The Genius' First Love

300 Morning Breeze

The day that Darryl was to leave, he stayed longer in bed that his usual routine. Xhemin was sound asleep next to him and he dared not to wake her up as he had kept her up all night, exhausting her deeply in their passionate lovemaking. Instead, he stared at her beautiful face, trying to memorize every inch of her. If only he could stay in her arms forever but there were things that needed to be done and for that he had to go.

"Morning," Xhemin whispered to him when she woke up, trying to stretch as far as she could. Her body was aching, and she was sore, but the pain didn't bother her, instead it gave her a sense of satisfaction. Seeing Darryl gazing at her made her smile and she snuggled close to him. Darryl kissed her hair as a response.

"Should we go and make breakfast?" Xhemin asked while feeling the warmth of his nakedness and lavished herself with his natural smell. She knew he was going away and so she wanted to get as much of his warmth before he's gone.

"Are you hungry?" Darryl asked her.

"Not entirely" She said truthfully and added "I want to stay here with you for a while,"

"Alright," Darryl replied, pleased with the option his wife chose to and went to press her deeper into his and planted small kisses on her temple down to her ears.

When he arrived from the central village days ago, he told her how the Chieftain wanted to finish the bridge and for that he needed to go back into the mainland for a while. Of course, Xhemin wasn't all pleased with what she has heard as she was afraid that once he leaves again, he might not be able to comeback, leaving her to tender her loneliness all by herself. She even wanted to come with him, if only she had a choice. But for a person to stay and leave in the island was to be determined by the Chieftain, and the latter clearly did not mention to let her go.

There was a part of her that was somehow jealous with the fact Darryl was given a chance to go back while she was left stuck in the Pearl Haven. However, she came here willingly knowing the consequences and she had clearly no right to demand.

"Still sleepy?" Darryl's question dragged her back to the present, where her husband little kisses were becoming more passionate. He must have noticed that her mind was somewhere else.

"Nope...not anymore" She said and met his kisses with her lips. With the urgency of his kisses, she knew Darryl wanted to own her again and she made no protest with the fact. She let him have her twice that morning. The first one they made on bed while the other was after that, when Darryl joined her while she was taking her bath.


"I'll come back after a week," Darryl turned to kiss her goodbye. They were at the sea shore right now, loading the boat with the help of the some Guntas and Baruk Tam who will be accompanying Darryl up to the par line. "Wait for me here,"

"Don't worry princess, I'll let Maru come and accompany you for a while brother Dee is not here," The little boy promised her. Since Darryl was to go away, he had made himself responsible for his brother's wife.

"Thank you, Baruk Tam," Xhemin expressed her gratitude. The boy then went to the boat first as he wanted to give the couple some space to talk before they leave.

"Remember to eat on time," Darryl told her, putting back on place some of her hairs that was messed up by the sea wind.

"I know," Xhemin replied with a timid smile. She didn't understand why, but Darryl's leaving turned her a bit emotional, but she swallowed the feeling as she did not want to worry him. Holding up her tears she added "Tell my grandfather I'm happy here and that he need not to worry as Aki Owens was here and that I gained the Chieftain's favor"

"I'm sure you already mention that on your letters," Darryl was there when she singlehandedly wrote letters to almost everyone in her household in the mainland particularly for her grandfather and the two boys "But I'll repeat it to him for confirmation in case he'll doubt what you wrote"

"Thank you," She replied and turned to look at the Acamilla Apparaus that she entrusted to him. She thought since Darryl was leaving, he'll have him bring the healing flowers, so she needed not to wait for the next voyage of the Baruks to the mainland "Make sure you give them personally to Ziggy and his letter too was very important as I—

"You wrote instructions for him about the plant," Darryl continued her words. She had repeated this to him a couple of times already for the nth time and so he knew. "I got it milady. No need to worry. I promised to deliver it to the Montreal youngest sire with greatest care and importance"

"It means so much to me," Xhemin swallowed another cry. Her tears were rounding in her eyes already but she didn't wanted Darryl to see it so she ran to embrace him tight, hiding her face to his chest and wiped her tears even before his husband would realize she shed one "Take care…"

"I'm missing you already"

"Me too," She answered gently to him.

"Do you want to me bring you something from the mainland?" He asked to cheer her up a little.

"I've got everything I need here. Just make sure you come back safe" Xhemin said sincerely that melted Darryl's heart.

Even though he did not seek her own consent to their marriage, Xhemin did not once made him feel that he married him out of her obligation as the adopted princess of the Chieftain. She had surrendered herself completely to him willingly, both body and soul and Darryl was very grateful with that.

She was his wife and even with their temporary parting, he will forever bring a part of her with him, so was she.

When it was time, Darryl hopped into their boat and left without looking as he could not take the view of Xhemin slowly fading away. He feared that if he looked back, he might not have enough strength to leave her for once.

Xhemin on the other hand bravely followed her husband's boat as it went, not wanting to waste an opportunity to look at the last of Darryl's silhouette as their boat fade into the sea.