The Genius' First Love

303 Black

Ziggy was doing his rounds when someone called for his attention. Things had not been going well for him for the last three months and until now he had not received his license as a doctor. Despite such, he continued assisting Dr. Miles, learning from him and giving the old doctor some company.

His research about the stems cells too were running slow this time. He had done his best, but such research was pretty huge it would not go easy even for the smartest Montreal child. Aside from that, there were some outside pressures that was bothering him.

Ziggy took a turn at the entrance of the hospital when he noticed that some commotion took place. People were gathering around at the sidelines as if they had seen a celebrity. One thorough look and he gasped out of disbelief when he saw Darryl going into his direction.

"F*ck! I'm not seeing a ghost, right?" He welcomed him with a weird look. He saw that he was carrying two flowers with him but didn't expect it was the Acamilla Apparaus.

When Darryl went missing, he made it on the news daily, so people recognized him better than before. When he appeared in the Hampshire hospital wearing a traditional Manggan Tribe clothing, of course people went in hysteria. They were not brave enough to approach him, but they gaped open in shock at the sidelines while watching him approach Ziggy.

"I'm not dead," Darryl said and handed him two pots of the healing plant. Xhemin took three pots from the Devil's lure but decided to keep one and send the other two to Ziggy. "Don't tell me you believed the news?"

"I almost," Ziggy confessed as his mind was still recovering from shock. He had seen the news of course but he was kind of doubtful of the story that Darryl was given entrance to the par line and thought he must have gone somewhere. Even when he treated Baruk Tam, he still had reservations as he thought the boy, although mature was not powerful enough to consent the Lagdameo heir's entrance. "Where the heck have you been? Did you really cross the par line?"

"I went to see her, and I did," Darryl told him and everything that Ziggy was about to say was gone in an instant. His expression changed and turned emotional, but he kept a straight face.

Darryl saw it and knew he will not easily believe him, so he handed him the pots and so Xhemin's letters.

"What's this?" Ziggy asked trying to decide whether to believe him or not.

"That is from her. The letters will tell you what plants these are," He answered referring to the healing plant. "Check the handwriting if you don't believe me. I'm sure you are very familiar with her handwriting,"

Ziggy couldn't say a word. He had never heard of her for almost three years, so his feelings got mixed up and he tensed. He immediately checked the handwriting on the folded letters and saw Xhemin's handwriting. His tears fell but he pressed the tears back into his eyes with his two fingers, trying to look as if he was pressing his nose' bridge where in fact it was his tears he wanted to hide. He put the pots temporarily on the floor as he decided to read her letters but after a second, he changed his mind.

"How was she?" His voice cracked up when he asked. He chose not to read the letter right then as he doesn't want to break down in front of the Lagdameo heir "Was she eating well?"

"She's fine Ziggorioh," Darryl answered. "I would be lying if I tell that she's happy out there, but I assure you she's well taken care of"

"I see," Ziggy could not find anymore words to say as his longing for the Little Miss got intense with the news Darryl brought. It took time for him to recover and asked a good question "What took you so long? There was too much violence when you left,"

"The Chieftain asked me to finish the wedding season before leaving," Darryl truthfully answered as he thought there was no point on lying to him. She was his wife's dear friend and he wanted to be as honest as he could.

"Wedding season?" Ziggy asked when the words caught his attention well.

"I married her," Darryl said straight to his face and Ziggy's veins burst out chaotically with the revelation. The words that Darryl let go stroke out one big lash of anger into his neck that Ziggy ended up throwing a punch at his face. It was a big punch and Darryl's nose bleed in one hit.

"How could you!" Ziggy was so mad that he was losing control. Xhemin was their baby, the only girl on their house and they had taken of her with outmost care only to be ravished early by the Lagdameo coach. "She is just a girl…she's only—"

"She's nineteen Ziggy" Darryl tried not to lose his cool even when his nose was already bleeding "She had grown into fine woman now and it would better for her to marry me than marry someone we don't know in the island. Even if she had not married me, they will marry her off to someone else. I would not allow that"

"So, you took the opportunity!" Ziggy lashed out. He had always considered Xhemin as his lil' thug, his baby girl and so he was having hard time accepting the fact that she had married early. He thought Xhemin was still so young and that she had a bright future ahead of her, ruined only by Darryl's beastly desires "And if one day she's gonna come back here you had already stripped off her future by making her a married woman!"

"You know within yourself that is not true!" Darryl's defended. He understood Ziggy's anger as he and Huzey had always been over protective of her. Despite Ziggy's childish behavior, Darryl knew that he valued Xhemin more than any other girls he knew.

"She's too young Darryl! You F*cking pervert! "Ziggy continued, determined to give Darryl another hit.

Everyone saw the chaos that took place but since it was between two prominent heirs no one intervened not until a parade of black cars halted at the hospital entrance and men in black came in. Without any words, they grabbed Darryl while he was arguing with Ziggy. Darryl was caught off guard and Ziggy was surprised that it took him a little while to realize that the Lagdameo heir was being dragged away without consent.

"Hey, let go of me!" Darryl tried to protest and fought back but the men were too many to mention and his chances of escaping from them didn't even reach point one percent.

"Darryl!" Ziggy tried to help and followed them, but the other men in back blocked him off while they dragged Darryl into the car and left as fast as they could.