The Gap Between You and Me

Chapter 42


Shawn’s snake-like eyes seemed to say.

Herietta’s breath hitched as her chest tightened. No matter how indifferent she was to the world, she knew at least that Shawn’s threats weren’t just bluffs. She was glad she was wearing a long dress. Otherwise, she would have almost shown this man her trembling legs.

“No way… Are you going to report this to the king…?”

Her voice cracked as she spoke because her mouth suddenly felt dry. Shawn, on the other hand, slowly folded his arms.

“Well, that’s up to you.”

At his words, Herietta gulped. Her heart was pounding.

“Sir Shawn. Please. Please, please, don’t tell anyone about this.”

“Oh my, so when you noticed you were cornered, your attitude shifted quickly, huh?”

Shawn smirked sarcastically, but Herietta didn’t care. Before he left this mansion, she had to somehow win a promise never to break the secret. She took one step closer to him.

“Sir Shawn, please help me just this one time. Just pretend you don’t know and close your eyes. It’s not that difficult from your point of view.”

“Well, you still can’t go unscathed.”

“Then what shall I do? Shall I kneel before you?”

“If you’ll kneel…”

Shawn snorted at Herietta’s question and then bit the inside of his mouth. His eyes seemed to be contemplating something. Soon, a light appeared on his face as if a good idea had come to his mind.

“If someone were to get down their knees, it shouldn’t be you.”

Shawn paused for a moment, then turned his head to see Edwin standing in front of him. His eyes gleamed with the same cruelty as that of a predator.

“If you kneel in front of me like a dog and beg, I might just consider it.”

The downfall of Edwin, who was known for being so proud and noble, drew the attention of many. It was human psychology and the desire to want to break something that could not be broken at least once. Shawn was no different from the others.

“Well? Can’t you?”

When no answer came, Shawn asked as he narrowed his eyes.

“Sir Shawn, I’ll do it. I will do it.”

Herietta, restless as she watched the two of them, was about to kneel in front of Shawn.

But Edwin, who had been quietly standing like a stone, bent down slowly, and then fell to his knees. He was like a mountain that slowly collapsed after standing firmly for a long time. He leaned his upper body and placed his hands on the floor as he bowed his head to Shawn.

“Please, Sir Shawn.”

Edwin said.

“Please do as Miss Herietta asks.”

Even though he knew Shawn wanted to humiliate him, Edwin silently complied with his request.

He had no hesitation. He had no cowardice. Even though he was lying face down in front of others and bowing his head, his appearance was to the point of being proud in some way. Shawn looked at him and smiled briefly.


Shawn ordered.

“Bow lower.”

Edwin bowed his head further and lower as he asked. It was around the time his forehead was about to touch the floor that Shawn leaned over him and grabbed the back of his head with one hand.

Thud. Shaun relentlessly pushed Edwin’s head down. Edwin’s smooth forehead slammed into the floor roughly. A low-pitched moan that seemed to suppress the pain came out of Edwin. They couldn’t see his face, but it must have been very painful.

Herietta, who witnessed the scene, screamed in surprise. She hurriedly tried to get Shawn’s hand off Edwin’s head, but she couldn’t.

Shawn smirked and muttered,

“At least this much should be enough for me to be satisfied, right?”


“The people who praised you for being so precious should see you like this.”

Various emotions flashed through Shawn’s eyes as he looked at Edwin. He felt regret at some point, but the feeling of satisfaction was greater than that.

After a moment, he lowered his head and whispered into Edwin’s ear,

“Remember that. Now you know where you are.”

* * *

After Shawn left, there was a heavy silence in the room. Herrietta was sitting on the floor, sitting tightly and burying her face between her knees. Her shoulders shook slightly. She was sobbing, and an occasional sniffle was heard.

“Miss Herietta.”

Edwin approached Herietta and cautiously called out her name.

“Miss Herietta, Please raise your head.”


“Miss Herietta. please…”

An earnest request that was close to begging followed. Herietta had no choice but to slowly raise her head. Edwin saw her face and clenched his molars tightly. It was because her face, which was flushed from crying, appeared sad to him.

Herietta’s eyes looked over Edwin. His face was reflected in her wet eyes. A red, swollen forehead and a face with messy hair. His lips were covered in blood and his clothes were torn at random. It was different from his usual appearance, which he kept as neat as possible even though he was a slave.

It felt like there was a big hole in the middle of her chest. The tears that she had been holding back fell again. Edwin’s expression softened a little when he saw that. Herietta hurriedly covered her face with her hands.

“Sorry. Edwin. I’m really sorry.”

Herietta apologized.

“All of this is my fault. The fact that you came here, that you went to the banquet hall, and that you were discovered by that man. It’s all my fault.”


“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry that I don’t have enough strength to properly fight him. I’m sorry that you suffer such humiliation before my eyes.”

“Miss Herietta.”

Edwin quietly called Herrietta who was out of breath.

“It’s not your fault. don’t you remember? It was by my will, not your wish, that I have followed you this far.”

It was a very soft and friendly voice as if he was trying to comfort a frightened child.

Edwin wanted to embrace Herietta who looked as precarious as a candle in front of a typhoon. To hug her, to protect her. He wanted to reassure her that everything would be fine. However,

‘Remember that. Now you know where you are.’

Shawn’s whispers which poured out like curse words still lingered in his ears. Edwin hesitated for a moment, and instead of hugging Herietta, he dropped his hand.

“I’m fine.”

Edwin’s hand gently touched the edge of Herietta’s skirt, which was spread across the floor. He gripped it tightly.

“If only I could stay by your side.”

If it were possible.

“I would be happy to do more than this.”

It was a realization that even Edwin himself had not been aware of until it came out of his mouth.
