

"Hey wo—"

"Where are we going today?" Aviona rested her head onto his shoulder and Melvin didn't know how to react with that. Aviona came into him like a sweet angel and she was just so irresistible that he was having hard time dismissing her off.

"I'm not finish with you," Aviona threatened and whisphered into Melvin, "You owe me this one. Act cool and don't try to run,"

Melvin's head formed line at Aviona's words and he looked around and saw the commotion that was happening at Aviona's back and realized the girl was pretending. He dragged his eyes back to his companion Dante who was trying hard not to laugh at what he had witness.

"Such a cutie couple," Dante teased. He had never seen Melvin with a girl before as the young Dugmoch was always fixated with his books and was totally uninterested with girls. Seeing the university queen clinging to him like a tarsier was one heck of a beautiful sight to see and so he went with Aviona's act, "Looks like you and your girlfriend had a date. I'll shall go then, don't want to tag along and ruin your plans,"

"Hey Dante—"

"Honey bunch let's use my car," Aviona halted his protest upon Dante's departure. "I parked it right there,"

Melvin clearly didn't know to handle the situation and so he ended up helplessly following whatever Aviona told him. They went to her car together, leaving Martin and the crowd with shock on their faces.

Martin couldn't believe what he had seen and heard. Did Aviona cheated on him? Was that new guy her current boyfriend? He felt utterly humiliated at the moment but aside from that, some sense of jealousy came into him. Seeing Aviona in the hands of another man was something he had never thought of before, and right now, his feeling was suddenly in a mix.