The Genius' First Love

343 Aviona Leigh 2

Aviona's heels was thundering around the hallway to the intern's lab, while Marga was following at her back. Her face flushed and annoyed look and as she walked, everyone made way for her, like she was everyone's queen. Besides they knew how bad her temperament can be and so no one dared to piss her off.

When they reached the interns lab, she pushed the door hard to announced her entrance. All the interns turned their head to her, but when they saw her pretty angry face, they all didn't say a word.

"Marga," She called on her minion.

"Yes, Aviona," The girl answered obediently.

"Who is the intern you were referring to?" She asked raising a brow at everyone. The intern lab was off limits for seniors like her, but she certainly doesn't care about the rules. In this school, she's the queen so she can go wherever she wants.

"The exchange student named Melvin," She told her, dragging her eyes to the whole corner of the room to find him, as if she knew how he looked.

"Everyone," Aviona announced, "Can you tell me who Melvin is?"

When Aviona mentioned the name, all the interns turned their head to one corner where a boy was sitting idly, with eyes closed. Melvin was running his notes earlier but then he fell asleep after a while.

"Melvin," Dante who was beside him tried to wake him up, but the boy only gave him a yawn.

Aviona walked toward where the boy was and shook her head upon the sight of him sleeping. She was about to call his name when she noticed that the boy had some interesting notes being laid down on his table and so she lowered her head to read some. However, when she dragged her head down, she was welcomed by a Melvin's foul raw breathing as the boy yawned at her face.

"Ewwww!" Aviona immediately pulled away, disgusted by the boy's breathing. Her wail was loud, loud enough to wake Melvin's sleepy soul.

When Melvin opened his eyes, the face of Aviona welcomed him and he smiled at how pretty she was, "Hello Angel," He hollered as he thought he was in a dream where a beautiful angel appeared.

"Hello handsome," Marga who was beside Aviona greeted him with adoration. The boy they came for, unexpectedly had some good looks and it simply wasn't ignorable.

"Marga!" Aviona turned to stop her flirting attempts, "Go and get me a sanitizer and a perfume!"

"I'm sorry," Marga apologized for her betrayal and immediately rummage her handbag for whatever Aviona demanded.

With Aviona's display of irritation, Melvin realized he wasn't dreaming and the angel he saw wasn't exactly an angel, she was more like a devil to be honest. First impression he had was that, she had a very unlikable character. She's a meanie.

"I was waking you up," Dante told when Melvin turned to him for an explanation, "She came here announcing your name,"

Melvin raised a brow at the information and dragged his eyes back to the mean girl in front of him, who was thoroughly spraying something in her whole body, 'So what I can do for you miss?"

"Miss?" Xhemin repeated his word in a question. She raised a brow on how he called her, "Don't you know who I am?"

"Let me see," Melvin tried to recall whether he had seen her somewhere and whether he knew her. "I'm afraid not,"

"Oh no!" Marga gasped worried with Melvin's announcement. She knew the words Melvin uttered where something that would infuriate Aviona to the end. The girl was famous, and everyone in the campus idolized her and what Melvin said were simply communicating that Aviona wasn't as famous as she expected herself to be.

"Oh really, well let me introduce myself then," Aviona twitched her mouth as she walked closed to him, "My name is Aviona leigh. Do I look familiar now?"

"Hello Aviona Leigh," Melvin greeted politely, "Nice to meet you but I'm now certain I don't know you,"

Aviona opened a big mouth at him, with not words to say. How dare this boy played on her like that!

"She's the number one girl here," Dante whispered to Melvin.

"Number one what?" Melvin innocently answered.

"Number one girl, for short, she's the queen of this campus!" Marga added to Dante's introduction.

"I'm not really sure what that is," Melvin replied with a frown, "But what's your business here? You don't have intern ID's, you are not supposed to be here,"

Marga gasped with unbelief with Melvin's words and she turned to Aviona hoping the girl still had remaining patience for him. Him not knowing who Aviona was simply unacceptable, specially that he was interning at XU.

"Which province did this lame boy came from," Aviona turned to Dante who turned worried on how Melvin acted in front of the university queen. He had heard of many stories about how mean Aviona Leigh was and what she did to all those who defied and annoyed her, right then he was worried that Melvin might become one of the victims of her bad temper.

"Confidential," Dante replied, "Just spare him Aviona, he's just new and he simply isn't into the things we all like,"

"Spare him?" Aviona expression was grave, ready to grope the boy. "How about he explains to me the fact that his research was somehow the same to mine?"

"You came here just for that?" Melvin scratched his head. Why is this girl mad just because they almost had the same topic for research? "I mean don't you think its good that we shared the same topic? Its not as if the professors forbid it,"

"I don't like sharing," Aviona smirked at him, "And besides you should know your place. Learn the rules in this university and the number one rule is that you never share on anything that I want,"

"Such a meanie," Melvin uttered at her face. "To be honest Miss, I think you should go and stop disturbing us here or I'll report you to the guidance office—Heck!"

Melvin saw Aviona spilling the perfume she was holding to the notes that was laid on his table in response to whatever she did.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to spoil it," The girl smiled deviously and with a proud face. She was about to say something more when something caught her attention.

"Aviona!" It was another minion of her who came to look for her. "You got to come to the main ground and see what's happening,"

"Can't you see that I'm busy here Sophie?" She glared at her.

"It's Martin!" The girl pressed on, mentioning the name of Aviona's current boyfriend, "Your boyfriend is inviting someone else for the Senior's ball,"

"What?" Aviona gasped and saw everyone in the room whispered something under their breathes as their eyes was with her.

Martin was her boyfriend for two years already and why the heck would he invite someone else for the senior's ball? Was the latter planning to dump her?

Aviona's face turned humiliated in a span of minutes and helplessly she marched out of the room to check whatever was going on in the main ground.