The Genius' First Love

316 Kneeled

"Let her go!" There was a small voice that called amid all the chaos but was strong enough to be heard. It was Baruk Tam, who was still catching his breath when entered the great hall's door. Seeing Xhemin kneeling in front of the throne, the boy immediately run to her.

"Baruk Tam, as a leader you should know this sin is unforgivable and deserves death! If you choose to be on her side, then you and the Somer lands hall suffer the same fate!" Someone warned the child who was clearly on Xhemin's side.

"As a Baruk, I am bound to protect my people and the Hero of Somer lands had entrusted the healer to me. I shall protect her in the way I see it right!" The child persisted. He was not aware that Xhemin and Maru went to the central village and as soon as he had heard the news and the commotion that happened, he rushed to follow them as soon as he could.

"But she had committed a grave unforgivable wrong that deserves death!" Elder Nan countered, very much insisting on Xhemin's death. She was one of the reasons why the previous two Highest Princess whose mother belonged to the Nan people were stripped out their status, and so they loathed her as much as those previous princess' does.

"She had done nothing wrong. Her demand was with basis and was bound to be respected by the Chieftain," Baruk Tam bravely answered.

"What are you talking about?" Elder Nan challenged the boy as if he was lying.

"I had witnesses to attest that the Chieftain had given the hero of Somer lands two promised requests. First, he had asked for marriage and the second promise was yet to be requested," Baruk Tam answered with clarity, carefully tying up his statement, "The healer had the right to demand that request in behalf of the absence of her husband,"

"But asking her freedom was—"

"As the Chieftain of this island, you are bound by your own words like it was a rule" Baruk Tam kneeled beside Xhemin to plea, "I asked that you honor such request my Chieftain,"

Everyone quieted when they heard Baruk Tam's plea. He was right, a wife deserves all the privileges that her husband had, especially in his absence. On the other side, promises from the Chieftain holds higher power than some of the tribe's rules. With what Baruk Tam had revealed, most of the leaders adored the boy again for his brilliance and some had sighed a great relief when they heard the healer has a chance.

The Chieftain looked at Baruk Tam with so much adoration then looked up above to thank the Highest God for sparing another life that meant so much for him. Bitterly he smiled at the two person who was kneeling down his throne.

"I shall honor such promise and let the healer go," The chieftain was hurt by his own words, but he was grateful somehow that the hurt was not because of Xhemin's death but his departure. For the second time, he had to send a child away "But I hope wherever you go, you can still look back and remember you are a princess in this island. This is your home and your bound to here no matter what,"

"Thank you," Xhemin was all in tears. "I shall always remember your kindness wherever I go,"


Everything was grey and foggy as how Ziggy's emotions had been. It had rained for quiet sometime before the sky kept still and allowed Huzey's funeral to go on. Only few people where there to join them in their grief and most was composed of the servants and laborers of the Montarini's and the Dugmoch's.

Senior Hans himself wasn't there, as he refused to accept Huzey's death and wanted not to have a memory of him burying his own grandson as to keep Huzey's memory alive in his heart. Only Dr. Miles and Ziggy was there to manage the funeral and choose not to give the media details about it to keep it private.

After the service, everyone stood at the open grave where a stained cherry coffin lies. Inside, a masked dead Huzey rested. It was his wish for everyone to remember him with his once undamaged face and so they kept a mask around his face to hide it from everyone's scrutiny.

Ziggy stared blankly at his best friend's coffin, waiting for a miracle to happen and that Huzey would rise gain and comeback to the world, come back to them. But nothing happened, Huzey was gone and they all had to bid him farewell right then no matter how unprepared their hearts were.

As Huzey's coffin was lowered down the grave, Ziggy could hear the cries of the maidservants at his back. He struggled to hold back his grief and right then tears fell down his immobile face and he sobbed, bruised inside. Dr. Miles tapped his shoulder trying to comfort him, but the pain was too fresh and deep that Ziggy could not think anything but the howling pain that tore through his body.

When the service was finished, everything fell empty and quiet. The only thing that can be heard in the cemetery where the humming birds seemingly offering a goodbye hymn for the prince.

"Let's leave," Dr. Miles whispered at Ziggy when nothing left was to be done and a fresh new grave was added in the cemetery. The people behind them started to disperse after saying their goodbyes and condolences.

"I'll stay for a while," Ziggy refused to go. Doctor Miles only held a deep sighed and allowed him to stay as he thought the boy needed some time alone to tend to his own grief.

Soon, everyone was gone, and Ziggy was left standing at Huzey's grave, staring blankly at it wondering how his best friend end right there.

The sky that was previously covered by dark clouds cleared up and the sun shone brightly up ahead shining offensively bright and cheerful while Ziggy was feeling cold and broken under it. Burying Huzey was probably one of the hardest things he had to go through, harder and more painful than his father disowning him.


Now, he was nothing and with no one.

Without a name, a research and without a best friend.

He wondered right then if perhaps he can still get through all of this.

Ziggy stood for a long time alone until a thorough cry disturbed his solitude. He turned to where the cry was and saw Xhemin with puffed red eyes and big belly bump standing few meters away from him.