The General's Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 538

Mian Mian walked slowly to his room.

She seemed to have no calmness, and she even spoke so eloquently to provoke him.

Naturally, Zhan Muqian was almost angry with her.

But Mian Mian just closed the door and rubbed her chest against the door.

She was really nervous, especially angry with him.

It's really cool to be addicted to the mouth, but it's not good to be afraid after the end of the addiction.

It's good that she's fast


When Mian Mian is out of breath.

There was another knock at the door.

Mian Mian shuddered suddenly, instinctively reaching down to lock the door.

There was a loud click on the lock.

Not only could she hear it, but the man outside could hear it clearly.

The air is quiet.

This scene It's a bit awkward.

Mian Mian held her breath and said nothing.

Zhan Muqian stood outside the door for a long time and said, "Mianmian, would you like to open the door? Let's talk."

Mian Mian doesn't want to open the door or speak, so it's better to spend it with him.

It seems that he came back specially for lunch with her.

If she had known Zhan Muqian would come back, she would not have gone downstairs to have a meal. It would have been bad for Aunt Qiao to deliver the meal to the building.

The man outside the door is persistent.

"It won't do anything to you. Just have a chat. Would you like to open the door?"

Cotton cotton heart under hesitation.

She couldn't help being afraid to shut him out and knock on the door all the time.

It's better to open the door and let him finish.

Anyway, there is nothing to say between them.

Mian Mian opens the door angrily, in the same tone as when she was in the restaurant just now.

"Well, the war chief asked me for something. Why didn't he just say it downstairs? I can't afford to let you knock on my door in person."

Zhan Muqian's face was dark, and his tone was a little anxious. "Mianmian, can you not talk to me in such a gloomy way?"

Cotton turned a white eye and ignored.

The man looks really helpless to the extreme.

She was clearly still angry, and there was no sign of it abating.

His patience is losing little by little.

But this little thing, delicate and soft, pretends to be docile and clever, and doesn't get angry with him. He doesn't even have a breakthrough.

He didn't dare to hit her. He couldn't even talk.

Mian Mian is a little impatient. "Do you have anything important? If you are OK, I will take a nap."

Zhan Muqian's eyes are dark and helpless.

He almost coaxed her in a low voice, "Mianmian Mian, don't put gas with me. It was me that night. It was my mood. I won't do that to you in the future. This should be turned over, OK?"

"No more to me?" Mian Mian looked at him with a smile and rarely had a good temper. "The war chief said that he would not force himself into me again? Turn the page? It's OK. Then you let me find someone to explode your chrysanthemum once. When it's even, OK? "


At last, the war chief was so angry that her head was smoking.

Mian Mian saw that his face was dark, and he also closed the door without expression.


Men are cheap!

When he acted as a murderer, he didn't care, and didn't understand that she was a girl who had just broken down.

Although his behavior is not violent to her, it is similar to * * her.