The Genius' First Love

338 The Murder

There was nothing more painful than hearing that your child had died without even knowing prior that he existed.

The news about the death of a newborn Lagdameo heir struck L Empire, hard. Probably harder than the failed takeover of L Empire's presidency. They were all caught off guard, with nothing to explain the media over it.

When Darryl ran away from the takeover, he ran straight to airport and took a direct flight way home. Xhemin's accident was made known to him, but he was not aware that she was carrying a child when the accident happened.

Manuel had ordered his men to capture him at the airport and subdue him. They brought him back to the Marble Mansion and lock him to contemplate on his mistakes. However, Darryl fought back for his freedom and there was a constant chaos on Manuel's household after that. Samuelle, Darryl's grandfather was forced to come home and intervene because the quandary gone lost out of control. Neither Manuel, not Darryl would back down.

However, few days after, a very alarming news flooded the mainstream media. The origin of the news was untraceable, but it bears the information of a poor little Lagdameo heir that died during the L Empire's pursuits in London.

L Empire elders of course was mad as they thought it was all nothing but bluff and another attempt to bring L Empire down just after the failed takeover but then when they had it investigated, their own men in the South confirmed that it was in fact another Lagdameo heir. The status of the child, either illegitimate or not wasn't made clear, the only thing that had been known was that he was the son of another Lagdameo heir—Darryl who was still locked up when the news broke.

Samuelle immediately ordered Darryl's release to mourn for his child and to avoid further chaos and controversies. Darryl flew to the South in an instant, with nothing but regrets for failing to protect his own child and his mother.

Darryl halted his car at the end of a bumpy road. Dian had informed him she and Xhemin were in the Loch cottage, a place that he was familiar off. He had no words to comfort his wife, but he was hoping, his presence was enough.

The Loch cottage was the same as he could remember, the only slight difference was that there were a couple of uniformed men hovering around, they were policemen. They all look at him when he emerged from the wood gate and someone approached him immediately.

"Sir no one is allowed in here—"

"Let him," A familiar voice cut of whatever the officer was to say. Darryl looked and saw Dian at the far end, looking at him with guilt in her eyes. With haste, Darryl approached his sister who ran to welcome him, and she cried, cried with fear, guilt, exhaustion and pain under his embrace.

"What's wrong?" Darryl asked, confused as to what was happening.

Dian tried to talk in between sobs "You came in too late; she's gone."

Darryl's head formed lines, refusing the process the words that his sister revealed.

"Dian what do you mean by that?" Darryl's inside was shaking while he put his two hands on Dian's shoulder, pressing it hard. "Tell me, where is she?"

Dian shook her head slowly as tears continually fell from her eyes, "I didn't think she would do it… Xhemin was just…. Oh Dee... I'm soo sorry…. Xhemin… Xhemin jump off the cliff… the officers said it would be impossible to recover her body… that part of the cliff is too dangerous and inaccessible…

"What are you talking about? What body Dian! What body are you talking about?"

"Xhemin's dead. She killed herself just this morning,"

With the words, a hard pang of pain crept to Darryl's heart.


Dr. Miles death rose above all the intriguing news that flooded the media. Feather HealthCare Corporation announced his death and made his funeral available to the public. They brought his body to the capital and he was mourned by everyone, all people of different age and gender who deeply adored him and loved him. He was a great loss in the elite's community more so on all the people whom he had help and touched.

His burial was a simple one, yet it was attended by numerous people that the government had to suspend classes and close some roads to make way for it. He was buried like a hero; volunteered men came to carry his casket and women and children cried for him.

Together with his death, Hampshire was also shocked when they were informed that Dr. Dugmoch was the famous Dr. Miles. They were all oblivious of the fact as Dr. Miles as they thought was an elite doctor and would never go on living as a simple doctor who owned a ranch. Most of the laborers felt ashamed of themselves as they paid him all nothing but pennies which a famous doctor liked him didn't deserved, but the late doctor happily accepted them all.

Nevertheless, they were so thankful for him for all the contributions he had with Hampshire specially for helping them built the Hampshire hospital, one of Dr. Dugmoch or Dr. Miles legacy. They felt thorough honored that the doctor chooses to live in Hampshire on his retirement and was all saddened with the fact that he was no longer coming back.

There were rumors about how he died, and all these rumors came quiet alarming to everyone, however, Feather HeathCare had yet to confirm the rumors so they all remained on the sidelines, waiting to be answered and today was the intended day for it—A day after everyone buried him.

Mr. Cheng stepped into the podium, looking utterly dumfounded about Dr. Miles death. He was the one who shall announce the reason of Dr. Miles death and the status of Feather HealthCare right then, now that the owner was gone. The media of course flock in front of him, preparing questions and clarifications they would throw him later, after whatever he had to say.

"Dr. Miles as we know had died but the reason for his death remained unconfirmed by now. I am here to announced that Dr. Miles did not die a natural death, he was… murdered,"